D3 - Please delay the new season & take time to implement changes that are long overdue.

Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
edited February 2018 in MPQ General Discussion
I am going to keep this extremely basic & non-bashing/ negative. These are my ideas and I do feel most of this reasoning is agreeable by a big bulk of the playerbase.

Upon seeing the announcement of a new season with zero quality of life improvements or character rebalances I was really bummed out. Another season of the same old stuff just feels extremely stale to me. Every new off-season I know many of us are hoping for a major overhaul to rewards, game modes & character improvements. Yet we just aren’t getting the upgrades I feel we deserve. Here are a few in no particular order and I would love to hear some additional ideas on why we need to see season mode revamped and buffed.

* PVP: more variety in PVP, improved MMR ( please fix MMR ) and I believe 4* pvps should become the norm soon replacing 3* pvps. Progression rewards added in from 900-1200 to fill in that big gap would be much appreciated.  More CP would be welcome along with an additional 4* cover or a few tokens. SCL 10 please.

* PVE: Tapping is extremely unhealthy and bad for the game. This needs to be addressed and switching over to a more progression heavy approach seems to be a popular idea. New enemies, fresh story modes and I think we all would like more boss events. SCL 10 as well. Gauntlets I think are really awesome but need way better rewards to become more enticing. Would be cool to see a season tie-in to pve in some way.

* Character buffs/ rebalances/5* feeders: I know almost everyone unanimously wants more 5* feeders announced as well as significant buffs to many weaker, outdated 4* and 5*. This is something we all typically enjoy. Whether you are on the “ nerf gambit” train or not he definitely needs to be addressed properly by D3. Whether that’s a nerf, buffs to the existing 5* tier or an explanation as to why he is the way he is.

Finally, Season mode. The whole season mode needs some long awaited overhauling. The reward structure and the regurgitated/recycled mode of seasons has barely changed over the years. We deserve better rewards for progression and placement , better variety of modes and PvP types etc. The formula just feels extremely outdated.

i know I missed a ton like shield training, 5* rates and dupes, customer service issues etc. Although they aren’t directly linked to season mode I think it’s all relevant. D3 needs to start listening to the playerbase more, I see so many great ideas on these forums never implemented.

please discuss any ideas you may have that you want to see in seasons.



  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards

    "No character reworks this season" doesn't mean "no Changes whatsoever to the game for the rest of the month".

    I mean, I would like to see things changed around a bit too, but obviously the devs have been busy working on the brand new event that started today. Doesn't mean other Changes aren't coming later though...

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    Please don't delay the new season, as I like getting rewards.
  • Noobulator
    Noobulator Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    Keep season as is, those of us with Gambit look forward to easy rank and joyful pew pewing. 
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    I don't think they can ever take away 3* PVP. Maybe they could make SCL 1-6 3* PVP and SCL 7-9 4* PVP and run them simultaneously where you can only enter one or the other. They would have to lower the restrictions for high rosters so they would be able to enter SCL 6, just so they could play 3* PVP if they wanted. 

    Seems like a fair trade off to me.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,104 Chairperson of the Boards
    You want ALL of that before the next season? So the next season starts 2019 then.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    Upon seeing the announcement of a new season with zero quality of life improvements or character rebalances I was really bummed out.
     I know almost everyone unanimously wants more 5* feeders announced 

    They have NEVER announced updates to 4* champ rewards to give 5* covers as part of the season update. Meaning that having no character changes in the season updates does NOT mean "no 4* champ updates." So far they have been very consistent about when they update 4* rewards and it is not something that needs to drastically change (yet).
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    They can develop away while seasons run. Not like they code on the same instance that we play on.

    Yes, it is pretty ho hum for the old timers.

    4* PvPs running alongside the 3* events, with different entry requirements and reward schemes, would be a great bone to throw at vets. Has to make financial sense for D3/Demi tho. Paygate the events? Would richer rewards result in hotter competition, selling more heals, boosts, and shields?  Maybe. More richer get richer, sure, but that's the nature of the beast.

    As for replacing the 3* pvps, no. That would stiff the majority of the playerbase.
    What I think would be really interesting is to have it vary by SCL.  So SCL 1-3 have a PvP system that requires a 2* character.  SCL 4-6 have the 3* PvP we have today.  SCL 7-9 have 4* PvP.  SCL 10 when it launches have 5* required PvP.  That would be a pretty big technical change though so it might not happen.

    What I don't want to have is 4* and 3* PvP running concurrently such that if you're not hitting 1200 in 2 concurrent PvP events you're falling behind.  That would be a nightmare.  At the very least entering 4* should lock out out of the 3* or vice versa.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think for seasons the devs have tabled PVP since the win based system was pulled back.  Too many high scoring players and high paying players complained.  The reward system for progression and placement are much better in terms of  PVE than PVP.  The season rewards have really not changed since they have been introduced.
    the big things need to be addressed is 
    #1 gambit.  I have a championed Gambit and the fact is gambit is really required to beat gambit in PVP because of his AP generation and his AP destruction and anytime a character dominates the much it is not healthy for the game.  I would personally make his black and active power that generates AP and places charge tiles for 5-6 AP.  It can also have a passive that does damage when a charge tile is matched by an enemy.  This would still keep him strong but you would not need to have a gambit to beat gambit.
    #2 increase the rewards in progression and placement for PVP and season.  Both of these are outdated and don’t encourage players to play at max CL.
    #3 add in more 4* PVP’s it does not need to be by CL it should just be one 4* PVP a week and two 3* PVP ‘s a week. (Keep it sweet and simple)
    #4 buff some older 5* and 4*.  I personally have 9 or 10 5* champed but typically only use 3-4 in PVE or PVP.  Some of these 5* got really squeezed out of being useful over a year ago and there has been little done about it.

    my finally note is that bright said one of the reasons for so little change is because of the new wakanda PVE and as much as I am excited about a new event I would have rather seen 1 or 2 changes even if it was only a buff to an older 4 or 5* character.  If you can’t only do 1 change you probably need to grow your team more.
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 728 Critical Contributor
    D3 needs to start listening to the playerbase more, I see so many great ideas on these forums never implemented

    I distilled it down. 

    This is really the main issue here.  I don't think anyone is going to argue that there seems to be loads of good ideas floating around.  The frustration felt by the OP is felt by many, especially when certain ideas probably require minimal effort: 3*> 4* feeder updates, 4* > 5* feeders, a few more 4* PVP, some tweak to rewards at various levels... With those we're not asking for anything too crazy.

    Sure other things are high on the list too, but recently feels like the pace of change has really slowed and the game is stalled.

  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2018
    - We all want more rewards, but they're not just going to give more 4* covers and more CP and more everything, because we want it.  Still got to have you chasing that carrot.  Plus they don't need to take a season off to update rewards.  Seems it would be pretty easy to implement a change if they wanted to.

    - We don't know that more 4* feeders won't be announced this season.

    - While 4* PVPs may be great for YOU (and even me), screwing over the majority of the playerbase is not a good look.

    - Now this is anecdotal I admit, but I don't think tapping is as widespread as people think it is.  And to me if someone is willing to sacrifice their life for some covers they will likely get eventually more power to them.  To me it's at least an equalizer or way for those without developed rosters to get in on the goods too.  So it's not just the rich getting richer.

    - Um... we literally just got a new story event...

    - I agree with you about wanting more buffs.  I would rather they work to balance the characters we have than to release more and more, but the latter is how they make their money.

    - I agree that season could be revamped and it is likely something they are working on, as they shifted to and from wins-based, that shows me they too are not happy with PVP.  How long that takes to implement I don't know.  It's likely going to take longer than a month (a season off) though.  They probably don't want a repeat of wins-based which felt rushed.

    We deserve better rewards for progression and placement , better variety of modes and PvP types etc.

    - Personal pet peeve of mine.  I hate when people say "I deserve..." or "we deserve".  Sounds so entitled.  The game is the game.  If they choose to make improvements, that's on them and I'll appreciate it (more Iso please!!).  But they owe you (and me) nothing.

    - Yes you missed a ton, but the biggest thing you missed is that if they take a season off, what exactly are we going to play?  Just PVE?  Does half the game shut down for 30 days (or however long the delay)?  What about their revenue stream?  Or the players who rely on that iso?  Finally, how much work do you think goes into running the same tired events over and over again.  I promise you there's not as much (maybe any?) development that goes into running content that has already been created.  They decide the PVP event order and the prizes and the rest is basically plug and play.  Taking the season off or delaying the season or whatever is just not a smart idea and luckily something they would never seriously do.  Like with every great change in this game (Bonus Heroes, DDQ, Champ system, new boss events, re-balances, SCL scaling, etc.) they have done all this WHILE running season just fine.

  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    If you have any belief they’re listening, I have this amazing structure that spans a river located in Brooklyn for sale at rock bottom prices.  PM for details ;)

    Just to pick one item out of the laundry list, pve tapping for example is approaching a year since being acknowledged by our community manager speaking on behalf of the developers that they believed it unhealthy/not desired way to play and was being “reviewed”.  A year.  365 days.  Literally no movement on this other than it’s become even more rampant.  The changes that are yet to come are whatever they’re going to decide and have precious little do with what we want or suggest.
  • Pessi
    Pessi Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    5 stars from 4 star champ levels looks to be announced around the 15th of the month, so we still might get that.. 
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    You've been here a long time,  long enough to know better than make this request. 
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm on board with the requests, but why delay the season? It's not like the developers are diligently working on the upcoming season. This stuff is just on a timer. I doubt they even have to hit the ENTER key.
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    DAZ0273 said:
    You want ALL of that before the next season? So the next season starts 2019 then.

    More like 2099!
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    DAZ0273 said:
    You want ALL of that before the next season? So the next season starts 2019 then.

    More like 2099!
    I see what you did there. 
  • ABaker84
    ABaker84 Posts: 90 Match Maker
    edited February 2018
    I disagree with the OP

    //Removed Comments Mocking Other Player -Brigby
  • CharlieCroker
    CharlieCroker Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    edited February 2018
    I disagree with the OP

    //Removed Comments Mocking Other Player -Brigby
    You could have just added a "dis" to your first sentence instead of typing another four paragraphs of nonsense.

    I don't agree with the OP on everything, but the lack of changes is underwhelming.  With that said I wouldn't have really expected to see anything on either the nerf Gambit or 5* feeder side of things until Ghostrider enters packs on Monday.

    But on two points I do agree - adding a couple of 4* PVP's each season, in addition to any release events which for the majority of players is a loaner event, would be nice.  

    And PVE tapping is an annoyance which contrary to the anecdote from @Daredevil217 is a case of the rich getting richer - some of the biggest tappers (several hours per event) are players with extremely strong and deep 5* rosters.  But more importantly the developers owe a duty of care to these players who may be sacrificing real life health/relationships for an extra cover or token in a match-3 mobile game.  It's bad enough that to compete for top rewards PVE players need to play to a set schedule every day of nearly every event.
  • ursopro
    ursopro Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    broll said:

    That gif always gets me