I would NOT re-cycle / farm my 3*s if...:

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just Dropped In
edited January 2018 in MPQ General Discussion
Just for curiosity.

I would NOT re-cycle / farm my 3*s if...: 142 votes

...If a fully champed 3* was forever boosted
CosmicWolfcgrubb80 2 votes
...If it was impossible to own more roster slots than rostered characters
PolarPopBearLifeofAgony 2 votes
...if we could keep adding covers to a fully champed 3* for rewards (but no level-increase)
PorkBellyStarfuryMattR42YasuruHadronicNellysonbuddy2034moss04MagicXandrosJoritfrachrxidragonxiTrerasBlindman13aesthetocystoptimus2861Nick441234halirinOrionKannan 57 votes
...if it was impossible to receive XP / champion rewards for the same character twice / infinite times
EddiemonDemoliraCoppsDragon_NexusKolenceRemoDestroyerBowgentlekillercoolxKOBALTxrbdragonatomzedTaganovawarnicadr tinykittyloveNajboljisirwookieechrisNabistayRiguezswordfishdataHendross 55 votes
...if the sell-back price for a fully champed 3* was decreased / cut in half
grunth13CarnifexxDaichesKjeldbjergQubortnwahs086Crnch73Brigadierbleubob554Team_JacobSpace Dwarfmadoctorgmtosca 13 votes
...if a fully champed 3* could be "breached" so that he / she could have 5 / 5 / 5 cover spread
OldManWolvs 1 vote
This poll is not for me as I don't re-cycle 3*s nor do I plan to
DormammuzonatahuntCarnage_78ZootSaxTrilateralusudonomefooPunisher5784MarvelDestinyDieMyDarling[Deleted User]1EvilManJuanAV2141 12 votes


  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    ...if it was impossible to receive XP / champion rewards for the same character twice / infinite times
    Only answer that makes sense.
    Champ rewards are the only reason to cycle chars.
  • ...if it was impossible to receive XP / champion rewards for the same character twice / infinite times
    Champ rewards are the only reason to cycle 3*
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    ...if we could keep adding covers to a fully champed 3* for rewards (but no level-increase)

    A 3* cover sold is worth 500 iso.

    A 3* cover used as a champ reward is worth just as much iso (3* cycling is iso neutral), but also 10 hp, 0.5 cp, 0.05 LT and 0.03 4* covers.

    It's pretty simple math for me. And by the time your 3* reach lvl 266 you should have enough 4* champed so you no longer need maxchamped 3*.

  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    ...if it was impossible to receive XP / champion rewards for the same character twice / infinite times
    As noted the obvious choice.

    I'm currently trying to start a 3* farm without selling my 266s while finishing off 4*s and joining into 5*s.  I'm stretched a little thin by it, we'll see how long till I give up and start selling the 266s lol.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    ...if we could keep adding covers to a fully champed 3* for rewards (but no level-increase)
    I have sold 4 or 5 max championed 3* when I've opened the hoard recently. Other than such case I have no intention of selling them for the time being. I have no shortage of HP and the iso is not enough to justify PvP with a 180 lvl vs 266 lvl toon. I roster all 3* duplicates as soon as the main one hits 261. So far it's working fine for me.

    I would not roster dupes if the allow to get champion rewards without lvl increase. That means another 3 4* covers, CP, LT, etc. However that would mean that the extra ISO boost is not available should I get another hoard.

    Long story short - I don't see a 3* farming (if you even call it that way when you don't spend real money on tokens) as an issue in the game.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    ...if we could keep adding covers to a fully champed 3* for rewards (but no level-increase)
    I'm almost there - I think Panther is level 260 now - and I honestly dread the thought of farming all the 3* over again. That's a freaking lot of covers and ISO and slots..
  • dadows
    dadows Posts: 59 Match Maker
    ...if it was impossible to receive XP / champion rewards for the same character twice / infinite times
    All of the above except maybe the sellback rate being halved.
  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    ...if it was impossible to receive XP / champion rewards for the same character twice / infinite times
    mexus said:
    Bowgentle said:
    Only answer that makes sense.
    Champ rewards are the only reason to cycle chars.
    For me, I think that farming is just plain boring and I don't do it. I tried it with my 2*s but the project failed over and over again. And I still blasted through the 3* and 4* stages of the game: I see farming as irrelevant for progression. I know I'm wrong but this is my experience.
    If I was a farmer I'd probably keep my characters at top level if they got the forever boost (at least that's relevant when you're playing in the 4* phase since a boosted 3* can really bring something along for the team). To farm a 3* without the motivation to sell him would be too much of a ISO loss.
    I keep my 144s, 266s, and 370s until I have 2 of them and then sell one.  The rewards make up for the very slight reduction in ISO.  Going through a hoard when you have absolutely zero covers wasted is a glorious thing.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    ...if we could keep adding covers to a fully champed 3* for rewards (but no level-increase)
    It's nice having the maxchamps around.  Low champ or undercovered 3* are Panthos bait in PvP.  Maxchamps buy a little extra time between shields.

    It's not worth sacrificing the champ rewards, though, as they're a huge boon to both 4 and 5* progression.  If I could recycle the champ rewards ad infinitum, I wouldn't bother selling the maxchamp.

    As long as I didn't have a pressing need for the Iso, that is.  There's no downside to keeping them now other than bloating the roster with extra unnecessary slots.
  • Huntah86
    Huntah86 Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    I've had a 2* farm for a while now but have been putting off the 3* farm foolishly.  Thanks to the 800 HP for a roster spot sale I finally took the dive.  I already rechamped Dr. Doom and have another 10 or so 3* restarted.  3* fall from the sky like rain nowadays so it was only a matter of time.  I have all every 3* already champed along with about 15 maxed champs and all 4* except MEH, Nico,Howard and America champed and I haven't dared venture into 5* land just yet so I have an ISO overflow with nothing to spend it on anyways.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    ...If it was impossible to own more roster slots than rostered characters
    I’m guessing this answer means you would be unable to build dupes.  I recycled 3s for a while but in the last year decided to build dupes once I became iso positive.  
  • Reecoh
    Reecoh Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    ...if it was impossible to receive XP / champion rewards for the same character twice / infinite times
    I have maxed & re-rostered 1 3* so far, and I have few more close to max level.

    I don't plan to sell any of the maxed ones and am currently thinking I will only re-roster the 3*s that I get from the 2* feeders - at least initially - to keep things from getting out of hand.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    ...if it was impossible to receive XP / champion rewards for the same character twice / infinite times
    I generally sell the max champ unless I feel they are fun or useful with my 4*s. For me the importance is champ rewards and sell back iso. The 100k iso on hand is nice, and when the time comes to champ them again the price is so cheap compared to 4*s that its no big deal.
    The 5/5/5 or forever boosted might be cool, but ultimately wouldn't change my mind.
    I've gotten 12 max champs. Only duped IM40, Deadpool and Kamala Khan so far. Rest I've sold as soon as I could replace them. Rechamped 3
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    broll said:
    As noted the obvious choice.

    I'm currently trying to start a 3* farm without selling my 266s while finishing off 4*s and joining into 5*s.  I'm stretched a little thin by it, we'll see how long till I give up and start selling the 266s lol.
    That's pretty much exactly where I'm at. So far I've maxed and rechamped Grocket, Cap, and IM40. Patch is close to max, and his dupe is fully covered. I tried holding on to the 266s as long as I could, but there was a trifecta of needing roster space, HP, and ISO, so I sold Cap and Grocket. I'm still holding on to IM40 for now.

    I'm starting dupes ~257 or so. That way in case a dupe gets an uneven build, I can put some spare covers into the original. I've started 15 dupes so far, and need to get ones set up for Daredevil and Deadpool. So I'm about a third of the way through simply rerostering the 3* tier. 

    It's a chore, but the combo of getting an LT for maxing the original then another for champing the dupe is pretty nice. 
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    Most of the poll options would be reasons not to bother.  The only ones that aren't are the forever boosted option and the 5/5/5 option (nothing stopping you from hanging on to your maxchamp version anyway).
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    broll said:
    As noted the obvious choice.

    I'm currently trying to start a 3* farm without selling my 266s while finishing off 4*s and joining into 5*s.  I'm stretched a little thin by it, we'll see how long till I give up and start selling the 266s lol.
    I'm in this exact place though not wanting to jump to 5* land (just wanting to max-cover Gambit).

    I start my 3* dupes at 255 and actually apply any extra covers outside their ideal build to the original (for example, if I have a 3/2/5 Magneto I will only apply red covers to the dupe since his ideal is 3/5/5.  I know this doesn't matter since I can respec after champing, but it's a habit I got into). I have 12 dupes rostered with 14 more within 10 covers of needing to be rostered.  I tried to level evenly with bonuses and it's about to bite me.  I have 39 open slots (thank you sale!), it's really just iso that is the constraint for me.

    My solution is to stop pulling Elites and Heroics while I save iso.  My only pulls will be Latest Legends until Gambit is fully covered, and I won't pull until I have the iso to max another 4.

    Once I get Gambit to 13, I will stop pulling Latests, hoard those again, and then take a couple of months to focus champing dupe 3s, slowly opening the elites and heroics as iso permits while building up the CP/LT hoard for the next Gambit that comes along.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    When the single cover sale price > champ rewards, I will sell the farm to a big conglomerate so that they can put up a strip mall... or another Disney theme park. Whichever.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    ...if it was impossible to receive XP / champion rewards for the same character twice / infinite times
    DarthDeVo said:
    broll said:
    As noted the obvious choice.

    I'm currently trying to start a 3* farm without selling my 266s while finishing off 4*s and joining into 5*s.  I'm stretched a little thin by it, we'll see how long till I give up and start selling the 266s lol.
    That's pretty much exactly where I'm at. So far I've maxed and rechamped Grocket, Cap, and IM40. Patch is close to max, and his dupe is fully covered. I tried holding on to the 266s as long as I could, but there was a trifecta of needing roster space, HP, and ISO, so I sold Cap and Grocket. I'm still holding on to IM40 for now.

    I'm starting dupes ~257 or so. That way in case a dupe gets an uneven build, I can put some spare covers into the original. I've started 15 dupes so far, and need to get ones set up for Daredevil and Deadpool. So I'm about a third of the way through simply rerostering the 3* tier. 

    It's a chore, but the combo of getting an LT for maxing the original then another for champing the dupe is pretty nice. 
    Max Champed / Re-Rostered / Rechamped
    IM40, Patch, DP

    Max Champed & Re-Rostered (but not rechamped due to ISO constraints)
    SR, KK, R&G

    Over my re-roster threashold (about 260) & Re-Rostered but not to 13 covers yet
    BW (260 & 10 covers)
    LC (263 & 4 covers)
    Daken (260 & 6 covers)
    Blade (257 & 6 covers)
    Storm (261 & 1 cover)

    Over my re-roster threashold, but not re-rostered yet
    Strange (261)
    IF (260)

    Re-rostered early to slow a 4* unusable cover
    Hood (222 & 9 covers)

    Upcoming ISO priorities:
    1.  Champ Nightcrawler to save 6 covers on the vine.
    2.  Champ TBD 4* to save covers on the vine.
    3.  Champ either TBD 4* to save covers on the vine or start pumping ISO into 12 covered Gambit.
    4.  Champ the 3 Re-rostered 13 3*s
    5.  Champ the 10 2*s not champed cause I pillaged my farm months ago and haven't not had higher priorities to replenish.

    Priorities 4 & 5 have been hovering at the bottom for like 3 months.  I've generally had at least 10 4*s at 13 for some time now and even hoarding I generally get at least one cover that pushes me to champ a 4* instead.  I keep telling myself once I get the last 9 vintage 4*s champed the ISO needs will lighten up a bit.  But that's still at least 9 weeks away if I focused that 100%.

    Oh well I'm having fun and for me this type of management/planning stuff increase the fun (and it wrecks it when D3 randomly throws off expected orders, hint, hint @Brigby)
  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 587 Critical Contributor
    broll said:
    As noted the obvious choice.

    I'm currently trying to start a 3* farm without selling my 266s while finishing off 4*s and joining into 5*s.  I'm stretched a little thin by it, we'll see how long till I give up and start selling the 266s lol.
    I’ve been burnt and played a couple of events with a loaner, nonetheless my threshold for selling the 3* has diminished from 220+ down to barely champed based on importance/urgency of ISO need.
  • PenniesForEveryone
    PenniesForEveryone Posts: 294 Mover and Shaker
    ...if it was impossible to receive XP / champion rewards for the same character twice / infinite times
    To Be Determined.