The overwhelming disrespect of the Logan & Gambit Nerfpocolypse ( and why everyone should care)



  • Sandmaker
    Sandmaker Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    Borstock said:
    Sandmaker said:
    I'm pretty sure "retrospective compensation" is something you just made up....

    Can you name an example in gaming (or life for that matter) where an improved compensation policy is retrospectively applied to past compensations of different items? 

    Maybe if the time frame we're talking about is a couple days or even a couple weeks.     

    Do Shield rank iso bonuses count? What about 5* covers for 4* champ levels?

    Both of those are examples of compensations for current changes, not past compensations.

    The latter is actually a second example of an improved compensation policy that was not retrospectively applied. (I.e., before whenever a 3* champ reward got updated, you never got compensated for the 4* reward you missed.)
  • Beta-Ray Bill
    Beta-Ray Bill Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    I didn’t sell my gambits for tokens. So... why should I care? Oml is old news and doesn’t even make a dent in the game anymore. That’s not because of gambit. It’s because he’s outdated nerf or not. 
  • JuanAV2141
    JuanAV2141 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    Or you guys could do what I do and not spend any of your hard earned money on a game that won't be around forever.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sandmaker said:
    Borstock said:
    Sandmaker said:
    I'm pretty sure "retrospective compensation" is something you just made up....

    Can you name an example in gaming (or life for that matter) where an improved compensation policy is retrospectively applied to past compensations of different items? 

    Maybe if the time frame we're talking about is a couple days or even a couple weeks.     

    Do Shield rank iso bonuses count? What about 5* covers for 4* champ levels?

    Both of those are examples of compensations for current changes, not past compensations.

    The latter is actually a second example of an improved compensation policy that was not retrospectively applied. (I.e., before whenever a 3* champ reward got updated, you never got compensated for the 4* reward you missed.)
    I mean, I get it. I even agree with you. Still not so sure a little more consistency from their end would be a bad thing.
  • Beta-Ray Bill
    Beta-Ray Bill Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    Or you guys could do what I do and not spend any of your hard earned money on a game that won't be around forever.
    So you get every game in life for free then? Lol
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I feel like everyone saying "nobody wanted OML" nerfed has forgotten that there was a good 6 to 8 months where his nickname on the forum was "The Only Character That Matters." As in, he was considered so wildly overpowered that playing without him was pointless.

    Now, I'll agree that by the time he actually received his nerf, he was probably fine, and I always agreed that the "10% usage" story was a big steaming pile of Hulk dung. But there were definitely lots of calls for an OML nerf for a good minute after he came out. 

    All of that said, yes, Gambit is really bad for the game. I have him champed and frankly wish he'd been nerfed more effectively, because I'm just forced to use him at all times or else cripple myself.
  • maltyo9
    maltyo9 Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    Jarvind said:
    I feel like everyone saying "nobody wanted OML" nerfed has forgotten that there was a good 6 to 8 months where his nickname on the forum was "The Only Character That Matters." As in, he was considered so wildly overpowered that playing without him was pointless.

    Or when the game was so affectionately referred to as "OMLPQ."
  • JuanAV2141
    JuanAV2141 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    Or you guys could do what I do and not spend any of your hard earned money on a game that won't be around forever.
    So you get every game in life for free then? Lol
    No, but the games that I do buy I will be able to play until I croak whether they cut servers or not. The second D3,  or whoever, decides to stop supporting the game, you have nothing. Hundreds or thousands of dollars just dumped down the drain.
  • SpiderKev
    SpiderKev Posts: 78 Match Maker
    Hey Jonny, hope you’ve been well.

    I remember years ago you always requested Gambit to be inserted into the game, you really wanted him added - the idea at one point being instead of nerfing XforceWolverine and 4*Thor - create a new character to trash the then OP charged tiles (Gambit -

    It’s kinda funny/ironic years later you get your wish and they add him and it turns into the unbalanced scenario you were advocating against 2 years ago.

    I’m not sure you can compare OML to Gambit - EVERY player was using OML once you got one yellow cover. Gambit really only becomes OP once he starts gaining covers and the vast majority of players have better options to use. Keep in mind the folks that’s post in here, use the Line App, join buy groups, play PVE optimally, do PVE swaps, etc. are a very small fraction of the player group.

    This being said - metas in this game come and go either through new OP releases or nerfs - it’s only a matter of time before something happens. Just got wait for the Gambit Money Stone to be bled dry.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    Sandmaker said:
    Or you guys could do what I do and not spend any of your hard earned money on a game that won't be around forever.
    So you get every game in life for free then? Lol
    No, but the games that I do buy I will be able to play until I croak whether they cut servers or not. The second D3,  or whoever, decides to stop supporting the game, you have nothing. Hundreds or thousands of dollars just dumped down the drain.
    This is a rather odd point of view. Do you always have to own all the entertainment you spend money on? Do you feel the same about paying for a ticket to see a concert, or movie, or sports? How about renting a car when you travel? Or renting an apartment? Hotels?

    In fact, even the large majority of the things you buy to own in life do not last for your entire life. Food gets eaten, clothes and other material goods wear down and break. Even property and houses have a constant maintenance cost, not to mention utilities like water, gas, internet, etc. Why do you have an expectation that games you pay for should last forever? 

    It may surprise you, but the money put into the game doesn't all just go "down the drain" A lot of it is used to pay the people that develop game and keep the servers running. If everyone followed your advice nobody will get to play this game.
     I've settled somewhere in between these two positions. When I started playing in April 2016, I was convinced I was going to be strictly F2P. I thought it pointless to spend real money on an intangible digital good. And I was in between jobs at that point, so it just wasn't financially prudent anyway. 

    Around anniversary time, I had started a new job, so decided to treat myself to a Logan's Loonies to celebrate (and save some covers dying on my vine at the time). About a month later, I decided to try VIP, and I've basically been doing that ever since. I think I bought one other Logan's Loonies, and was recently on the fence about buying an Asgard Treasure during Digital Day, but ended up not doing so. Although with the roster discount, I kind of wish I had. Oh well. 

    Basically, what changed my mind was this: Netflix (at the time) was $10 a month. VIP is the same price. I spend much more time playing this game than watching Netflix. So essentially I'm viewing it as simply another entertainment subscription service. And for the amount of time I put into it, $10 is fine.

    But I'm also not likely to spend much more than that, either, because the day they announce it's shutting down, the whaliest of whales and myself and every other player will have the exact same roster. The only difference will be how much has been depleted from our bank accounts, and personally for me, it's hard to justify spending much more than $10 a month knowing that tomorrow or next month or next year it could all go away like it never existed in the first place.

    Each player has to decide what's right for his or her own personal situation. 
  • Addaran
    Addaran Posts: 72 Match Maker
    JuanAV2141 kinda make a good point, especially regarding the OP. He's complaining that what he bought OML/Gambit got changed and that the compensation weren't the same.

    If you buy stuff for an online (only) game, there's no certainty that it won't change. And when the game does close, it's all gone forever. If you're not okay with not, you shouldn't spend money ( or at least reasonnably). Obviously, if everyone was super scared of change/the end, there wouldn't be a game cause nobody would pay.

    Mostly, you have the gage how much you're spending and how long you think you'll still play/the game will last.

    When i was playing CoH, when they annonced the closing of servers, they gave 1-2 months notice and told people to make sure they don't spend anymore money, unless they really want something that will last just a month.

    When Marvel Heroes closed without notice, i think they refunded the last month of buy.
  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    Totally different scenarios being compared here.

    1) OML had been in game a long time before he was rebalance. The players who had OML champed had reaped the benefits of it for months and months on. Gambit was barely a month old before rebalance.

    2) The main reasoning behind OML Nerf was that his true heal was too strong and even single yellow cover OMLs were being over used which shouldn't be the case. Can you imagine using a single cover Gambit? Healthpacks are huge revenue stream, and that's why we have characters like Thanos, Bolt, Gambit.

    3) Gambit is still in Latest Legends.

    You missed the differences in their rebalance entirely.

    Stay true to one's word.
  • ComatoseJackal
    ComatoseJackal Posts: 50 Match Maker
    Gambit is fine. He's slower which is fine. Wolves is the only nerf. He's whittle kitty cat now.
  • JuanAV2141
    JuanAV2141 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    I'm not judging anybody. If you want to spend money on the game, go ahead. I don't see the point myself. Gas in the car gets you to work, the store, home etc. It's necessary. Sure you don't HAVE to buy steak and lobster but it still feeds you. Food is necessary. Yes, experiences are worth more than possessions but I'm talking about games that I can one day pass along to my kids or share with. You can't share anything about MPQ unless you decide to make an account for them right now.