Interest slowly waning

Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker

Recently hit my 4 year milestone of playing MPQ. I’ve seen a lot of changes over this time and for that whole period I have steadily played pvp and pve each day. Recently I feel myself being less inclined to try and get to 1200 or above in pvp or clear the pve nodes 6 times. It’s like the life of the game has left for me.
Last year after the vaulting implementation, I decided to hoard as it was the best and easiest way to control my roster. Towards the end of last year I pulled my hoard and now im sitting on 8 champed 5 stars. All bar the latest 3 4 stars are champed. All of the 3 stars . 2 star farm going. I’m even rostering 1 stars around and around and around.
I took a break / slowed down of the Christmas holidays to spend time with family but I’m finding it hard now to ramp it back up again. 900 is easy enough in pvp and doing dpd is also easy. I just find it so much more a chore.
Don’t get me wrong. 4 years is an amazing run to play any game let alone a mobile game. I still enjoy some aspects of the play and format, I just think that the game (or maybe just me) is a little tired and needs something new. Something to spice it up a bit. Something to change the aspect of the game play.
This of course is just a random players wittering and meaningless to most but I hope the D3 gods are listening as the time ive invested would continue if the investment by them got mixed up a little more.



  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    After around 3 years, I realized I needed my life back. I still do some ddq and possibly a few other matches per day, but I generally limit myself to around 10 minutes per day. I have a decent amount of 5*s, and I realized that it would take me around 6 months of solid grinding (at least 2 hours per day) to get enough LTs and CP to guarantee all three Latest 5* Legendaries championed, and I realized that was just too much work.

    But yeah 3 years was a long time to play. And I still grind for boss events. I've had some fun, and I've spent some money on the game. And of course it's always there should I return. Now, I spend my commute reading books and playing other games.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards

    I took a break from the game over the summer, uninstalled it and walked away. Then when autumn came I realized I missed it and decided to pick up where I left off. A break is not necessarily a bad thing.

    And if you never feel the urge to come back... well, then Walking away was probably the right thing to do.

  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    It sounds like you beat the game. This game has 2 main gameplay loops to keep us interested, the roster building "rpg", and the match 3 gameplay. By the time you have multiple champed 5*s both those gameplay aspects are completed, basically.
    With everyone champed, opening tokens isn't as fun since there's no chance of waste. Gambling wouldn't be addicting if you could never lose.
    I agree that the game could use some new mechanics, but theres not much they can do if the natural state of the game got boring for you.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    There is zero incentive for Demiurge to create new content for those of us who have played for three years +. We have already spent the money we are willing to spend. We are a minority.

    They continue to focus on improving the experience for those in the 0-2 year group which is how they will keep going.

    You will know they have failed at that when 6* are released with some very $ intensive path to buying them. When they are relying on the people who will chase that down to keep the lights on the end is probably near.
    I don't think them adding 6*s is failing to bring in new players.  I've been playing about 1.75 years so I'm in your range.  By the time I hit 2 years it's very possible that I'll have 100% 4*s champed and 25-30% of 5*s.  They've made transitioning a lot easier with recent improvements and it's only going to be easier for those coming behind me to gain this even sooner.  As it gets easier to get the old they need to add new stuff that's harder to get.  That's how the F2P game hamster wheel works.
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    There is zero incentive for Demiurge to create new content for those of us who have played for three years +. We have already spent the money we are willing to spend. We are a minority.

    They continue to focus on improving the experience for those in the 0-2 year group which is how they will keep going.

    You will know they have failed at that when 6* are released with some very $ intensive path to buying them. When they are relying on the people who will chase that down to keep the lights on the end is probably near.
    Dead on.
  • NotBAMF
    NotBAMF Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker

    Heck, I am just a few days away from my one year anniversary (today is day 361 for me), and my interest is already dwindling rapidly.

    As far as just playing goes, I have two main problems:

    1) PVE is too time-consuming and too much of what I refer to as "scheduled fun". The game wants me to play a lot and play at scheduled times so I can maximize any rewards I get. I am really bad at that, and basically play when I can. I still like PVE just because I can fit either the first 4 clears or the last 3 clears into an hour-or-so of treadmill time, depending what time of day I treadmill.

    2) I really, REALLY dislike points-based PVP. And it's not a "I can't do it" perspective--when I want a 900 point cover badly enough, I get it--I just hate the format. I want a format change here. I am one of the ones who enjoyed wins-based, but I'm not asking to a return to that necessarily; just something that makes it more relaxed overall and doesn't cause as much stress and annoyance.

    But even aside from those points, I'm well into 4* land with ~15 champed 4 stars. I realize I have far to go in 4* land, but eventually I'll be at the point where I'll need to move into 5* land, and frankly, that WILL be the end of the game for me. I have zero interest in the 5* metagame, which I constantly see bemoaned as neverending Gambits and/or Panthos and PVP matches with huge HP totals that take forever to get through. Whoof, no thanks.

  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I recently moved into 5* land, it's not as bad as advertised here, especially with the PvE scaling changes.  PvP can still be rough, but 900 becomes almost trivial at that point so if that's your goal it get's a lot easier, not harder.  You have a minefield of the current OP character, but that happens in 4* land too (See Peggy, then Carol, then Grocket, etc)
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor

    2* farm is running, all 3*s champed, went the 4* tier list from top to bottom and now have the better half of the tier champed, but ignore the 5* tier.

    i realized im done when i was climbing in heavy metal for the yellow quake cover.
    when I realized the enemy gamora had both her red and blue skill ready to fire and I couldn't do anything about it, instead of sitting it out and using my whales tu i... i just closed the app.

    im sitting on 500k iso, 6k hp and 700+ cp.
    about 550/350 tacos. half a dozen fully covered 4*s. my last champ was carnage, just to try him with medusa and iceman.

    but I still have fun! I don't grind pve, I join late and finish with a bit more than 50% progression.
    pvp is... fun actually, if you don't play competitive.

    i plan on hoarding and wait for the next uberbroken character so... still not done? 

  • byc
    byc Posts: 297 Mover and Shaker
    I more or less quit about 3 weeks ago.

    I play, but not regularly at all right now.  At minimum I should be doing Tacos everyday, but I'm not even doing that.  I already feel the iso crunch since I'm not doing hardly anything right now.
  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,203 Chairperson of the Boards
    I get bored when the rewards in events aren't offering characters I need or I keep pulling characters I don't need. 
  • CharlieCroker
    CharlieCroker Posts: 254 Mover and Shaker
    I have eleven champed 5*s between 470 & 451 (including a baby Gambit) with 4 more very close.  However having witnessed the buying frenzy on Digital Day and seen the resulting growth in rosters, I've finally come to the realisation that I cannot and no longer want to compete at the highest levels of the game and I certainly won't be spending to catch up.

    My level of interest in the game ebbs and flows, but it's really only the Line community which keeps me engaged.  That's currently edging towards an all time low, but I'll still keep grinding away in the short term to help my alliance.

    I would say this isn't, for a change, something I blame the devs for.  It's just the nature of the FTP/PTW model and sooner or later nearly everyone will hit that paywall.  It is however up to the devs to keep releasing new content (and not just new characters) to keep reigniting my interest and maybe keep the VIP money coming in if nothing else.

  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm right there with you, except that my interest has gone from "grinding hard on everything every day" to "struggling to finish the DDQ" in the space of a week. I dunno what happened, but I just can't get into it. I took a break over the holidays and I'm just really struggling to justify going back to spending multiple hours a day tapping away. That, and the 5* game is really stale since it's just a slog through an ocean of Gambolts.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, I do a few DDQs and then end up switching to FaceBook. It's hard to do the 2* / 1* ones.. those rounds take a long time, for just a small amount of iso or some taco tokens.
  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    edited January 2018
    Honestly, I think there is a rut to some extent in terms of game development.

    From what I've seen/read of the game development they've more or less settled into the current incarnation after having played around with some different ones previously.

    Where the game is right now is very much a push out of tried and true "cookie-cutter" characters/events, etc. On the one hand this creates a certain amount of game stability in that the devs can work on various QoL changes and new characters that have specific deadlines, wrapping MCU events in mostly via particular character releases, etc. and the occasional new boss event.

    But because a lot of stuff is not "new" the game begins to feel more and more stale. PVP doesn't really change except for who's the featured character. PVE storylines are on an approx 2 mth rotation before you see them again and I think at least half of them primarily feature the same characters over and over and over again until you are SO DONE seeing the dark avengers... again.

    S.H.I.E.L.D. training doesn't feel all that accessible as a new thing and feels like it's already become rote with new character releases.

    I think the game really does need more variety in each of its modes to feel like you're coming back to something you haven't done for awhile and it's nice to do again. Or that you can go off and do in between waiting for your "timer" to be up in PVE/PVP.

    I can't speak much to PVP as I don't currently have time to keep up there, but for the PVE side I strongly advocate fewer clears needed per node, new storylines, and a no penalty no reward I-just-want-to-fool-around-with-some-teams sandbox. @fight4thedream had some ideas in another thread about having to meet certain game conditions in order to "win" (each character on the team has to fire a power a certain number of times, have to hit Juggernaut 2x with so-and-so's power, have to make 2 yellow match-4s or better) that I think would be fun to play around with there. Maybe that's a separate tab "Training Grounds" that replaces the Prologue once you've beat all the missions.
  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    mpqr7 said:
    Yeah, I do a few DDQs and then end up switching to FaceBook. It's hard to do the 2* / 1* ones.. those rounds take a long time, for just a small amount of iso or some taco tokens.
    I've missed more of the DDQ 1*/2* fights last year than I did pve max progressions.  Those fights feel so slow.
  • Pr0spect0r
    Pr0spect0r Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    I'm only at 338 days and I can't stand dark avengers pve. It's a struggle to even bother with them, they are boring, sometimes tedious matches. If it wasn't for how stupidly stubborn and competitive I am I would take it easy on some of those events
  • j0nats
    j0nats Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    vinsensual said:j
    mpqr7 said:
    Yeah, I do a few DDQs and then end up switching to FaceBook. It's hard to do the 2* / 1* ones.. those rounds take a long time, for just a small amount of iso or some taco tokens.
    I've missed more of the DDQ 1*/2* fights last year than I did pve max progressions.  Those fights feel so slow.
    same here.  daily ddq now is the behemoyh burrito, required char node (paired with oml and 3thanos) then big enchilada (oml 3thanos and 3dp). daily ddq all done in 5 mins