The year of 2017 / your MPQ compilation



  • Talestummy
    Talestummy Posts: 66 Match Maker
    Alsmir said:
    It was good enough to make me quit.

    1-2hrs daily play just to keep up with new releases is way too much.
    Good changes paired with awfull ones.
    Horrible community.
    Censorship on the forums.
    Still favouring veterans and heavy spenders over anyone else.
    Cheaters and how they are handled.
    Friendly suggestion. Quitting the forums should be next on your to do list.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Alsmir said:
    It was good enough to make me quit.

    1-2hrs daily play just to keep up with new releases is way too much.
    Good changes paired with awfull ones.
    Horrible community.
    Censorship on the forums.
    Still favouring veterans and heavy spenders over anyone else.
    Cheaters and how they are handled.
    Friendly suggestion. Quitting the forums should be next on your to do list.
    This. I dont understand people who quit playing games, but then continue to visit the forum to moan about the game they dont play anymore. Find something else to do with your spare time. 
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Meh. I champed about 39 4 stars, continued to have at least every character rostered, started a 3star farm. Progress felt boring, since what’s another 4 star champ gonna really earn me? So I focused more on 5s. Got 3 different 5 stars to 13 covers but no iso, so that’s where I stand. 

    Started resource hoarding again, since it’s necessary. Still can’t play pvp well enough, but oh well. Overall an OK year but nothing that “wow’d” me. As is usual in this game, just more of the same, no change in sight. 
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    2017 was all about the development of my 4-star roster. I picked the game up again during summer last year, at which point champing was a new thing to me, so I of course had none. I had no 4-star characters at all, probably had about 20 ish 3-star characters, and none were fully covered. Joined an amazing alliance, and went into 2017 with all the 3-stars (at the time) champed. I was far from having all the 4-stars, but I had my first few fully covered now and was ready to start champing them. Started the year with zero, and ended 2017 with 47 4-star champs, Nico being the most recent. 

    Somewhere along the way, don't recall when exactly, but I ended up rostering all the 4s, and at different point, had them all fully covered minus Howard and Dino. I spent some CP on the folks that were being a little more stubborn with pulling them, but with the way I was hoarding it isn't CP that I miss by any means. This must have been at some point before anniversary though, because I know anniversary is for sure when I finally finished Dino. My conscience won't allow me to spend CP to finish Howard, so I'm relying on Webbed Wonder and special vaults to finish him.

    So 2017 was my first actual full calendar year playing the game, and it was a pretty great one. I don't know how long I played the game before I first walked away from it, but it couldn't have been more than a few months, and my hiatus was around a year-ish. I'm very eager to see what 2018 holds, as I am almost certain I will be in 5-land before it ends. 
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Well, the biggest thing for me in 2017 was my transition to 5* tier.

    I was incredibly lucky that I finished my hoard right on time when two top tier characters (Daredevil, Gambit) have entered the tokens. Furthermore I was able to champion Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, Black Bolt and Jean Grey which means that I´m now a proud owner of a solid 5* roster.

    Last but not least my PVP scores have increased massively from 900+ to 1500+ points. Aside from that I was promoted to a commander of my alliance which is still a great honour for me.

    Overall I cannot complain about my MPQ year 2017. :)
    I had almost the exact same year, cracked my hoard and got DD and Gambit, but only 5 Parker covers, so I stopped there.  Now I have enough for the next 3; Thor, ArchAngel, +1.  Also finished Surfer during the cosmic vault.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    End of 2016 I had 0 4* champs. 
    End of 2017 I have 75% champed 4*s and 2 champed 5*s.

    End of 2016 my alliance was directionless and rarely hitting above T1000.
    End of 2017 I'm a commander in the alliance and driving us to regular T100 (PvE).

    End of 2016 it was a struggle to hit 900 in PvP.
    End of 2017 900 PvP is pretty much guaranteed.

    End of 2016 I wasn't shielding in PvP because it seemed like a hopeless endeavor.
    End of 2017 I'm not shielding after a disheartening tease of better PvP and because 900 is so easy without it.
    *In between I shielded quite a lot for a period of time and hated it.
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 727 Critical Contributor

    Jan 1, 2018 was day 1419 for me.  Though 2017 was my first full year of playing consistently at a higher level, I played a lot of single mission days in 2016 before recommitting in late 2016.

    Champed my first 4* (Cyclops) back on Christmas Day 2016.


    52x 4* champed, that's 1 a week almost!

    3x 5* champed, Thanos back in late Sept, DD in mid-Dec and Gambit just last week

    I am now a 5* player!  1200 is the norm in PVP.  PVE I'm still nowhere near optimal, but happy with top 20s. 

    Some good changes this year.  The XP add was great, but the switch to the source sucks, I've gone from a level a weekish to a level every 2 weeks or more.  PVE I like the fixed scaling.  PVP the trip to wins base in theory was ok, but the win count was too much and came right around my 5* transition which really negatively impacted me. 

    I've flirted with stopping, but work changes mean I'm on the bus longer which is my MPQ time. I still think in the back of my mind that I need to get off the hamster wheel...

  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    DarthDeVo said:
    I did manage to hit 1200 [in PvP] a month or two ago, but it didn't count. I started the last fight with only a minute or two left in the event and didn't finish in time. So maybe I'll officially hit it sometime this year.
     Well, that didn't take long. Officially hit 1200 in the IM40 PvP!
  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    Alsmir said:
    It was good enough to make me quit.

    1-2hrs daily play just to keep up with new releases is way too much.
    Good changes paired with awfull ones.
    Horrible community.
    Censorship on the forums.
    Still favouring veterans and heavy spenders over anyone else.
    Cheaters and how they are handled.
    Friendly suggestion. Quitting the forums should be next on your to do list.
    This. I dont understand people who quit playing games, but then continue to visit the forum to moan about the game they dont play anymore. Find something else to do with your spare time. 
    I guees I'm dumb enough to believe that MPQ will improve someday.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Alsmir said:
    Alsmir said:
    It was good enough to make me quit.

    1-2hrs daily play just to keep up with new releases is way too much.
    Good changes paired with awfull ones.
    Horrible community.
    Censorship on the forums.
    Still favouring veterans and heavy spenders over anyone else.
    Cheaters and how they are handled.
    Friendly suggestion. Quitting the forums should be next on your to do list.
    This. I dont understand people who quit playing games, but then continue to visit the forum to moan about the game they dont play anymore. Find something else to do with your spare time. 
    I guees I'm dumb enough to believe that MPQ will improve someday.

    When I took my break from the game I'd still swing by here every now and then to look at the announcements and see what Changes were being implemented. Didn't see the need to comment on it when I wasn't an Active player though.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    For me, 2017 was mostly about beefing up my 4* tier.  I entered the year with, I believe, 4-5 champs, and left it with 3 classics left to champ.  I also champed my first two 5*, started selling off 3* maxchamps, and hit 1200 in PvP for the first time.

    Having done all that, I'm feeling the malaise of "what's this all for"?  With those two 5*'s champed, using anything other than the ones that complement Spidey in any game mode harms my gameplay by drawing matches out longer than they need to be.  Since he's now in classics, the only viable ways to improve my gameplay are to add levels to Spidey and his minions, or champ better 5*s - goals which are nearly mutually exclusive.  I can't cover the new 5*s unless I put all of my resources into latest tokens, but I can't get any more Spidey besides the once or twice a year bonus hero if I do that.  So now I'm just playing to backfill useless characters while making minimal progress at the top end.

    Thankfully, the champs do allow me to speed through the easier CLs, and stand a reasonable chance of placing well enough for a relevant reward in the harder ones when I'm in the mood.  So I guess I've enabled myself to comfortably play the game half-heartedly.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Alsmir said:
    Alsmir said:
    It was good enough to make me quit.

    1-2hrs daily play just to keep up with new releases is way too much.
    Good changes paired with awfull ones.
    Horrible community.
    Censorship on the forums.
    Still favouring veterans and heavy spenders over anyone else.
    Cheaters and how they are handled.
    Friendly suggestion. Quitting the forums should be next on your to do list.
    This. I dont understand people who quit playing games, but then continue to visit the forum to moan about the game they dont play anymore. Find something else to do with your spare time. 
    I guees I'm dumb enough to believe that MPQ will improve someday.
    I mean I remember you on the verge of quitting a while back. You had some legit beefs, things that didn’t really change for the better... so I think you’re addicted like the rest of us. At this point, if you’re still expecting better things, you’ve either reached the insanity point... or you’re lying
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Calnexin said:
    For me, 2017 was mostly about beefing up my 4* tier.  I entered the year with, I believe, 4-5 champs, and left it with 3 classics left to champ.  I also champed my first two 5*, started selling off 3* maxchamps, and hit 1200 in PvP for the first time.

    Having done all that, I'm feeling the malaise of "what's this all for"?  With those two 5*'s champed, using anything other than the ones that complement Spidey in any game mode harms my gameplay by drawing matches out longer than they need to be.  Since he's now in classics, the only viable ways to improve my gameplay are to add levels to Spidey and his minions, or champ better 5*s - goals which are nearly mutually exclusive.  I can't cover the new 5*s unless I put all of my resources into latest tokens, but I can't get any more Spidey besides the once or twice a year bonus hero if I do that.  So now I'm just playing to backfill useless characters while making minimal progress at the top end.

    Thankfully, the champs do allow me to speed through the easier CLs, and stand a reasonable chance of placing well enough for a relevant reward in the harder ones when I'm in the mood.  So I guess I've enabled myself to comfortably play the game half-heartedly.
    At the 5* level, you don't want to make your primary 5*s bigger, you want to broaden your roster and expand your options. You can do that  by working to fill out another set of Latest, and focus your 4* BH on either 5* feeders or those that play well either for pve or when buffed in pvp. I love being able to toss some of the bigger/better 4*s in a match climbing in pvp. 
    STERLING21JJ Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    Start of 2017 i had just phnx and thanos as my 5*s.  I was lucky and able to champ 6 other 5*s.  4*s I have only 5 left to fully champ so pretty happy about not wasting covers for LTs for the main part.  
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beginning of 2017 I was sitting in an alliance of my own creation, carrying people that played only every few days. In mid-January I found ****_squids and they took me in. I had about 5 champ 4s at the time, all the 3s champed, and my best 5 was Phoenix at 3/3/5 420. Now I'm a commander in ****_squids2, I have 49 champ 4s, 7 champ 5s, I started a 2 farm and have cycled every character numerous times, and started a 3* farm and have cycled 20 characters already. Oh, I also had no bagman when I joined and now have a level 108.

    I'll soon have Gambit champed, just under 100k iso needed still. And after that I have Thor fully covered, got the final cover I needed today. 2017 was a great MPQ year for me, I feel like 2018 will be better!!!