The year of 2017 / your MPQ compilation

talleman Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
How has the MPQ year of 2017 treated you?

I got my first 4* champ in late spring and i started the journey to the magnificent 4* land. The road has been bumpy but straight forward, my goal was to roster as many characters as possible, get some top tire 4*s champed and try to play as smart as possible without getting burned out and tired of the game. Today i got all but six 3*s champed, fourteen 4* champs and most of them are among the best 4*s in the game. I have all but two 5*s rostered and a solid 2* farm. I have also made the jump from a top 1000 to a top 250 PvE alliance which has been a very fun experience. Hopefully the year of 2018 will be even better :)


  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    Well, the biggest thing for me in 2017 was my transition to 5* tier.

    I was incredibly lucky that I finished my hoard right on time when two top tier characters (Daredevil, Gambit) have entered the tokens. Furthermore I was able to champion Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, Black Bolt and Jean Grey which means that I´m now a proud owner of a solid 5* roster.

    Last but not least my PVP scores have increased massively from 900+ to 1500+ points. Aside from that I was promoted to a commander of my alliance which is still a great honour for me.

    Overall I cannot complain about my MPQ year 2017. :)
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    Bonus heroes, set scaling in pve, CL9 in pve, SHIELD training, 4*>5* feeders were all welcome changes.

    Multiple new exploits with no punishments, tapping became even more prevalent, and the release and subsequent buffing of the most OP toon in the game are terrible.

    I give less effort to both pve and pvp as I won’t tap, and doing nothing but utilizing gambit over the myriad of other toons at my disposal is not fun.
  • consumedfire
    consumedfire Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    I was able to champion all  9 of my 5*'s in 2017...and yet I still want more. 

    Hoping for some big changes in 2018 for MPQ.
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I moved into 4* land properly this year. Prior to 2017 my 4*s would sit at 245 due to roster scaling but once the set scaling came in I was able to take my 4*s up to champ level. So, from having no champed 4*s prior to the change in scaling, I now have 54. I sit in a pretty good place for me as I have no real interest in moving into 5* land anytime soon. 

    I largely still enjoy the game, and play every day, but decisions by D3 including the abysmal Christmas celebrations have left a pretty bitter taste to end the year with. 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, for me, the biggest MPQ thing in 2017 was probably starting to play the game. Coming up on my Devil Dino covers in a couple of days.

    Other big highlights for me include my first 4* Champ (Medusa, who was also the first 4* cover I pulled), back in, I think, July or so. Finally managing to Champ Peggy, who was stuck at like 9/6/0 for what felt like ages. Hitting the point in my HP income where I can occasionally buy 10-packs from Event Vaults. Getting to the point where I can hit 900 in PvP when I want to. And most recently, my first t10 finish in a PvE Release event.

    It's been quite a year of MPQ, really.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    With the exception of Howard(12), yondu(11), and the last 2 releases; champing all the 4 stars.

  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I went from snarking about classics dilution in December'16-January'17 and joking about anticipating "a sudden urgent need for 4 million iso",  to scrambling for 4 million iso in the middle of the year with classics and latests completing nearly all at once,  to my current zen-like post-iso state. 

    Many huge, unexpected changes to the game, but a mixed bag of great and awful that left me with conflicted feelings. Stay, go, I don't know. Maybe toss tinykitty and start from scratch again? 

    I'm currently going on inertia, hopefully by the time I get my 4th anniversary dinos in a few weeks the devs will give me a reason to decide one way or another. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,843 Chairperson of the Boards
    I definitely went into 4* land - champed 11 in 2017

  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    I started the year by joining a top 50 alliance then about a month later I champed my first 4* in Blade. I'm now up to 21 champed 4s and with Lockjaw next up and then Moon Knight and Agent Venom soon after. Making really solid progress there. Hoping to roster my last three 5s soon. I am really hoping that 2018 brings progression based pve and a hybrid pvp system.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,040 Chairperson of the Boards
    When the year began, I only had a couple 4*s champed. About half my 3*s champed. I was just trudging along and trying to get more covers and more 4*s. 

    Around..... I think it was August?..... I decided to check my Alliance status. I didn’t care all that much before until I checked that one day. I found out I was a Commander (cool, right) and that I and 2 other guys had the best rosters. 

    I kept looking and saw that I was practically carrying my entire Alliance. Most of the Alliance rankings and tokens we were getting was because of me. That didn’t sit too well with me. Then I saw about 8 people in the Alliance hadn’t even played in 5 days. Yeah. FTS. 

    I moved into a really good Alliance later that month and my roster has skyrocketed. I only have 10 4*s unchamped (including ones that just released like Noghtcrawler, MEHulk, America, and Nico). I have 55 other 4*s champed. And I’m now hoarding until Gambit and DD are out of LL. I gotta give props to the Gamerz Elite alliance for taking me in and we carry each other. It’s going great. I may even venture in 5* land this year.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    Yeah it sucks having to carry an alliance. I had to do that in most of the early ones I was in. Thankfully I don't have to do that anymore.

    //Remove Inappropriate Content -Brigby
  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    At the start of the year I champed my first 4* (Medusa). Then started hammering out champed 4s almost every week to get to a total of 51 champed 4* right now. At the start of the current season (when the first 4* feeders of 5* characters dropped) I also made the jump to 5* champ land starting with Black Bolt and Thanos. Then champed 5* Gambit, followed by 5* Daredevil. Now currently working on 5* Peter Parker and then plan to reseed my 2*/3* farm which is in shambles right now.

    All in all a great year grinding, now plan to take some easy time in 2018 and enjoy the post ISO state I should be able to reach soon (probably 3-4 months)
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looking at Gampendium, my mid-January update for 2017 had seven 4* champions: Hulkbuster, Star-Lord, Teen Jean, FalCap, Ghost Rider, Nick, and Deadpool. The update I just completed has 39 champion 4*, two champion 5* (and a third on the way in the next week or so). I've flipped a few 3* and am getting close to max-champion status on about 9 or 10 others. I'm 11 covers away from having all of the legacy (and available in tokens) 4* at 13 covers. After that, the only ones who aren't yet at 13 covers are Nico, Gladiator Hulk, America Chavez, and the Duck. I moved from an alliance that typically stalled out around the 6th round in most boss events to one that has hit max alliance progression in every boss event since I joined. I have, at various times this year, had every non-1* character rostered (a status that vacillates depending on when I pull a cover for the latest 5*). Roster-based scaling is finally a thing of the past. The year hasn't been without its challenges, MPQ-wise, but on balance, it's been a net positive for me.
  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 777 Critical Contributor
    Have moved to almost 5* land as have champed most of the 4*s now and have 13 covers for most of the ones I haven’t done yet 

    also got to 900+ in a few pvp events 
  • Spidurman27
    Spidurman27 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    At the beginning of 2017, I had just champed MaxPun for my first 4* champion.  By the end of the year, I had 47 4* champs and 4 5* champs.

    I've gone from struggling to get 4000/season for the 10 pack to 1200/event every time I've tried for it, and some that I haven't.  I've slowed down my PVE play, due in part to tapping, and in larger part to schedule necessity.  I'm still pretty sure I didn't miss a green check all year though.

    2018 I expect I'll slow down with a new job and a growing family.  But I still hope to keep MPQ a part of my routine as long as it stays fun.  
  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    I champed my first 4 (spider Gwen!) on Groundhog Day 2017. Ended the year in a top alliance with 44 champed 4s and 4 champed 5s. 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,177 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had been thinking of doing a roster retrospective thread, but I'll use this one instead. I don't religiously track my roster, so a lot of this is my best recollection and history from Gamependium.

    I remember capping off last year and beginning this hitting 2000 in SHIELD Simulator for the first time and getting a Medusa cover. I've hit 2000 every season since.

    According to my Gamependium history, I started the year trying to finish off the 3* tier. My highest champ was IM40 at Level 187 and the lowest 3* character was Ragnarok at 1/2/1 Level 55. I was only missing one cover in the tier: Sentry yellow. I had 35 3* champs, but all the characters at least rostered. I had no 4* or 5* champs. My best covered 4* was X-23, at 4/1/1. Gamependium says I had 27 4*s rostered.

    I also remember having a hard time keeping up with HP demands as I continued rostering characters at this stage. At some point in January, I pulled my first 5*, Thanos green. In early February, I cracked a bunch of CP on the Black Panther release vault. He got to 3/2/2 and I pulled the last of my needed 4*s. I remember scrambling to get enough HP to roster them all before the covers expired.

    In early March, I champed my first 4*: Medusa. I think this was close to when vaulting was implemented, maybe right before. I was initially pretty upset with vaulting. It felt like the majority of the tier was ripped away from me right as I was trying to make the transition. In hindsight, it ended up working out pretty well for me. During vaulting, I slowly became a T5/10 player in SCL7, then SCL 8. The focus on the latest 4*s allowed me to champ them pretty quickly and get positioned to continue developing my roster once vaulting was over.

    This was beneficial because I was hoarding for the most part, yet still able to obtain decent roster development. Another thing that helped was getting to the point I could hit 900 in PvP. I think the first time I did was during Iron Fist's release event. I didn't start hitting that mark more consistently until roughly early summer, I think. I did manage to hit 1200 a month or two ago, but it didn't count. I started the last fight with only a minute or two left in the event and didn't finish in time. So maybe  I'll officially hit it sometime this year.

    About the middle of June, I got my first fully covered 5*: Black Panther. He's still stuck at Level 290 though, and probably will be until I'm closer to being done with the 4* tier. Then came anniversary time and the addition of Gambit. As soon as Doc Ock rotated out of Classics, I pulled my hoard I had been working of for a good part of the year. I pulled over the span of a couple weeks and added roughly a dozen (if not more) 4* champs in the span of about a month.

    I made one last push to try and get 5pidey covered before he went into Classics, but ended up pulling a ton of covers for Daredevil instead. So he ended up becoming my first (and still only) 5* champ in late November or early December. The only ones I don't have rostered are Cap and Archangel.

    I also got my first few 3* max champs: Grocket, Cap and IM40. The first two also have champed dupes, and I've got dupes for about a dozen more 3*s going. The only 3* not champed at this point is Angel.

    I finished out the year with 38 4* champs, and another 13 fully covered at various levels, with a further two set to be fully covered relatively soon. Whereas HP was the impediment to my roster development at the beginning of the year, now it's ISO. Other than the two newest characters, all my 4*s have at least 10 covers though.

    Heading into 2018, I'm hoping to get all the 5*s at least rostered, which should be easier with the HfH store and 4* champ feeders. Maybe add some levels to those characters. I want to finish off champing the 4* tier, and I'm getting closer, but its starting to get rather exhausting always being out of ISO. I'm in an OK alliance, but I'm thinking of getting into a better one. I do tend to do a lot of the heavy lifting in PvE and boss events, and I think I'm the only one who gets full season progression in PvP/Sim. It would be nice to get some better rewards through that avenue.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,410 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, the biggest thing for me in 2017 was my transition to 5* tier.

    I was incredibly lucky that I finished my hoard right on time when two top tier characters (Daredevil, Gambit) have entered the tokens. Furthermore I was able to champion Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, Black Bolt and Jean Grey which means that I´m now a proud owner of a solid 5* roster.
    That's pretty much my story except my luck ran out on black panther and black bolt. Black panther just need a feeder to complete and black bolt needs 22 medusa covers to complete.I did get Thanos completed though. PVE is much easier now but I can be bothered to time my clear and grind for top ranks in scl 9. Sleep is more important
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    According to Gamependium, at beginning of 2017, these were my highest characters:

    5* - 3 with one cover each
    4* - None champed - highest: Thor (GOT) 7 covers
    3* - 28 champed - highest Loki (!) and Thor both level 180

    and at the end of 2017:
    5* - 19 characters - highest: Iron Man 6 covers
    4* - 13 champed - highest: Carol lvl 277
    3* - All champed but Angel - highest: Iron Man lvl 235

    so its been a big year for me (not as much as some people above me though)
  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    It was good enough to make me quit.

    1-2hrs daily play just to keep up with new releases is way too much.
    Good changes paired with awfull ones.
    Horrible community.
    Censorship on the forums.
    Still favouring veterans and heavy spenders over anyone else.
    Cheaters and how they are handled.