What does a shield rank 68 roster look like?

RemoDestroyer Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
edited December 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Just wondering what rosters look like for players just getting pushed into pvp clearance levels 7, 8 and 8.

For some reason I feel like these players are going to be at a huge disadvantage for placement.


  • halirin
    halirin Posts: 327 Mover and Shaker
    95% of everyone won't place in the top 50 regardless of roster strength. I wouldn't worry about it too much. 
  • LeaveMyCookies
    LeaveMyCookies Posts: 62 Match Maker
     RemoDestroyer said:
    Just wondering what rosters look like for players just getting pushed into pvp clearance levels 7, 8 and 8.

    For some reason I feel like these players are going to be at a huge disadvantage for placement.
    Rank 63 atm, almost all 3* heroes champed except the low tier ones, with Thanos exclusively being 258 and others at 190s. 18 4* rostered, highest 2 being at 8 and 7 covers
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
     RemoDestroyer said:
    Just wondering what rosters look like for players just getting pushed into pvp clearance levels 7, 8 and 8.

    For some reason I feel like these players are going to be at a huge disadvantage for placement.
    Rank 63 atm, almost all 3* heroes champed except the low tier ones, with Thanos exclusively being 258 and others at 190s. 18 4* rostered, highest 2 being at 8 and 7 covers
    That sounds about right as I recall. Lots of 3* Champs, some 4* moderately covered. SCL7 is definitely doable, but it's going to take long enough that it will hurt placement, and even more so when lacking the Required 5*. At that point, lots of people won't even reliably have the Required 4*.
  • LeaveMyCookies
    LeaveMyCookies Posts: 62 Match Maker
     RemoDestroyer said:
    Just wondering what rosters look like for players just getting pushed into pvp clearance levels 7, 8 and 8.

    For some reason I feel like these players are going to be at a huge disadvantage for placement.
    Rank 63 atm, almost all 3* heroes champed except the low tier ones, with Thanos exclusively being 258 and others at 190s. 18 4* rostered, highest 2 being at 8 and 7 covers
    That sounds about right as I recall. Lots of 3* Champs, some 4* moderately covered. SCL7 is definitely doable, but it's going to take long enough that it will hurt placement, and even more so when lacking the Required 5*. At that point, lots of people won't even reliably have the Required 4*.
    Believe it or not, but I was actually able to place top 50 in The Hunt at SCL 8 just because I had the time and will to play for full progression, and seeing how I was soaring around top 60-70 after 5 clears of all nodes (except 5* essential ofc), I decided to push for the T50. It definitely helped that my highest lvl heroes were boosted as well (IM40, Strange, Switch), as well as having 258 Thanos for quick clearing of easier goon nodes.
  • bryduck
    bryduck Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Well, I'm at 64. I have 38 champed 3*s, and a champed Iceman. That being said, none of my 3*s are higher than 188, and most are clustered right around that magic 166, and none of my 4s have more than a cover or 2 (other than Bobby, of course.) I am not happy about this move at all, because I am completely locked out of PVP beyond a fight or 2. I'm facing nobody anywhere close to my 188 Dr. Strange, Bobby, and what, maybe my 179 IM40? 183 Cyke? I suppose I sell my team a bit short and could punch up, but to what end? I'd just instantly lose my position anyway if I poked my head up any higher--and who needs the stress?!
  • bryduck
    bryduck Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
     RemoDestroyer said:
    Just wondering what rosters look like for players just getting pushed into pvp clearance levels 7, 8 and 8.

    For some reason I feel like these players are going to be at a huge disadvantage for placement.
    Rank 63 atm, almost all 3* heroes champed except the low tier ones, with Thanos exclusively being 258 and others at 190s. 18 4* rostered, highest 2 being at 8 and 7 covers
    That sounds about right as I recall. Lots of 3* Champs, some 4* moderately covered. SCL7 is definitely doable, but it's going to take long enough that it will hurt placement, and even more so when lacking the Required 5*. At that point, lots of people won't even reliably have the Required 4*.
    Believe it or not, but I was actually able to place top 50 in The Hunt at SCL 8 just because I had the time and will to play for full progression, and seeing how I was soaring around top 60-70 after 5 clears of all nodes (except 5* essential ofc), I decided to push for the T50. It definitely helped that my highest lvl heroes were boosted as well (IM40, Strange, Switch), as well as having 258 Thanos for quick clearing of easier goon nodes.
    You're talking PVE; the OP was talking about the change to PVP . . .
  • RemoDestroyer
    RemoDestroyer Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
    Looks like shield rank minimums and maximums for all the clearance levels in pvp events needs a fix. I feel like if shield rank is supposed to be a reflection of roster strength then maybe players should be competing for placement with players a little closer in actual roster strength.

    Probably rewards need to be fixed to provide both incentive to play at highest possible clearance level and value to that level of shield rank.

    I understand most players in a given pvp bracket can't win top placement rewards. However I feel there is a difference between having the roster to do it but not getting top placement due to not spending the time or hp(for shields) (or just not knowing how to play or use your roster) and not getting top placement because your roster is so absurdly outclassed.
  • LeaveMyCookies
    LeaveMyCookies Posts: 62 Match Maker
    edited December 2017
    bryduck said:
     RemoDestroyer said:
    Just wondering what rosters look like for players just getting pushed into pvp clearance levels 7, 8 and 8.

    For some reason I feel like these players are going to be at a huge disadvantage for placement.
    Rank 63 atm, almost all 3* heroes champed except the low tier ones, with Thanos exclusively being 258 and others at 190s. 18 4* rostered, highest 2 being at 8 and 7 covers
    That sounds about right as I recall. Lots of 3* Champs, some 4* moderately covered. SCL7 is definitely doable, but it's going to take long enough that it will hurt placement, and even more so when lacking the Required 5*. At that point, lots of people won't even reliably have the Required 4*.
    Believe it or not, but I was actually able to place top 50 in The Hunt at SCL 8 just because I had the time and will to play for full progression, and seeing how I was soaring around top 60-70 after 5 clears of all nodes (except 5* essential ofc), I decided to push for the T50. It definitely helped that my highest lvl heroes were boosted as well (IM40, Strange, Switch), as well as having 258 Thanos for quick clearing of easier goon nodes.
    You're talking PVE; the OP was talking about the change to PVP . . .
    And TPF Alexis was talking about PvE, so I replied in regards to his comments. 

    *Removed profanity - Ducky
  • MacEifer
    MacEifer Posts: 45 Just Dropped In

    No idea how I'm supposed to play PvP like this. I punched down to CL5 before so I could get the 10 CP reward.
    Basically the way you transition from 3* to 4* means that you rank up shield rank faster than your roster gains value. At around 50 to what I presume will be at least 75 you move from 3* to 4*, but due to the way 4* scale, you get no new characters to use.
    My highest cover 4*, Yondu, could level up to 147. Absolutely unusable. Level not high enough and let's face it, it's Yondu.
    Forcing me to CL7 means I can't play PvP at the moment.
    As a side effect, the Gambattery nerf also took away the low cost equalizer for newcomers like me that allowed to at least punch up into bad teams. I can't even punch up into badly made teams now because I can't even consistently put a smarter team against them. Stat gap now can't be reasonably bridged.
  • MacEifer
    MacEifer Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    Thanks, appreciate the input. The whole Roster thing just bugs me. I have no idea what challenge levels are for in PvP then. Seems all rather pointless in that sense. Under the new system I'm currently still able to go down to CL6. I don't believe anyone with triple champed 4*s would be below shield rank 68. So if I square off against Cl7+ players, what's the actual point of the CL?
  • Talestummy
    Talestummy Posts: 66 Match Maker
    Your opponents are from scl 1-9 based on your mmr. Cl just determines placement and progression prizes. 
  • LeaveMyCookies
    LeaveMyCookies Posts: 62 Match Maker
    MacEifer said:
    Thanks, appreciate the input. The whole Roster thing just bugs me. I have no idea what challenge levels are for in PvP then. Seems all rather pointless in that sense. Under the new system I'm currently still able to go down to CL6. I don't believe anyone with triple champed 4*s would be below shield rank 68. So if I square off against Cl7+ players, what's the actual point of the CL?
    Actually you should always go for the highest SCL possible because of the rewards. My roster is similar to yours except for the 5* part, and I'm constantly able to go for 575 points, sometimes even higher (was able to get 725 in the off season events (maybe that's another reason)). What I usually do is join a slice 4 hours before the end, grind my way up for an hour, only going for 40-50+ pts apponents and then dropping a 3 hour shield. The reason I do that is because it pretty much guarantees top 100 placement and it helps a lot with season progression
  • bryduck
    bryduck Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    So, the answer really is to sell any 5* covers that accidentally come our way and never ISO any 4s above our best  PVP team, then? The opposite of the design of the game, pretty much, which seemed to me to be get all the covers and ISO them as much as possible. It would really suck to sell off the 5 heroes I have that are above my 188s . . .
  • LeaveMyCookies
    LeaveMyCookies Posts: 62 Match Maker
    bryduck said:
    So, the answer really is to sell any 5* covers that accidentally come our way and never ISO any 4s above our best  PVP team, then? The opposite of the design of the game, pretty much, which seemed to me to be get all the covers and ISO them as much as possible. It would really suck to sell off the 5 heroes I have that are above my 188s . . .
    You have to consider that the game takes into account your highest level heroes AFTER boostage. So if you have all 3* championed, at any given versus event your highest lvled heroes will be in their high 200s/low 300s, meaning anyhing below that will not give you any problems. You can roster 5*, just don't level them so the game won't take them into account when deciding your mmr
  • bryduck
    bryduck Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    bryduck said:
    So, the answer really is to sell any 5* covers that accidentally come our way and never ISO any 4s above our best  PVP team, then? The opposite of the design of the game, pretty much, which seemed to me to be get all the covers and ISO them as much as possible. It would really suck to sell off the 5 heroes I have that are above my 188s . . .
    You have to consider that the game takes into account your highest level heroes AFTER boostage. So if you have all 3* championed, at any given versus event your highest lvled heroes will be in their high 200s/low 300s, meaning anyhing below that will not give you any problems. You can roster 5*, just don't level them so the game won't take them into account when deciding your mmr
    Hmm. My boosted 3*s for Avenging Angel top out at L259-265, so the boost seems to be around 80 levels? (Still not up to facing off against the L320/317 team I was matched with before I skipped them.) That being said, I guess I just haven't paid enough attention to the boosteds and playing them, choosing instead to play my "best"/favorite heroes.
  • JuanAV2141
    JuanAV2141 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    edited December 2017
    I'm at rank 86 and only place between top 200 and 300 SCL7
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2017
    I just got to rank 79 today. I have all but 2 5* characters on roster (well, I have an Archangel on the vine, but i'm waiting on room for him). My best 5* is a 3/1/2 Star Lord lv 345 - the only one with all 3 colors, and the rest are all in the 1-3 cover range, most of those stacked on a single color.

    I have all 4* characters rostered, but only 7 of them are champion (Mordo, Medusa, C4rol, Coulson, G4mora, 4ocket, Cloak & Dagger). None higher than level 275. I have Hobofist at 12 covers right as he left latest. The rest of my 4* roster sits in a few buckets: 7-10 covers, 4-6, 1-3.

    I have 22 3* characters, all but 2 are at champion. I had at one time most of the 3*s at champ, but then I decided I needed to start a 2* farm, and ruthlessly sold off all the ones I wasn't using to make room as well as to make sure that all my LT/CP draws would be maximized by rostering all the 4/5 star characters first. I did this on the premise that 3* bonus heroes make it so that the easiest characters to get covers for on purpose are 3*s. I try to keep a flex-slot for required characters that I swap out as necessary.

    I have all the 2*s farming, and a 2/5/2 Bagman just for funsies.

    I keep a fully covered but only half leveled 1* Iron Man around to get that 3rd token in DDQ each day that I have the required 3*.

    I don't play for placement, but I can typically top-100 SCL7 just through optimal play, and often top 50. I typically only try for placement on character release events though, because it's just too much time investment. I can breaze through SCL7 in PVE, which is where I tend to hang out. I can do SCL8, but I can't do it fast enough that it's in the sweet spot of being fun - it definitely feels like work. But the extra CP/HP you get are nice.

    I'm a 575-and-out PVP player, because i just don't have a deep enough roster of 4* champions to compete in events where most of the boost characters are classics. I spend tokens and cp as i get them, which is why i decided to prioritize having the 4/5* characters in my roster. The most CP i've ever had at one time was around 130, when I was saving up to buy out my 5/5/2 Mordo, my second 4* champion.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2017
    Sometimes RNG is funny like that; I inexplicably have a 10 cover Hulkbuster that I only recently acquired; just got on a hot streak of getting the same old 4* out of Classic Legends. I have to say I would totally prefer an Iceman - mine is at 1/1/0. I believe he's a daily reward relatively early in the Shield Resupply tree because I had a single cover on him for the longest time that I finally sold to make room for something else before re-rostering him.
  • bryduck
    bryduck Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    mexus said:
    bryduck said:
    Well, I'm at 64. I have 38 champed 3*s, and a champed Iceman. That being said, none of my 3*s are higher than 188, and most are clustered right around that magic 166, and none of my 4s have more than a cover or 2 (other than Bobby, of course.) I am not happy about this move at all, because I am completely locked out of PVP beyond a fight or 2. I'm facing nobody anywhere close to my 188 Dr. Strange, Bobby, and what, maybe my 179 IM40? 183 Cyke? I suppose I sell my team a bit short and could punch up, but to what end? I'd just instantly lose my position anyway if I poked my head up any higher--and who needs the stress?!
    How did you get all those Bobby covers when all the other 4*s are undercovered?
    He's good, and congratulations on having him on your team, but it's a curious case!
    Once I got all three colors (by having him be my bonus hero and well, luck), I bought up to 13 with CP.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    bryduck said:
    mexus said:
    bryduck said:
    Well, I'm at 64. I have 38 champed 3*s, and a champed Iceman. That being said, none of my 3*s are higher than 188, and most are clustered right around that magic 166, and none of my 4s have more than a cover or 2 (other than Bobby, of course.) I am not happy about this move at all, because I am completely locked out of PVP beyond a fight or 2. I'm facing nobody anywhere close to my 188 Dr. Strange, Bobby, and what, maybe my 179 IM40? 183 Cyke? I suppose I sell my team a bit short and could punch up, but to what end? I'd just instantly lose my position anyway if I poked my head up any higher--and who needs the stress?!
    How did you get all those Bobby covers when all the other 4*s are undercovered?
    He's good, and congratulations on having him on your team, but it's a curious case!
    Once I got all three colors (by having him be my bonus hero and well, luck), I bought up to 13 with CP.
    That statement hurts so much..

    unless you meant buying one cover to save a few on the vine? Yes? Please say you didn't spend 1200 cp on a 4star?