Speculating when Archangel will be 5 essential



  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,736 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have 250 CP that I am saving for a HfH if/when Thanos is actually featured as an essential, which could be a long time for all I know.  All these examples are showing that the developers give us some information, but won't give us full information, because the unexpected is what causes crunches and drives spending.

    I could pull 10 more Legendaries in hopes I get an Archangel, or I could save it for Thanos.  I have no idea if he will be an HfH in 1,2, or 10 events, so I save it.  You chose to boost DD (not a bad decision at all) based on an assumption about Archangel's essential run.

    Many people have been mini-hoarding to pull in hopes of getting America to 209 and make more progress in Shield Training.  Archangel being essential this soon directly puts pressure on players to pull to get him or perhaps do less well in the next PVE.  If they pull for Archangel, they might spend more to get America in a few days, either on vaults or Heroics.

    The Roster Slot sale similarly creates a pressure to use your HP, which many just bought, on a short term deal (to be fair, for one of the few semi-permanent assets in the game).  But if you use your HP for slots, you have less for vaults or Heroics to try to get through Shield Training.  So maybe you buy more HP in a few days.

    I still contend that the 4* vaulting ended because it made it too easy to plan your character development, and spending dropped as a result.

    "You used to call me paranoid 

    But even you can not avoid 
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    35 LT pulls recently, and not a single Arch Angel.  I pulled another Gambit Black, putting him to 0/2/3.  So much unusable purple AP!!!  Hopefully, I can get one before he does become required.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Don't worry,  you can BUY one for 500 command points! 
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’ve pulled nothing but Latests since Archangel has entered the packs and nada.  So unless I get lucky tomorrow with the few pulls I’ll have, then I don’t know what I’m going to do about this next PvE. 
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2018
    After cracking a large chunk of my hoard for Daredevil 2 weeks ago, I decided I’d pull some Legendaries until I got Archangel the other day (before I knew he was essential- but wanted to be ready when he was). I figured I’d have minimal waste with all the 4s I just Champed if I acted before more unchamped 4s enter Legendaries. Plus I still have token fever from pulling so much Christmas Eve!  Really hoping for some Gambits along the way as he’s the only other five I plan to chase before he leaves!  

    My results:

    1st token- War Machine Champ level
    2nd token- Archangel Green

    This works out for me but is a sucky move by the developers. 
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    DarthDeVo said:
    bluewolf said:
    Ha ha!  I was wrong. Apparently we aren’t supposed to be able to predict something like when a 5* will be essential.  I must have made the devs mad with this thread or something. Sorry.

    He’s essential starting 1/8, about 2 1/2 weeks ahead of my guess.  My karmic comeuppance is I am 0/52 on Archangel.  
    Yeah... I pulled basically my whole hoard (~100 Latests pulls) trying to get as many Daredevil champ levels as possible about a week ago, kind of counting on having about three weeks or so to rebuild before trying for Archangel.

    Now I'm still scrambling to try and get enough ISO to waste as few 4* covers as possible from that pull session. I think I've got nine LTs (10 after tomorrow's Crash) and somewhere between 250 and 300 CP I could commit.

    I don't like my chances. I'm debating whether it's even worth it to try, or if I should just skip trying to pull for him right now. I feel like I probably wouldn't get him and end up with more 4* cover wastage. And I was kind of wanting to wait and pull when America was in tokens. But had I known AA would be featured so soon, I probably would have foregone trying for more DD levels. I only ended up with four more. Kind of would rather have AA for the 5* essential. 

    I also chased DD, but stopped when I got to 13 covers as I only had enough ISO to level one fivestar and wanted to use it for Gambit. Then when Archangel entered the token pool I started opening again and got two Archangel covers as well as Three Gambit covers, allowing me to champ him. No Thors though, so I could just as easily have been sitting here without Archangel.

    On the other hand I am not chasing top placement in PvE, so even if I hadn't gotten Archangel I probably still would have been able to hit top 50 as I usually do, I would just have to hit the other nodes a bit harder to do so.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,736 Chairperson of the Boards
    Or just play for progression in higher cls.  Scl9 is not bad other than the 5E anyway. 3 days of low placement is not killing anyone’s progress in the game, and a lot of people won’t have Archangel anyway.  You might be surprised at how you do.