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  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    The current perception of a character in the comic scene has little relation with the perception of the character among the movie-going public.
    I agree to a point. One of the reasons Marvel Studios has been so successful, I think, is that they don't anger the core comic book fans in the process of making mass appeal films. The geeks can still sway the success of a film. DC is experiencing this right now. Their one critically successful film since Nolan's bat films - Wonder Woman - was the only one that stayed true to the comic book character. Superman, Suicide Squad, Batman vs. Superman, and the current Justice League are all suffering the backlash of core fans. The DC films might be making money but they've still been considered failures when compared to the kind of money Marvel Studios is printing.

    The comic geeks are going to accept Iron Man, or Ant-Man, or Paste Pot Pete if they're faithful to the source material. The larger movie-going public at large will follow suit. Deadpool ended up being the highest grossing R-rated film in history. Was that because he was more appealing to the movie-going public than those in the 'comic scene'? No. It was because core comic book fans were going bonkers over the film's brilliant pre-release hype and sensed a film that embraced who Deadpool really was - and through social media, the interwebs, and word of mouth, the core fans helped sway people into the theater that had no idea who Deadpool was.

    ALL of the Marvel Studios properties featured 2nd tier and even 3rd tier characters. Your average non-comic rube had no idea who Ant-Man, the Guardians, or even Thor was. But those in the comic scene did, even if they knew they weren't top-tier characters, and they've driven the success of these movies. So I think that relation is real, when it comes to the success of films.
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,843 Chairperson of the Boards
    The X-men were second tier characters at one point, even having their series cancelled, so it is all relative.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2017
    Some people suggested MCU would not throw X-Men in. Here's an official statement:

    In its statement, Disney says the agreement will allow it to reunite these characters “with the Marvel family under one roof and create richer, more complex worlds of inter-related characters and stories that audiences have shown they love.” Marvel is already planning to overhaul the MCU after the studio’s “Phase Three” arc. That will finish with a fourth and supposed final Avengers film in 2019, which will end the Infinity War story. “There will be two distinct periods. Everything before Avengers 4 and everything after,” Kevin Feige, the president of Marvel Studios, has previously said.

  • JuanAV2141
    JuanAV2141 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    bluewolf said:
    Hopefully it isn't voted as a monopoly 
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    bluewolf said:
    Hopefully it isn't voted as a monopoly 
    It's not even close to being a monopoly.  Unfortunately most people have no clue what a monopoly is
  • Riguez
    Riguez Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    You are all missing the point here... the real reason for the deal is already in the works... Marvel Puzzle Quest: The Movie!

    It is about a couple of people playing the game and then you'll see live-action Avengers, X-Men, etc, punching each other as the players match tiles.  You'll have to pay with Hero Points to get tickets to see the movie.

    Can't wait!
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Anyone saying OMG!  Disney won't do violent,  R rated stories hasn't watched Punisher
  • JuanAV2141
    JuanAV2141 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    n25philly said:
    bluewolf said:
    Hopefully it isn't voted as a monopoly 
    It's not even close to being a monopoly.  Unfortunately most people have no clue what a monopoly is
    I guess you have a point since you don't HAVE to watch TV and movies.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    n25philly said:
    bluewolf said:
    Hopefully it isn't voted as a monopoly 
    It's not even close to being a monopoly.  Unfortunately most people have no clue what a monopoly is
    I guess you have a point since you don't HAVE to watch TV and movies.
    It’s not a monopoly because they don’t overlap much.  I read a WSJ arrival that pointed out that superhero moves are about their only overlap. Disney’s movies and TV outside Starwars and superhero’s are mostly kid/young adult focus while Fox’s movies and even cartoons are firml targeted at adults. 
  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2017
    -Mutants are already in MCU : Pietro and Scarlet Witch
    -The movies are successful because they do not appeal to the comic fans first;There would be so many more eggs if they really cared about the fan boys. MCU appeal is strategically broad, the premise's are set up painstakingly slow; so even Caution Slow Children can follow along. My grandma knows who Batman and spider-man are, but its taken a decade before the general population was considered ready for Dr. Strange and magic (even after a dozen years of HP).  They have proven that they can take any property and make a good profitable movie from it. Squirrel girl will have her own animated on the disney channel if a producer likes the market forecasts.
    -It's not a monopoly because they are both content providers. The time warner merger was blocked because it was a content provider and a delivery system. 
    -Gods,robots, cyborgs, aliens, magic, gamma rays, quantum plane, Ego, groot, cloning, holograms and jeff goldblum! but mutants is narrative dissonance? 
    -I hope they do the story where WWII Cap'n has to team up with a RAF special forces commando from Canada to storm a Nazi castle and end up freeing frankensteins monster, then you can have Logan and Stev-o standing next to each other. (they should cast "the Swede" from hell on wheels for frankenstein),
     -- See also: The Poker Games!! that 70's show meets MCU!
    -Jarvis Please! Iron man is SUCH an A-lister. Illuminati much? golden age kirby: nuff said.