In Other News

JuanAV2141 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
Since I'm too lazy to look for the previous discussion,

according to CNBC, Disney and Fox are getting close to a deal worth 60 billion dollars. YES!


  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh man that means the X-Men ban is finally going to end, right?
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    X-men ban kinda already has. A lot of Marvel games are having some X-men creep back in.

    I just hope they don't introduce mutants to the MCU. Make a TV show, if anything. Don't bring them into the MCU. That just opens the biggest can of worms.
  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,648 Chairperson of the Boards

    X-Men won't move into the MCU, pretty sure Disney wouldn't make much money from that.

    Much bigger chance of the MCU getting a new generation of X-Men instead and/or mutants we haven't seen in the movies popping up in the MCU.

  • danielrandkai
    danielrandkai Posts: 90 Match Maker
    I’m more interested in what the FF brings to the MCU. Doom, skrulls, silver surfer and galactus, the negative zone, etc. I imagine James Gunn is very much interested. 
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Alfje17 said:

    X-Men won't move into the MCU, pretty sure Disney wouldn't make much money from that.

    Much bigger chance of the MCU getting a new generation of X-Men instead and/or mutants we haven't seen in the movies popping up in the MCU.

    Of course not, with their obvious track record of making piles of money with 3rd tier characters like Iron Man, Ant Man, and the GotG.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Alfje17 said:

    X-Men won't move into the MCU, pretty sure Disney wouldn't make much money from that.

    This may be the most insane comment I've read on this forum (and that says a lot).  Fox makes a lot of money on X-Men even with movies lower quality than the MCU ones.  MCU is making money hand over fist with characters far less well known/desired.  Disney made a deal with Sony for Spider-Man that, if I understand it correct, basically has Marvel Studios do all the work but let Sony keep a cut.  They wanted him back that badly.  There's no way in the Dark Dimension that they won't put the top tier X-Men into the MCU.  
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Alfje17 said:

    X-Men won't move into the MCU, pretty sure Disney wouldn't make much money from that.

    Much bigger chance of the MCU getting a new generation of X-Men instead and/or mutants we haven't seen in the movies popping up in the MCU.

    2 words
    PHASE 4
  • JuanAV2141
    JuanAV2141 Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    edited December 2017
    If they don't put them directly into the current universe, they may make an MCU2. They have multiple universes in the comics. I just want good Xmen movies with proper timelines.
  • badsaj
    badsaj Posts: 73 Match Maker
    Beer40 said:
    Alfje17 said:

    X-Men won't move into the MCU, pretty sure Disney wouldn't make much money from that.

    Much bigger chance of the MCU getting a new generation of X-Men instead and/or mutants we haven't seen in the movies popping up in the MCU.

    Of course not, with their obvious track record of making piles of money with 3rd tier characters like Iron Man, Ant Man, and the GotG.
    I agree that Ant Man and the Guardians are not 1st tier characters, but Iron Man is one of the biggest characters Marvel has.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    IMO, adding X-men to the MCU would go against the story built up thus far about the world the MCU takes place in.

    Iron Man becomming a super hero was a major deal. Captain America coming back to life was incredible. The Hulk was already known, sure, and Black Widow and Hawkeye are very talented humans. But then suddenly Thor is real, too!

    In a narrative where a person becomming a meta human is a world altering big deal, you can't thn say "Oh yeah, also there were literally millions of mutants at the same time, we just didn't think they were important until now" is incredibly narratively dissonant.
  • Gigas Breaker
    Gigas Breaker Posts: 86 Match Maker
    badsaj said:
    Beer40 said:
    Alfje17 said:

    X-Men won't move into the MCU, pretty sure Disney wouldn't make much money from that.

    Much bigger chance of the MCU getting a new generation of X-Men instead and/or mutants we haven't seen in the movies popping up in the MCU.

    Of course not, with their obvious track record of making piles of money with 3rd tier characters like Iron Man, Ant Man, and the GotG.
    I agree that Ant Man and the Guardians are not 1st tier characters, but Iron Man is one of the biggest characters Marvel has.
    Before the movie Iron Man was second tier. He was nowhere near Spider-man or Hulk level in Pop Culture. The movie changed that.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2017
    IMO, adding X-men to the MCU would go against the story built up thus far about the world the MCU takes place in.

    Iron Man becomming a super hero was a major deal. Captain America coming back to life was incredible. The Hulk was already known, sure, and Black Widow and Hawkeye are very talented humans. But then suddenly Thor is real, too!

    In a narrative where a person becomming a meta human is a world altering big deal, you can't thn say "Oh yeah, also there were literally millions of mutants at the same time, we just didn't think they were important until now" is incredibly narratively dissonant.
    As Vision would say there's a causality, and strength breads conflict.

    Also Captain America, Ant-Man, and Agent Carter established that it didn't start with Iron Man, just public knowledge of it.  There's nothing to say that mutants haven't been there but in such small numbers they weren't noticed until their were other known heroes/enhanced people to make them less fearful of being out in the open.  Also the number of mutants always grew over time, the critical mass point where there are enough to become known could just be getting hit.

    Alternatively two other ways I could see it work:
    1.  There's a dormant mutant gene and something happens world wide to trigger it in many people.  Solar event, alien something or other, etc.
    2.  The X-Men are in an alternate universe in the MCU Multiverse and exist separately until something happens to collapse one universe or they only have occasional cross-dimensional team-ups.  #MCM Marvel Cinematic Multiverse
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards

    In a narrative where a person becomming a meta human is a world altering big deal, you can't thn say "Oh yeah, also there were literally millions of mutants at the same time, we just didn't think they were important until now" is incredibly narratively dissonant.
    They could work their way around that with a "House of M" type plotline.  The current reality is Switch's freaky-nutso reality-bended version with, like, ten mutants in it.  At some point in that timeline, mutants start to reappear.  Some regain their powers, and eventually new ones start getting born again.

    They've gotta do something to paste over that godawful attempt at injecting the Inhumans into the MCU.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    IMO, adding X-men to the MCU would go against the story built up thus far about the world the MCU takes place in.

    Iron Man becomming a super hero was a major deal. Captain America coming back to life was incredible. The Hulk was already known, sure, and Black Widow and Hawkeye are very talented humans. But then suddenly Thor is real, too!

    In a narrative where a person becomming a meta human is a world altering big deal, you can't thn say "Oh yeah, also there were literally millions of mutants at the same time, we just didn't think they were important until now" is incredibly narratively dissonant.
    Sure you can, and no it need not be dissonant.

    The Avengers' stories have been told at a high-level. They are world-renowned figures.

    Mutants are little people, operate in the shadows and underground.

    Their reveal could be the next step in an acceleratingly weird world, causing a lot of social disruption, and great stories involving how these accumulating revelations impact common people.

    They've already touched on just that in many ways, showing average people reacting to news of superheroes and alien battles. But for the majority of the population in the MCU, those things are far away, only happen on the TV. 

    The reveal of mutants would bring it home to everyone. Pretty much the same function they have always served in the comics, as a mirror of social issues in real life. Saying, "Guess what? Those 'other' people you've been hearing about? They're everywhere...!"
    Which would work had they not already done that with The Inhumans.

    Albeit they did it badly, but the idea is still the same. (Jeez I wish the TV show had been better).
  • badsaj
    badsaj Posts: 73 Match Maker
    badsaj said:
    Beer40 said:
    Alfje17 said:

    X-Men won't move into the MCU, pretty sure Disney wouldn't make much money from that.

    Much bigger chance of the MCU getting a new generation of X-Men instead and/or mutants we haven't seen in the movies popping up in the MCU.

    Of course not, with their obvious track record of making piles of money with 3rd tier characters like Iron Man, Ant Man, and the GotG.
    I agree that Ant Man and the Guardians are not 1st tier characters, but Iron Man is one of the biggest characters Marvel has.
    Before the movie Iron Man was second tier. He was nowhere near Spider-man or Hulk level in Pop Culture. The movie changed that.

    Maybe you could say he was 2nd tier in pop culture, (I don't agree, but maybe)  but in the comics he was one of the premier characters. The movie came out shortly after the comic version of civil war, where you could arguably say he was one of the most important characters of all.
  • DAC169
    DAC169 Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    badsaj said:
    Beer40 said:
    Alfje17 said:

    X-Men won't move into the MCU, pretty sure Disney wouldn't make much money from that.

    Much bigger chance of the MCU getting a new generation of X-Men instead and/or mutants we haven't seen in the movies popping up in the MCU.

    Of course not, with their obvious track record of making piles of money with 3rd tier characters like Iron Man, Ant Man, and the GotG.
    I agree that Ant Man and the Guardians are not 1st tier characters, but Iron Man is one of the biggest characters Marvel has.
    Before the movie Iron Man was second tier. He was nowhere near Spider-man or Hulk level in Pop Culture. The movie changed that.

    He's been big in video games for ages. As far back as SNES, maybe earlier.
  • j0nats
    j0nats Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    iron man has always been there...

    ...  with jets ablaze. he fights and fights with repulsor rays!

    if u can sing the song in your head then you must be real 'young at heart'
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Since I'm the one that called Iron Man 3rd tier, I'll offer some insight as to why:

    Marvel did not publish sales figures for the title for a very long time, but by the time it did, Iron Man was a mid-range seller along with the other Avengers titles. The series peaked above 200,000 copies in the mid-1980s during David Michelinie and Bob Layton's first run on the title; it approached that level again several times before collapsing during the market recession of the mid-1990s.
    Anyway, that's my recollection of him. No one I knew was buying Iron Man or talking about it, and the numbers say he was pretty mid tier. 

    I won't bore you with the rehashed story about why Marvel chose an Iron Man movie first, but it supports what I've said (if its true). That being said, I always liked Tony Stark as a character well before the movies were made. 
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    If anyone thinks that bringing the film rights for X-Men and Fantastic Four back to Marvel aren't a huge motivator to Disney in this deal is insane. Yes, Disney wants to become a giant conglomerate and this move would effectively (and finally) put them over WB as the big honcho production company, but make no mistake - the X-Men are a huge part of this deal. There isn't a more coveted comic book property to have - not the Avengers, not Superman, not even Batman. Yes, the Avengers and Marvel movies have been out-grossing the X films, but just imagine an X-Men film made by Marvel studios. It doesn't matter if they ignore the Fox films and re-introduce the X-Men, or if Hugh Jackman is standing beside Robert Downey jr. - it will be HUGE. (And yes, I know Jackman said he's retired from Wolverine, but he also said he would un-retire to play the role in a Marvel Studios film.) It WILL happen - Mutants (and the FF) WILL be part of the MCU by phase 4.

    It wouldn't surprise me if Disney's main motivation in this deal is returning the Marvel Properties. They've shown no hesitancy in shelling out billions simply to gain control of one hot property (see: Star Wars).
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    badsaj said:
    Beer40 said:
    Alfje17 said:

    X-Men won't move into the MCU, pretty sure Disney wouldn't make much money from that.

    Much bigger chance of the MCU getting a new generation of X-Men instead and/or mutants we haven't seen in the movies popping up in the MCU.

    Of course not, with their obvious track record of making piles of money with 3rd tier characters like Iron Man, Ant Man, and the GotG.
    I agree that Ant Man and the Guardians are not 1st tier characters, but Iron Man is one of the biggest characters Marvel has.
    Before the movie Iron Man was second tier. He was nowhere near Spider-man or Hulk level in Pop Culture. The movie changed that.
    I'd agree with this. The first I heard of Iron Man was as an unlockable character, practically an easter egg, in X-Men Legends 2.