Anyone else annoyed by the required 5star rotation in pve?



  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker

    The 5E has little impact in SCL7, no impact in SCL6. Let your roster be your SCL guide. I know I do. 

    I do worry that they will roll out SCL restrictions soon, already saw them on this season and sim. If I'm locked into the highest 3 SCLs available to me, I'll be locked into SCLs with 5E nodes. Once SCL 10 comes out, I'd be locked out of SCL 7, and would have to play the 5E for big points. No essential? longer road to progression and tinykitty placement.

    I just pulled my first 5thor last night. Yay, I guess. Assuming he will be essential next week, if SCLs were restricted, I'd have been cutting it close.

    There were scl restrictions to prevent slumming this season?
  • ZeroKarma
    ZeroKarma Posts: 513 Critical Contributor
    I would prefer to see the rotation tilted a little more in favor of Classics or at least a 50/50 split. PVP has always been about having the latest and greatest weapons, but PvE has generally been a place where older characters and creative teams have won the day. 

    Moving ng in this direction really makes PvE pay to win. While having such gated elements in parts of the game make sense from a business perspective, it could have the effect of turning off a significant portion of the player base who spend, but not enough to quickly champ the latest 5*.
  • LeaveMyCookies
    LeaveMyCookies Posts: 62 Match Maker
    broll said:
    Orion said:
    seriously..gambit was just freaking released and now he is put next required in PVE?  Least it wasn't 5thor I guess
    You just need 1 cover for him to play those nodes.  He's been out for over a month.  At least the next PvE will be pretty simple for my level 569 Gambit.
    He's only been pullable from CP for a little over a week.  Unless you hit the Saakar jackpot (1:533 I think, the only way to get him before that) you've only had a week.
    That would be me