My History - PhantomSniper

DaBeast911 Posts: 77 Match Maker
edited November 2017 in MPQ General Discussion

I am PhantomSniper, aka DaBeast911 (1st and original name), aka BeastIsBack (2nd name after I took a hiatus), aka DaCerealKiller (don’t ask), aka BeastDarkRage (4th name when I joined *** and became a menace) aka PhantomSniper (final name because you’ll be happily hopping and all of a sudden, I’ve hit you 5 times). The LINE community knows me well and I post to the forums every now and then, when an issue needs my attention. The title of this post definitely screams that need and so I’ll begin.

Any players names have been replaced with an asterisk, since my last post was deleted because of players names being mentioned.

I’ve been playing this game since January 11, 2014. I remember the day because that when I dislocated my knee and was looking for a game on the Apple App Store to past the time. I’m what you would call a veteran whale, didn’t start off as one but I’ll tell you how I evolved.

I noticed when I began all these players were having these incredible rosters, this was way before CP and 5 stars, when Wolverine X-Force was a god and 3 stars were relevant to EVERY match. I didn’t know about LINE at all but I was really interested in learning so I did some Googling and found out about the forums. So much information, guides on PvP, PvE, roster growth, powers and character description, I felt like I had hit the mother lode. But my roster wasn’t growing or performing the way I wanted and being the competitive person that I was, I had to figure out why. So I started playing PvP and was getting destroyed every time. About this time, Silver Surfer was introduced (along with Legendary Token ) as the first 5 Star and I was in ***, in a LINE battle chat with ***, which was led by ***, who ALWAYS placed first. So I got his contact info, messaged him and surprisingly, he wrote back. Anyone that knows *** knows he was the original whale so I was surprised he even took the time to get back to me, being that I never bought in the game at this point. We started chatting and he started helping me get my roster up. He actually sponsored me in my very first buy club and bought my first Stark for me and that was all she wrote. He then introduced me to ***, the other mega whale and around this same time, command points were introduced in the game. *** ran a room called VIP 3-Stark Buy, where everyone bought 3 Starks apiece (duh) and it was there that my buying began. First it was 3 Starks a week and I topped out somewhere around 15-24 Starks per month. Then I found about about Amazon Digital Day….that’s when my spending exploded. December 30th, 2016, Starks were $37.50, after refunded coins immediately buy Amazon for 2 days. I got an Amazon Store credit card the week before, $10,000 line of credit and maxed it out. Purchased about 116 Starks in the course of 2 days, did 3, 5, 10 and 20 buys. Along with ***, ***, *** and a few other whales, I met *** and ***, my alliance brothers to this day. I was in *** and started and a mild mannered player but being friends with ***, turned me into the PhantomSniper, the headache for a lot of people today. *** disbanded to my dismay and I joined *** and *** in ***, where I met ***. We took field trips to certain slices, particularly slice 4 where we waged war and I was extremely malicious and effective in infiltrating and sniping. I made a lot, I mean a lot of enemies, which I actually loved doing. My friends in the game were only the ones in my alliance, everyone else dies. Period.

*** eventually disbanded and along with ***, ***, *** and I, we formed *** and also *** buy club. It was around this time that Thanos/Black Panther/Hawkeye were in the Latest Legends and that was the greatest trio in the history of the game, you’d be a totally idiot to not to try to max them. In ***, we did 1 Stark buys 4-5 times per day and the fun was flowing. During the time before Thanos went to classics, I bought approximately, based on my receipts, 326 Starks, between ***, 3 Starks and 5 Starks VIP, during a 6 month and enjoyed every single minute of it. I had disposable income and could afford it easily, plus I was playing a game I loved. During my spending, I met ***, who ended up completing our squad, ***. We were guys that loved the game, loved growing our rosters and the comraderie of helping other to get their rosters up, that’s how we were….keyword in that sentence…were. What happened? Well…..

All game have glitches, bugs and exploits and Marvel Puzzle Quest has had it’s share. It’s a part of the game. Love it, like it or leave it, that’s what I say. In spite of all this, we still bought, played and grew our rosters. I got my Thanos to 550 not long ago and I figured I’d wait until Amazon Digital Day to buy again cause I felt, once you get Thanos at 550, game over. Plus my Black Panther is 515 and Hawkeye is 539, all my other 5 stars are between 454 and 496. All my 4 stars are maxed and I have a lot of duplicates. Plus I had some help from ***, he covered me in a lot of buys to help me max Thanos and I don’t know if he’s on the forums but I want to say, publicly, thank you brother. 

Thank you all for listening.

//Removed Forum Infractions, and Added Temporary Title -Brigby


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