The End Game

Doc L
Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
Okay, disclaimer first - no posts criticising the changes to PvP etc, plenty of threads for that. Want to generate discussion about something I’ve been thinking about for a while.

I’m currently at day 1470, having played from the beta form of the game, through all the numerous changes to the game - skills used to go to 20, team-up tiles were environment tiles, so many broken characters and so on - and I just invest in VIP each month. I have 3 max 5* (Thanos, Hawkeye and Starlord) and am currently saving ISO for my 4th and 5th 5* I need to level to 450 (Spiderman and Daredevil). Aside from that, I have about 52 of the 58 4* championed, 3* and so forth. 

To me, my ‘end game’, used to be PvP, but as it’s altered to encompass all (I have no problem in principle with this), what now is the ‘end game’? If it were Diablo, we’d have random spawning dungeons with awesome rewards. But was is the end game for a match-3 game, that is probably only about halfway through its lifespan (per Developers comments a year or two back). I never planned to play this long, but upto now, the curve through PvE, to PvP, and 2* upto 5*, and I have enjoyed it all the way through. 

So what is the end game for other people? Or is there one? 

Personally, I think they should make a reformed version of the old PvP, label it as only for over X CL, and use that with much greater rewards as end game. Or constant lightening rounds wth smaller groups like the Thor event, this would be good, but rotating main characters, buffs and rewards that are worthwhile. 

And again - not a trolling, complaining about PvP thread, I don’t want that. More, what is the future for the upper tier of the game for different players?


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Tile Toppler
    I think there isnt one, in so much as you can never "complete" it like traditional games.

    There isnt a final level, a stage where you cant go further.  Particularly with the rather aggressive release schedule of characters.

    I suppose you could end up so flooded with resources due to champed everyone that new characters are rostered and champed quickly, but thats more by-product than anything.

    PVP as was suited some people.  To the degree there is a good size community built around it that are clearly passionate. 

    I would have no issue with the game offering them back that PVP as a seperate entity at all, but I ask you - is THAT the end game?  Would that be "it" for you?

    I think the issues in the game boil down to trying to accommodate casual players and "pro's".  It cant be all things to all people.

    Id be happy with a number of tabs trying to accomodate these people distinctly.  THen you can go into an event that suits your need/desire at that time.  

    But even then, in a game that is one big hamster wheel - what is the end game?

  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's no end game...  Only the endless hunt for new and (not always) improved Pokemon.

    Personally I'm thoroughly tired of pvp, but still find the new 5* featured boost in pve exciting. But both are still essentially resource mills for my farming sim/life sim game. (Ms Marvel's Farmville Quest! Princess Maker featuring Peter Quill!)

    And a side game of 5* lottery, of course. :) 
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,737 Chairperson of the Boards

    My end game:
    Cheating and the lack of enforcment.   This above all else is the thing that will drive me away. BH exploit since March, nothing done.  CP hack that has been reported, nothing done.  $2 for 7 CP AFTER data push, not rolled back.  Other exploits that we are finding out about and reported, nothing done. This singlear thing is the one that drives me nuts.  They claim to have the data and do nothing. I have invested a lot of money into this game and to see these peoole running around and not be dealt with just isn't right.  Why should I support the game if they are not dealt with.  Sent all requested information and not done. This subject is one that will drive me out.  
    The thing that concerns me sometimes is, of all the player complaints/issues, this is the one that both devs and (legit) players are 100% in agreement on, or should be.  And yet issues continue and new ones appear.

    If the devs can’t get the store right.....come on.
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    It’s interesting two people already have said ‘there is no end game’. I think, like say Disney Emoji Blitz (a match-3 game my wife plays) which originally started as a ‘time waster’ for Disney Parks to play while you wait for your ride, but is starting to adapt to the fact people play a lot, the original aim of the game was just ‘collect more heroes’. But, the game is mutating, I feel, otherwise, in one year from now, will they still be adding heroes you care about? That’ll be another 40-odd characters, and the Developers have stated more than once the game will last 7+ years, and I can’t see it being ‘fun’ even to the casual person, to collect Captain Ultra or Payback. That would infer you think the Developers always think people will get bored and are more interested in ‘new players’.

    Its also interesting two people say cheating is killing the the top tier, which is true to an extent. The number of full cover 5* Gambits I’ve faced over the last few weeks can’t just be from people hoarding or spending $s (I know both of these happen, but when it’s almost every fight...). 

    I just want to believe that something more should be developed, as the game and it’s community is growing and evolving into something that could go on for years and years, if supported correctly.
  • Avalancher
    Avalancher Posts: 125 Tile Toppler
    The end game, for me, is to fill my entertainment hours with a Marvel game that I love.  This works perfectly for that.

    The idea of competition for prize covers and Legendary Tokens is just perfect for me.  I am not a completionist, I don't care if I ever get another champed 5, I just love to toy with my favorite modern myths as often as I can.  This format is heaven for that.  Holding all this superpower in the palm of my hand so I can bust my hero moves at any time during the day when I have a spare three minutes?  That's all I need.

    The end game is to play this game until it ends, which I hope will be at least three more years.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    The end game is when marvel eventually pulls the plug and the servers go down for good. It's not if, but when.

    But yes, agreed that there is no real end game as it is a continuous game...pretty much chasing the dragon on a mobile phone.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Tile Toppler
    smkspy said:
    The end game is when marvel eventually pulls the plug and the servers go down for good. It's not if, but when.

    But yes, agreed that there is no real end game as it is a continuous game...pretty much chasing the dragon on a mobile phone.
    The problem with that is just the sheer volume of characters now.  Its a dragon new players will never actually catch IMO!

    Imagine being a new player and seeing there are some 150 odd that you need to collect, Its an enormous task to undertake,

    And its not just rostering them, its getting 10+ covers for them to make them properly playable.

    As well as keeping up with the new releases on top.

    And, at any time, feeling like you are getting somewhere, achieving - which isnt always the case as mpq can be quite unforgiving.

    The resources required are immense, genuinely I think if I picked it up today for the first time I really wouldnt last long before just uninstalling it.

    When I started 3*s were the top tier, and even back then it took an age to get into them.  At a point when there were maybe 15?  Now there are 46 just at that level. 

    And how long has it been since 3*s were even truly relevant?  Aside from a few particular ones, most of mine only ever get used when they are essentials.

    Possibly going off topic a bit - but is it also valid to ask if MPQ has jumped the shark already?  Recent changes made have been done with an eye on younger rosters, but is that locking the door once the horse has bolted?

  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    My endgame has shifted.  It used to be completing the 4* tier.  As that keeps growing, it's a moving target, but I'm approaching an asymptote as I tick off classics.  Once I have all of the classics champed and have enough Iso to invest every new cover up to max level, I will consider that goal complete.

    I am slowly moving into 5* territory, but completion in that tier is unreasonable for me.  I don't have the resources, was not far enough in the game to accumulate most of the earlier releases, and now have no practical way to achieve them.  So I suppose sitting in the 5* pack would be my personal endgame.  I don't anticipate ever max-champing one, but at this point if I keep going as I am it is perfectly reasonable to assume I will be able to champ every new one and gather a few champ levels before they are banished to classics.

    Once I've reached that point, I will consider myself in the endgame, where PvE becomes freebie roster maintenance and placement rewards in either PvP or PvE as the competitive aspect.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    There isn't one.  They want to keep people on an infinite treadmill.  They specifically want to keep the buy clubs in a perpetual cycle of chasing the latest and greatest in an continual power creep.  When there's enough loss of interest, they'll add a new treadmill like a new tier of characters or expand clearance levels.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    End game?  There definitely isn't one as far as the developers are concerned.

    I have always played in a goal-oriented way.

    First, I wanted to win top 50 PVE prizes.  Then, I wanted all the characters.  Then I wanted to be able to be competitive in PVP (two of the aforementioned stayed out of reach for me for way too long until I realized what soft capping was, but by then it was too late).

    Then I wanted a champed 5*.  Then I wanted to champ all the 3*s.  Then all the 4*s (two left!).   Now it's max-champing all my 3*s (a ways away from this, but have 26 now).  I'm even close to having my first max-champed 3* dupe.

    Now my current goal is to champ my two max covered 5*s that are still at 255.  This keeps getting waylaid by new 4* releases and (recently) needing to level up undercovered 4*s just to participate in add-on content.  

    For the future?  

    I'd like to say being competitive in CL9, but CL9 is no problem.  Only that pesky 5* node with undercovered/underleveled is the only obstacle (which isn't insurmountable, but whales have been used.)

    But then again, I'm still chasing that carrot on a stick which is champing all the 4*s, but I'd imagine my next goal will be to see how little I can play and still get reasonable rewards that allow me to roster new characters and dupes as needed and keep up with the release schedule.  I've quit PVP and am still doing ok, though my 4/5* acquisition rate has slowed due to less CP.  (But then again, even if I was still playing, I'd still be missing most of that CP anyway.)
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    MPQs endgame is similar to any never ending game. Its not really about different gameplay at the end. COD multiplayer endgame is prestiging and golden/ diamond weapons. Destiny's endgame is raids, but mainly for raid gear to get to the highest level. Overwatch is rare skins.
    For MPQ its building up the 4* or 5* tier. Rarest loot to get the highest level. The 5* tier is just so slow to build that the 4* tier is the endgame for many people.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    Straycat said:
    MPQs endgame is similar to any never ending game. Its not really about different gameplay at the end. COD multiplayer endgame is prestiging and golden/ diamond weapons. Destiny's endgame is raids, but mainly for raid gear to get to the highest level. Overwatch is rare skins.
    For MPQ its building up the 4* or 5* tier. Rarest loot to get the highest level. The 5* tier is just so slow to build that the 4* tier is the endgame for many people.
    In addition, upper level champed 4s, when boosted, are crazy powerful and a lot of fun to play. :)
  • Sandmaker
    Sandmaker Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    I'm curious why you no longer consider pvp the end game anymore?

    The change moved top end progression into top end placement. So if anything, placing higher, and scoring higher has become even more important. 
  • aa25
    aa25 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    The end game for me is the point when the game is not fun to play anymore.
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    Pvp should have always been end game focus, its literally what everyone does when they are kind of done with the grind. Doesn't matter if its a MMO or MPQ.

    You should be able to feel like whatever you've earned via Pve/pvp you can now use against other pvp players. 

    However the way pvp is setup now, with mmr and wins it doesn't feel good.

  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    The game ends when you run out of money.

    Serious answer: there isn't one. If PVP weren't designed in such a way that the only possible way to have an advantage is to have level 550 5-stars, winning in PVP would be the endgame for me. But since I won't reach that point until roughly 2035, I basically just treat it like Pokemon with Marvel characters.
  • thedarkphoenix
    thedarkphoenix Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    There should be end game stuff that requires you to have a certain shield rank and character roster level just to enter the mode.

    Kind of like a end game raid dungeon 
  • twistmonkey
    twistmonkey Posts: 79 Match Maker

    All 4*s (except Nightcrawler) champed, all 3*s champed, 2*s farm up and running, latest 3 5* champed. So literally no cover waste at this point.

    I'm earning more HP than I spend (through champ levels, 2* farm churn, placement/ progression rewards in both PVE and PVP etc). My HP spend includes shields (PVP events and LRs/Sakaar), occasional 3* dupes as well as new character slots.

    Got ~10kCP banked as well as ~600k ISO so waiting on Thor and then I'll champ him too.

    I feel like I've reached end game (if not finished the game).

  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    For me, the end game will be when I am no longer having fun. I've been through patches that felt like that, powered down for a few PVEs and mostly blew them off and then I was ready to go again. I imagine there will come a day when I'm not ready to go again.