4* DDQ: Agent Venom vs 4* Luke Cage

BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
took 2 tries with 5/5/3 AV, no boosts. Deceptively tricky one this; on the surface, both share the same colours.

However, prioritise Red, both to feed Symbiotic Assault and deny Buncha Fiddle Faddle. You can let Luke collect Yellow and Black, since his Black is a passive and his Yellow does nothing if his Protects aren't out. Try to save up as much Red and Black as you can, then down him at one go. And you should avoid making Green, Blue, and Purple matches as much as possible, or AV's Black will be stuck in Alien Weakness.

the first time round, Luke cascaded into more than 13 Red, despite my strong denial game. Second time, one max-powered Symbiotic Assault followed by a Military Might (after Alien Weakness reverted to MM) downed him

Token to ze hoard


  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Champed AV 3/5/5 got it first try. I had quite a few cascades which got me to Alien Weakness in a hurry. I just saved my ap since if you don't fire any powers, Cage just sits there until he has enough red.

    Basically Alien Weakness continued whittling him down, I fired yellow twice, and he was dead.

    LT gave me a Blue Rocket and Groot cover. He's now 3/4/0.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Took 2.5 tries with my 5/5/3 Level 279 AV, no boosts.

    First 1.5 tries, no matter what move I made,  the game always set up a red match for the AI. I wiped the first time, and the second time it happened so early I just retreated and started right away with the ding to my health. But that time the tables were turned and I was the one getting the red matches. A full Symbiotic Assault followed by back-to-back Military Might ended it with about 11.5K health left. Token to the hoard. 
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beat him with my level 275 on the third try.  Cage's red was almost enough to one-shot me from full health, since Venom can't soften the blow by putting out special tiles.

    I had my Venom set to 3/5/5, but it would probably have made more sense to have 5 red in this match.  I just collected enough AP to keep Alien Weakness going while denying red: since it is passive, it doesn't trigger any strike tiles.  Then it was just a matter of waiting until I had enough red and yellow to finish him off in one turn.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    Champed level 287, 5/5/3. Saved up AP for one of each, won rather handily. Thankfully he only managed to gather 12 Red.

    Haven't opened the token yet.
    Update: Against all odds, a DP black for my 5/1/5 XFDP. o.O
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,276 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    Lvl 110, 3/5/5, managed to beat him down 1st try, probably got lucky. I actually had "Alien Weakness" going off pretty much the whole match which created lots of free matches.

    Match damage boosts didnt hurt either.

    LT to the hoard.
  • TheHungryPet
    TheHungryPet Posts: 229 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2017
    LV 130, 5/5/3 first attempt with no boosts. Tried Lv70 first for jokes but did not work out at all due to tinykitty cascades. 

    This was a lot of fun!
    Deny red at all cost and then gather enough AP to kill him in one round. Symbiotic Assault + 3 Military Mights and it was over.

    LT to the hoard.
  • thechairman
    thechairman Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    5/5/3 champed AV. Red heavy board led to a couple of supercharged assaults ending this fairly quickly.

    Still can't pull a 5*. Got 1k ISO from a Green Moon Knight, at 1/0/7 the most lopsided 4* I own.
  • Dataspectre
    Dataspectre Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    Easy Win, first try without boosts, respec'd L280 Agent Venom from 3/5/5 to 5/5/3 for Symboiotic Assault damage.

    Denied most of the red on the board got 24 red ap and gotten 12 black ap from Alien Weakness cascade. Shot Cage twice and show him Military Might at the end.

    Saving LT 
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    Champed Venom had no problems. Twice red assault with at least 12 AP did the trick.
  • shadowyoshi
    shadowyoshi Posts: 153 Tile Toppler

    Beat this with a 2/2/2 Level 115. Boosted R/Y 50%, G/B 50% and all 100%.

    Had a great board (neither side generated enough Red to ever fire) and the cascades from Alien Weakness got me in range to finish with Yellow. Had 20+ AP in every color but Red when it finished.

  • Kahmon
    Kahmon Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    5/5/3 lv.281

    Pretty mindless. Just made matches until I could fire all 3 powers and burned him down. Easiest crash for me in a while.

    Token to the hoard.
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    Like several people I respec’d A.V. to 5/5/3 and did this first go.

    token was a black moon knight to make him 2/2/4
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,168 Chairperson of the Boards
    Easiest crash ever for me.  I got a super friendly board that gave me 15 black the first turn.  Military Might x2 is a nice way to start off the fight!  LT got me another champ level for X23
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tricky match, but I got it first try with my 4/4/2. Dumped some ISO into him first, since he was down at level 90-something, and managed to pull it out despite foolishly firing Symbiotic Assault too early and letting him get a Protect out that he kept fortifying no matter how many times I managed to match it away. But I did a good enough job of denying red, saved up, and then hit him a bunch of times in one go to finish him off. LT is getting saved for when Thor enters Latest.
  • rocks52
    rocks52 Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2017
    Won easily with a lv 289 5/5/3 Agent Venom.  Took awhile b/c I could not get reds going and didn't want to fire too many powers so he could litter board with protect tiles.  Eventually Alien Weakness was going off every turn and then when I finally had the reds, Symbiotic Assault easily finished him off thanks to a ton of AP in green and purple. LT to the hoard

    Pretty excited because I believe this should be the first cycle I can win all the crashes in.  Last cycle I missed 4 as the characters had too few covers.  They should be covered enough at this point, or when their turn comes around, for me to be able to win with them.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    mexus said:
    Is this the thread where people will finally realize that Alien Weakness is not a downside? ;)
    It depends. I don't like when it triggers since it can just as well as being positive destroy potential important matches. 
    I'm also not for self-harm in a character that can't heal.
    We're talking 3-5% of his max health at level 70, or 1.5-2.5% at level 270, depending on cover level. Often that'll be less than one enemy match. And clearly, from the success stories in this thread, the extra damage you get from the tile destruction/possible cascades is outweighing the (nominal) self-damage. Ending the match faster = less damage done to you.

    You're nearly getting a 2 AP Carnage Rules at the start of each turn ;)
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,276 Chairperson of the Boards
    mexus said:
    Is this the thread where people will finally realize that Alien Weakness is not a downside? ;)
    It depends. I don't like when it triggers since it can just as well as being positive destroy potential important matches. 
    I'm also not for self-harm in a character that can't heal.
    The boardshake is definitively good but you lose board control in the process. Probably not a good idea to rely on someone else with special tiles or have a way to spend every type of AP.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    Is this the thread where people will finally realize that Alien Weakness is not a downside? ;)
    It's not that surprising people have an aversion to Alien Weakness, even if you set aside the self damage.  If your introduction to Agent Venom is using him as an undercovered essential next to two heavy hitters, you probably saw Alien Weakness triggering too early and saw it as a hindrance preventing you from firing the other characters' powers.  And with a low level character, the damage was probably negligible.

    He's an active liability until you get more covers so that your less likely to trigger it accidentally, and have it do reasonable damage when you do.