Obligatory Post Mordem on SHIELD TRAINING Run2

pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
How did everyone fair?  I ended up with 5 Nightcrawler covers (0/3/2) due to PVE personal and alliance rewards, PVE progression, and getting the Shield Training cover.

No covers from PVP as I am boycotting it until the win requirements amounts decrease to a reasonable value and CP is reinstated for progression.

Coinciding with Gambit entering Latest Tokens, I cashed in my mini hoard of CP, which I had been saving since Gambit was first introduced.  I set Rogue to my only BH and went to town and got my 13th cover.

This, however, still left me two nodes shy of the Nightcrawler-required nodes...  Exactly the same as the first run.  And I am very unlikely to get any farther, even if I do luck into the purple Nightcrawler in my PVE vault.

How did everyone else fair?


  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    Haven't started yet. Trying to get more Rogue coves in the next 24 hrs or so (16 more wins to go in SHIELD Sim). It will make her 2/4/3 and needing one more to level her to 209. If I don't get anymore, I imagine I'll finish the event in less than 30 minutes lol (my Nightcrawler is 1/2/2 lvl 111)
    Bring some health packs.  There are some evil nodes in there, especially the ones that require Elektra, IW, and Rogue.  Not really the team that packs much power. (I'm looking at you, Sandman, Carnage, Antman node).
  • lakantanz
    lakantanz Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    With rogue only at two covers and Electra and IW both some of my less covered 4 stars (just purely out of luck and because they weren't latest champions during vintage withdrawal) I didn't have a chance to do 2 of the second line and all 4 of the last line.

    With 3 covers (1 red, 2 blue) from progression in pvp and pve on a personal level I managed to do the first two steps below.

    I have got more covers of Nightcrawler than Rogue this time due to the change in PvP, previously getting to the 4 star cover was dependent on weekly buffs but I found the choice of heroes severely limited my progression elsewhere.

    Having Rogue in there definitely did not help.  I don't think putting a brand new hero in the very next Shield training was at all cool.
  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    When the event opened, my Rogue was 1/1/3 level 111. I already had the other two required characters champed. I was able to do most of the the nodes, but not get the Nightcrawler cover on the first day.
    Since then, I set Rogue to my bonus hero and lucky got a couple times, so she's now at 2/2/5 level 135. 
    Still not enough covers to get her to 209. I may pull some tokens tonight to see if my luck holds. Problem is I have four other 4*s with covers on the vine that need ISO too.
    Thanks to PvE placement awards and the Nightcrawler vault, he is currently at 1/0/2 with another coming soon from PvE progressions, so I should be able to do his 3rd node before it goes away. Which is as far as I got in the Rogue event (except I had all 3 of the required characters covered that time, so I was able to get that one)

    If it had been any 4* other than Rogue as the required character, I would have been fine. Still may not have made any better progress, but at least I would have felt like they had been available long enough for me to have a chance at reaching 209.
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    Haven't unlocked final Mystique node yet. There are about a dozen in my bracket that are in same position. Not buying the stupid "and friends" vaults... ever.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I finished the top block of missions, as the hoard I cracked for Gambit let me finish and champion Rogue. Only got the first 2 bottom missions as I didn't go super hard on Nightcrawler's release events and only got him to 0/2/2.

    Overall, while I'm not wild about openly goading the playerbase into buying covers, it's still extra resources I wouldn't have gotten otherwise, so y'know. Neat.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got nightcrawler to 5 covers, but not worth the iso input just gain 1 cp from the third node. 

    Think my rogue is 7 or 8 covers now, so finished the second mode but not enough to get to the 3rd on both ends.

    Can only imagine the horror this will be next run.
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Initially, my Rogue was only 1/1/3, not nearly good enough to finish anything.  After Gambit entered packs, I opened my mini-hoard (~80 pulls) and set Rogue as my BH.  Now she's 5/2/4 and I was able to finish the first 3 rows and get the Nightcrawler cover.  Nightcrawler is 1/2/2 (3 covers from release PvP, alliance cover and Shield Training), but I still have to get the PvP and PvE progression covers.  I don't think that will get him to 168 and the 10k ISO bonus, but it is what it is.  Maybe I'll get lucky and pull a cover from his vault.
  • SkadenFrudee
    SkadenFrudee Posts: 112 Tile Toppler
    I'm a 4* transitioner, so this node pretty much doesn't exist for me. 
  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have both Elektra and Invisible Woman at 13 covers but I was unwilling to put the ISO into them just to get a Nightcrawler cover. I did get the blue Nightcrawler cover from PvP, however. I hit ~900 points roughly around 30 wins, so 40 wins is still too high, although by the time I got to 40 wins I was only at ~930 points due to getting attacked (and I'm now back down to the low 600s), so without shielding and timing, 40 wins is probably not always that far-fetched. Still, they should understand that no one aiming for 900 ever climbed that way and recalibrate: they can put the 4* cover at 30 wins and if they don't want to put the CP back at 40, at least give us a heroic 10-pack or a nice block of ISO.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    I need like eight more wins to get his cover in pvp and that will put him up to 6.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had astonishingly bad luck.

    I was all ready to blow a bunch of legendaries to get the covers for Rogue. Figured with how fast I champed Lockjaw I'd be all set. I blew about 900CP on classics and 40 tokens for latest legendaries. I pulled one Rogue cover and two bonus Rogues. Though it did give me the excuse to champ Mr Fantastic, I guess.

    So I didn't end up with enough Rogue covers to get my free nightcrawler cover.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Had 9 rogue covers before event started:
    3 from Pve placement
    1 alliance cover from pve 
    1 from pve progression 
    2 from pvp placement
    1 from pvp progression 
    1 from last Shield Training. 

    I set rogue to BH and was lucky to get one early. 

    Have 8 nightcrawlers now, same sources as rogue. 

    Have not started pvp. 
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    got the free nightcrawler, and did most of the cp line.  But awarding a Bonus LT for people who can champion NC inside of his debut event seems sorta pay 2 win.  

    The paths, the scaling, the node composition were all fine and reasonable,  but the event would benefit from having a season long duration.
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have 6 Nightcrawler covers and 11 Rogues. Moving at a nice pace. 
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards

    I needed two Rogue covers to get her to 209. Got one from the season tenpack and the other from the SHIELD Simulator. With the node reward cover my Nightcrawler Went to 0/3/4, which was just enough to get him to level 168 and play the fourth solo node for 10 000 ISO.

    All in all, I can't complain.

  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2017
    Cannot get to the nightcrawler cover node since my rogue doesn't have enough levels and my IW is also not levelled. I have only a few thousand ISO (not enough to get to required caps), so I guess I have to let that cover go.

    EDIT- 42 4* champed but just my luck that IW and rogue were the required characters
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    I did every row but the last in the main section. My Rogue still doesn’t have enough covers for 209 1/2/4. I also didn’t do the Electra node at that level. She’s at 13 covers but not at 209 and I had other ISO priorities higher than getting one The Hunt store token...

    I’ve done two of the Nightcrawler ones. I’m about 100 ISO short from leveling him to 111 so I’ll probably do the 3rd also. He’s covered to 1/2/2 

    This is definately less than last time. Last time I was able to get the Rouge cover, the only thing I really care about, easily. This time not at all. I also think I hit the middle ISO reward, this time I did not.  I like that they lowered some of the level requirements but 200 on new characters is still too much IMO. Should either be level requirement for old characters or they should only go to 120-150 range. 
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've got 3 Nightcrawler covers.  One from PvE placement, one from PvE progression, and one from a vault draw.  I did not finish for the PvP cover.  I'm not boycotting, I just didn't have time for 40 wins.

    That was enough to allow me to do the first two nodes of the bottom line.  I didn't get the NC cover from SHIELD training because my Rogue doesn't allow me to clear the bottom left or right nodes.

    They're doing a pretty good job at creating ambivalence toward their events.  I hope that was their intention.
  • byc
    byc Posts: 297 Mover and Shaker
    I have 5 Rogue covers, but I'm still on the 2nd row where it wants 120 Rogue.

    How high does all the required characters need to be?  I don't want to put isos into Rogue if I still can't complete it at the end.  Is is 168? 209?
  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    byc said:
    I have 5 Rogue covers, but I'm still on the 2nd row where it wants 120 Rogue.

    How high does all the required characters need to be?  I don't want to put isos into Rogue if I still can't complete it at the end.  Is is 168? 209?
    To do all 12 nodes in the center (and get the Nightcrawler cover) you need Rogue, IW, and Electra all at level 209. The bottom row of nodes all require Nightcrawler at progressively higher levels.