This SHIELD training is worse than the last one!



  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 533 Critical Contributor
    Yeah, my Rogue has 7 covers which would allow a max level of 147.

    If it was a character that was relatively old (like Professor X in the first run), it would be understandable.

    But requiring a brand new character at near max level to unlock another new character cover is just pay to win.

    So, hard pass.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree this is a brazen mockery of the players.  I ostensibly play the way they want me to - not hoarding, opening everything, paying the premium on special stores to get the latest stuff, owning every character.

    Despite finishing all progressions (except the last node in the training sim), placing decently, emptying two vaults and pulling as much as I earned from the sources that offered Rogue, I only have 5 covers.  The only possible way I could get enough to play through this event is by hoarding, which is the opposite of what they want.

    Or, I guess, I could spend even more than I did during the Anniversary.

    Feels like a slight.  Hard is one thing.  Those CL9 5* nodes are tougher than the Crash with an underleveled 4*, but at least you can try.  This is just a big central digit to anyone who isn't a megawhale.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thing that bothers me is that it is just so many hoops to jump thru: First leveling up characters if they aren't leveled up high enough, then spending your hoard in the hope you get your rogue up enough covers, spending to level her up, busting your butt in every event to get nightcrawler covers, then leveling him up.

    The only ones willing to do this are the mega whales amd fanatics, but they were going to do this anyway. It's insanity and for what? One 4 star cover, a LT, a few cp, and 10k iso. Anyone willing to do all of that is losing more than they are gaining.
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    Starfury said:

    And in my opinion, this event is worse than the last one, since 99.x% of the playerbase don't have a level 209 rogue and won't get a Nightcrawler cover. If they gave us more than 7 days to get covers for a character which only enters tokens tomorrow, it would be far better.

    Yeah, this is why it's worse. At least last time I could access the piddly single cover of the new character. This time I need a lvl209 version of a character released five minutes ago. My 1/3/2 Rogue maxes out at lvl131, so that ain't happening.

    I think I get what they were going for with this 'bonus' event, but all they're going to achieve is pissing off the vast majority of players who can only play a fraction of it. And are the whales and top-end players who've got a maxed Rogue already really going to be that excited by the single cover and bits of iso available here? Seems like it's going to cause more aggravation than enjoyment.
  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Pulling covers and leveling characters is something I'm going to be doing anyway, this is just MPQ pushing me to choose when and how I do it instead of me letting RNG determine that for me.

    Full disclosure, I already had IW and Elektra champed a long time ago, but my Rogue only had 5 covers at level 115.  I beat all the nodes I could access with them, then once I could, I set Rogue to my bonus hero, and pulled a few classic tokens.  I planned to pull 5 and see what I got. On the 5th one, I got a Rogue BH, so I was able to bump her up to level 135 and then best 2 more nodes.

    I still need more covers and ISO to get her to 209 to get the Nightcrawler cover, but I know I will get one of those from Placement in this PVE, and Progression in the next one, so I'm not stressed about not being able to get this one cover. Just like I know my 5*s aren't strong enough to handle CL9, so I play in CL8 and don;t stress about any missed rewards for that.

    All that said, it does seem extreme to require the newest 4* be level 209 when last time is was all 'classic' 4*s. Still not enough to offend or upset me.
  • byc
    byc Posts: 297 Mover and Shaker
    Calnexin said:
    I agree this is a brazen mockery of the players.  I ostensibly play the way they want me to - not hoarding, opening everything, paying the premium on special stores to get the latest stuff, owning every character.

    Despite finishing all progressions (except the last node in the training sim), placing decently, emptying two vaults and pulling as much as I earned from the sources that offered Rogue, I only have 5 covers.  The only possible way I could get enough to play through this event is by hoarding, which is the opposite of what they want.

    Or, I guess, I could spend even more than I did during the Anniversary.

    Feels like a slight.  Hard is one thing.  Those CL9 5* nodes are tougher than the Crash with an underleveled 4*, but at least you can try.  This is just a big central digit to anyone who isn't a megawhale.

    They still haven't given enough incentive to NOT hoard after all these years.  The only time it's kind of screwed me is that they've added the 5* nodes.  I started saving lots of Latest Legends because I refused to open tokens that would have given me Starlord or Doc Ock.  I got a Doc Ock lately, so the good news is that I'll be able to qualify for future 5* nodes.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, not upset...just baffled by the design and purpose of it.
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    smkspy said:
    Thing that bothers me is that it is just so many hoops to jump thru: First leveling up characters if they aren't leveled up high enough, then spending your hoard in the hope you get your rogue up enough covers, spending to level her up, busting your butt in every event to get nightcrawler covers, then leveling him up.

    The only ones willing to do this are the mega whales amd fanatics, but they were going to do this anyway. It's insanity and for what? One 4 star cover, a LT, a few cp, and 10k iso. Anyone willing to do all of that is losing more than they are gaining.

    Yeah, if only they gated the content by difficulty, people could at least try.

    Make it similar to the crash and have people fight a team of 270s with whatever level characters they have.

    If you only let me enter the battle with a team of 209s, you might as well just give me the cover. No point wasting my time with an opposing team of lvl 200s...

  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yep.  I never got many Rogue covers, so I can't even play the second row.  I have a hard time believing the devs don't understand this is garbage design, especially after the complaints last time.  Now, it feels like they're just being malevolent.
  • byc
    byc Posts: 297 Mover and Shaker
    Yep.  I never got many Rogue covers, so I can't even play the second row.  I have a hard time believing the devs don't understand this is garbage design, especially after the complaints last time.  Now, it feels like they're just being malevolent.

    Anything to make a buck.
  • vernr1
    vernr1 Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    Just putting my input in here as well.

    Incredibly disappointed with this shield training and with this release of Nightcrawler.. my favorite character, who I have been long requesting.. Finally shows up, and I am locked out since I don’t have required levels on the last character introduced??!

    total garbage, I hate whoever came up with this plan, feels like a big old kick in the nuts while being flipped off... just WOW.. 

  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    vernr1 said:
    Just putting my input in here as well.

    Incredibly disappointed with this shield training and with this release of Nightcrawler.. my favorite character, who I have been long requesting.. Finally shows up, and I am locked out since I don’t have required levels on the last character introduced??!

    total garbage, I hate whoever came up with this plan, feels like a big old kick in the nuts while being flipped off... just WOW.. 

    That's mighty sexist of you.  What about the women in the player base that are feeling this pain, too? :D
  • Hadronic
    Hadronic Posts: 338 Mover and Shaker
    Another smart money maker by the devs.
    It would seem that the Rogue release was financial successful, so its back for Nightcrawler.

    This time around its catered to the people that purchased the first one since they already have rogue at 250.

    I fully expect the next iteration to have rogue and nightcrawler as essentials.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    byc said:
    Yep.  I never got many Rogue covers, so I can't even play the second row.  I have a hard time believing the devs don't understand this is garbage design, especially after the complaints last time.  Now, it feels like they're just being malevolent.

    Anything to make a buck.
    That sword cuts both ways.  Trash decisions is exactly why I stopped giving them any money.
  • Codetry
    Codetry Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    edited October 2017
    Is not Elektra evil? Why train her with shield?

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017

    Come on guys! It's called Shield TRAINING.. the devs want us to train (level) our characters that are rarely used, such as Elektra and IW. However, Rogue I do not agree with and find that ridiculously unfair. Fortunately Rogue is very good and most players want to champ her, but I do not look forward to a new character that is lousy (e.g. Sandman) that we'll need to grab covers and levels for this in the future.

    Personally I've had IW champed since her rebalance and I think she is a good mid range 4*. On the other hand, Elektra, not so much but I had just leveled her for her Crash of the Titans. Thankfully I do not need to champ her for this.

    Regardless, I prefer the old new 4* release format like Growth Industry because it gave everyone a chance at the new 4* and did not require us to have any specific character. I'll never understand why the players purchasing a roster slot is not good enough for the devs, they make it overly work for the one cover too.

  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards
    D3/DU: We've improved shield training with exciting changes!

    Players: You've made it worse!

    D3/DU: ***** Mission accomplished *****


    Growth industry or the pve for the guardians was a much better model, guess it was too generous giving a cover like that.
  • mbaren
    mbaren Posts: 220 Tile Toppler
    I just don't understand.  Seriously, I don't.

    I mean, yes, D3 has to make money, d'uh, and yes, every decision they make has to have that in mind, whether implicitly or explicitly.  But come one.  I came out of the Rogue Shield Training (and subsequent events) with a 1/2/1 Rogue - not extraordinary, but I'll bet you I was still in the top 10% (or even higher) of players.  I've been playing for nearly 4 years (so as you might imagine having a championed IW and Elektra isn't a problem for me), and I've spent money on this game - not as much as some, probably, but I'd say D3 gets at least $20 a month from me, so I'm the kind of player worth retaining.

    And yet I've been presented with an event that is clearly designed, reward-wise, to cater to the top, I don't know, 2% of players?  1%?  I obviously don't have access to hard numbers, but I would be shocked if anything other than a tiny slice of the player base a) has a lvl 270 Rogue now, or b) can obtain one by the end of this event.

    I can't see this as anything other than an attempt to alienate all but a small percentage of the player base.  Now, perhaps they've calculated that this is a good risk for them (in fact, for their sake I hope they have).  Perhaps they've concluded that the money players will spend will be worth more to them than the lost good will towards all of the other players.  Me, I have doubts of that, but there's no way to know for sure.

    Regardless, this is a frustrating event that shows a real lack of respect for an increasingly less-devoted player base.  I'm incredibly disappointed.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    abmoraz said:
    vernr1 said:
    Just putting my input in here as well.

    Incredibly disappointed with this shield training and with this release of Nightcrawler.. my favorite character, who I have been long requesting.. Finally shows up, and I am locked out since I don’t have required levels on the last character introduced??!

    total garbage, I hate whoever came up with this plan, feels like a big old kick in the nuts while being flipped off... just WOW.. 

    That's mighty sexist of you.  What about the women in the player base that are feeling this pain, too? :D
    Ummmm... no...  He's saying that's what it feels like to him, not what it feels like for everyone.  Back the sexist card down a notch..
  • Sm0keyJ0e
    Sm0keyJ0e Posts: 730 Critical Contributor
    edited October 2017
    For all those complaining about Rogue being too new to complete missions, wait until you get to the bottom row...

    At least Rogue is in heroics now. Nightcrawler has no realistic way of being acquired currently.

    EDIT: Since the event is 7 days, I suppose the current PVE will end before then, giving a chance at additional covers.