Character Artwork



  • DapperChewie
    DapperChewie Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker
    Every time I see Invisible Woman, I wonder if maybe the artist got her and Mister Fantastic's power sets confused.

    It's also kind of odd to me that all three Storms have exactly the same animations, just with the different costumes/hair. For 1* and 3*, I can sort of get it, since they're the same powers, but 2* blue having the exactly the same as 1*/3* yellow and 2* yellow being 1*/3* black is kind of weird. Well, 2* yellow, I can also kind of see, since she's not actually visible in that one, so they didn't have to do any new work at all.

    Storm and Wolverine are back from the days where if you introduced a new tier of an existing character, it was usually just a palette swap. All 4 wolverines are the same poses (even after they added the new poses for him a couple years back), the 3 storms are all the same base character, but with different outfits and hair.

    You still see it a bit, like with 3*lord and 5*lord or 3/5 Hawkeye, but only when they release a 3 and a 5 together. 4* Gamora is completely different from her 3* counterpart. Same with Punisher, Captain Marvel, Rocket and Groot, Iron Fist (for as bad as it is, it's at least different), Luke Cage, Venom, 5* Widow, etc. Way better than the days of the "lazy" characters like Daken and Captain America, or the ones that had different powers but the art was just palette swapped, like Iron Man, Magneto, and Black Widow.

    Tl;Dr, the art is way better now than it was before. I'll take a couple of weird faces over palette swaps any day. 
  • DapperChewie
    DapperChewie Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker
    Dragon_Nexus said:

    My issue with Sandman is the "action pose" as it's been called here.
    The mouth. It's not possible to make teeth align like that without detaching the jaw from the skull. Otherwise I think his other poses look pretty good!

    To be fair the guy is capable of reshaping his body... 
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dragon_Nexus said:

    My issue with Sandman is the "action pose" as it's been called here.
    The mouth. It's not possible to make teeth align like that without detaching the jaw from the skull. Otherwise I think his other poses look pretty good!

    To be fair the guy is capable of reshaping his body... 

    It still looks doofy o.O
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    Not a fan of the Rogue art but like most of it.

     I love the backdrops on events and PvP screens, I wish I could have some of these fro my computer wallpaper
  • SlappyDingle
    SlappyDingle Posts: 60 Match Maker
    A few artists have come and gone on this game and each has gotten better as they've gone along. Yes, early Invisible Woman, Psylocke and Capt Marvel were rough around the edges just like 5* Hulk is.......well he's not good. But some have been pretty great! Peggy, MCU I5onman, Cap, Drax and Green Goblin are off the charts amazing! And I'll always love 3* Cyke and The Thing. They're two of the very few characters with anticipation poses before their actions. I look forward to seeing what's next!
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,837 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    Rogue looks good. Mockingbird looks amazing - especially her alternate outfit in the character selection screen.
    Yes.. she has a Moonstone vibe
  • maguirenumber6
    maguirenumber6 Posts: 457 Mover and Shaker
    Squirrel Girl's face does not look like a human face, and Ice Man is all kinds of creepy. I really like Rogue though.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Squirrel Girl's face does not look like a human face, and Ice Man is all kinds of creepy. I really like Rogue though.
    Gaze ye not too long into Squirrel Girl's mouth. When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.