Glaring Omissions



  • BigMike182
    BigMike182 Posts: 60 Match Maker
    I'd also love to see a Hercules/ Amadeus Cho (Princes of Power) double character. You could have one color for brawn, one color for brains, and one for both.

    Also, if we had another Loki, I want Kid Loki. He was the best version.

    Come to think of it, we don't have any of the Young Avengers other than Kate Bishop. America Chavez, a Wiccan/Hulkling duo, Marvel Boy (Noh Varr), and Stature would be great additions to the game.
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    so we all have a list and they are all glaring omissions IN OUR point of view
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just really want Magik.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    Wonko33 said:
    so we all have a list and they are all glaring omissions IN OUR point of view

    Yeah, it's a bit of a failed experiment when people just list what they want. There were some good ones I missed (Namor, JJ, and a handful of villains, boss or playable, like Red Skull and Apocalypse), but there are just as many favorites that might not even stand a chance of inclusion. Hell, people suggested characters ALREADY IN THE GAME. That's the exact opposite of a "glaring omission."

    Oh well, I tried.
  • Jellybat
    Jellybat Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    Glaring Omissions (non-duplicates) from Comics & MCU:
    • Sabretooth
    • Red Skull
    • Dormammu
    • Namor
    • Kraven
    • Mysterio
    • Nebula
    • Mantis
    • Ego
    • Onslaught
    • Mr. Sinister
    • Bishop
    • Cable
    • Angel/Archangel
    • Adam Warlock
    • Super Skrull
    • Man-Thing
    • Apocalypse
    • Emma Frost
    • Mandarin
    • Fin-Fang-Foom
  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    With regards to the OP question (in approximate order of prominence within franchises)...

    Absent: Avengers franchise
    Hank Pym
    Red Skull

    Absent: Fantastic Four franchise
    Franklin Richards

    Absent: X-Men franchise
    Emma Frost
    Kitty Pryde
    Mister Sinister

    Absent: Spider-Man franchise

    Absent: MCU franchises
    Jessica Jones

  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    The thing about Jessica Jones is that after the Defenders character releases over the summer, every main (non-villain) character in the Netflix universe has not one, but two in-game characters, including one who doesn't even have her own show (Elektra), but Jessica has zero.
  • Mon-El
    Mon-El Posts: 5 Just Dropped In
    For me..1). Namor and Some form of 2).Hank Pym..I agree with others..3). ArchAngel..with a Whilce Portacio cover definitely needs to be here.
    Obscure like to see a classic 4). Whirlwind..a think he's perfect for this game with Tornados wrecking havoc on the board..and speaking of 5). Havok...come on..Alex Summers should definitely be here..with the classic black costume and white extended thingies off the mask..maybe we'll see 6). Polaris (with the classic Steranko cover) now that Gifted will be premiering..7). A "Real Scarlet Witch"- the in-game movie version looks really ****.  8). Sabretooth..9). Beta Ray Bill..thougj we have tons of Thors..and Lastly..10). Emma/White Queen..classic..without the diamond shape nonsense...
  • White_Deth
    White_Deth Posts: 63 Match Maker
    Sabretooth all the way, morph from the cartoon, abomination, unstoppable colossus and wendigo. All of these drew by the guy who penned the in game art for wolverine, cyclops etc and bot whowver the hell is drawing some of these characters right now. Danny Rand was the worst i have seen but sandman comes close and the new spidey 5* looks pretty awful aswell. Im jusrlt glad rogue looks good. 
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I think Gambit, Rogue and Nightcrawler might have been last three true AAA holdouts. So it's nice we're finally getting them in the game. 

    Namor always seemed like a great candidate for me, but I think they'd look for a good reason to add him, i.e. tie in to a comic event or TV show, and that doesn't seem forthcoming anytime soon.

    I'll echo similar mentions of Angel, Kitty Pride, Emma Frost and Cable. 

    I was always surprised we never got a God Emperor Doom 5* to tie in with Secret Wars. 

    I've always found it interesting that the Jessica Jones / Alias series are missing from Marvel Unlimited, and wonder if BMB retains some ownership of the character that might also tie into her missing from MPQ (as in, maybe Marvel doesn't make 100% of the call on that one?) 

    Finally, I want a new Iceman. One of my favorite all-time characters, but his MPQ art makes me wince. Can we get a classic Bobby? 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,847 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not sure if these are glaring omissions or not but here goes:

    1.) Captain Britain in his iconic Union Jack uniform please. With Meggan included as a power.
    2.) I would like some more Heralds of Galactus so that when we play his boss event he has some of his actual guys to battle - two most logical are probably Firelord and Terrax but I don't mind others.
    3.) Angel/Archangel just so we finally have the original X-Men.
    4.) Mar-Vell/Rick Jones - you could have some fun with them swapping forms, I suppose a bit like 5* Hulk but much better powers.
    5.) 4* Rachel Summers Phoenix (especially if we are going to have Cable) + Sentinels
    6.) Wonder Man and Tigra
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    5* Giant-Size Man-Thing
    There's a "that's what she said" in here somewhere, I just know it.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    I think without a doubt having no Archangel is the most glaring omission. Not having the last original member of the X Men is a dirty shame.

    Definitely Namor second.

    Third is a Hank Pym Giant Man. 

  • DrDevilDinosaur
    DrDevilDinosaur Posts: 436 Mover and Shaker
    In terms of "glaring" omissions, I think to of the list that comes to mind are all villains. Most have already been mentioned in the thread already;

    Red Skull and Mandarin. Both fairly iconic villains in their own right, and I think it's odd that neither Steve or Tony have a true "nemesis" in the game.

    Mysterio, Rhino, Kraven, Lizard. Spider-Man's rogues gallery is easily the most diverse and interesting of all of Marvel, and while Homecoming brought us a few more villains, there's still room for a few more.

    MODOK, and AIM goons. Because we've had a lot of covers featuring big heads, but that's nothing compared to MODOK.

    Namor. Not truly a villain, but he's played the role of antagonist well enough. I think the fact that he's had so many different affiliations would serve Demiurge well.

    Sabretooth, Blob, Toad, Pyro. If mutants are back on the cards, well, there quite a few to get through.
  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 603 Critical Contributor
    Just for fun, I think fantomex could translate really well into MPQ, if done right.....

    Must-have, that isn't in the game yet, and it really doesn't make sense:


    Yes, Doom should be better, and several others deserve a mention, and may be someone's favorite...but...

    It really doesn't make sense that NAMOR isn't in the game.  They could even build a whole event around him. (Illuminati, maybe)

  • djrdjr
    djrdjr Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    1* Irving Forbush
  • Painmonger
    Painmonger Posts: 156 Tile Toppler
    1) I had no idea that many people were into Namor! Granted I always leaned toward the mutants, but I can't say I ever even saw one panel of him when I was still reading comics.

    2) Angel/Archangel of some type
    Mr. Sinister
    Lady Deathstrike
    Alpha Flight
    Captain Britain
    Omega Red
    Multiple Man
    Red Skull
    Silver Samurai
    Classic Iceman

    Those seem like the most glaring oversights to me.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Namor was retconed into being the first "public" mutant (during the Brubaker-Faction run, I believe)...don't know if that status has been changed since then.

    He would work well has a 3/5 star. 3 star being the black uniform he wore while an xman and classic underroos for the 5 star.

    Like (arch) angel. Classic blue and white costume with feathered wings as the 3 star and classic Archangel as the 5 star. Though with him I'd actually expect his power to differ between the two versions.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    MODOK, and AIM goons. Because we've had a lot of covers featuring big heads, but that's nothing compared to MODOK.
    MODOK is here. He's just disguised as Professor X. Seriously, tho, some AIM goons and a couple of villains for them would be nice. Good call.
    smkspy said:
    Namor was retconed into being the first "public" mutant (during the Brubaker-Faction run, I believe)...don't know if that status has been changed since then.
    I think that's still how he's known. For a long time, he was headlined as "The First Mutant", but then other writers forgot about that, or didn't care, and started giving other mutants like Logan, Mystique, and Apocalypse backgrounds that went back earlier than him.

    In the "out of universe" sense, he was the first Mutant published by Marvel, back before they even were Marvel.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,847 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would like Namor as it feels like he and Hank Pym are Marvel legends who should be here. I do wonder whether his power set is a bit basic and hard to make unique though.

    Yellow (Passive) 0AP: When the enemy team matches blue or green, Namor goes swimming back to Atlantis. Place a countdown tile that removes Namor for 3 turns and try to think of something cool to fill in the rest of this power.