Member Berries



  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Getting 4* Deadpool covers in his release PVE event in an ultra-newb bracket and thinking "oh hey, top ten is super easy."
  • Bryan Lambert
    Bryan Lambert Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    I remember when adding a level to a character fully healed them.

    I remember there were two major reworkings of how the in-game economy worked in the very first months. I don’t remember the deails (they were major shifts in how covers, power levels, and character levels worked, as well as ISO and HP), just that the first made me delete the game and the second made me reinstall it, and now I’m at day 1,434 and trying not to think about how many days that is.
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    I remember when adding a level to a character fully healed them.

    I was really sad when they removed that feature. I used to save ISO and only level up my characters when they needed to heal

    Earliest memory should be seeing the old enviromental Hot Dog Stand for the first time. I remembered thinking what a waste of time it was to collect those AP just to heal for a measly 50HP.
  • Captain_Carlman
    Captain_Carlman Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    edited September 2017
    I remember when you absolutely HAD to have 2* Thor and Wolverine for any chance in making progress in the game.  Then they were both nerfed (Thor's green was made his high-damage power instead of his yellow and Wolverine could only heal if he matched yellow) and I remember a huge fallout among players.  Good times.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited September 2017
    I remember when tanking in PvP was all the rage. Tanking so hard that you'd be queued against loaner plus a single 1*

    I remember rubberbanding in pve. Flying past the early grinders to place 1st to t10 with hardly any work; just had to be fast.

    I remember when PvP had no time slices so there were endless targets. Alliances had true Battle Chat line rooms. Not co-op line rooms.

    (I remember much earlier things but those had the most impact)
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I remember coming in 2nd place in Balance of Power a few months in (Nov-Dec 2014). Won three 3* Steve Rogers covers (missed a 4* Thor by 1 place); he's been on my roster ever since. It was probably a full year before I saw another 3* Steve cover, in the DDQ most likely.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    First started playing in mid-late 2014. I suppose I've got a lot of those memories bottled up, but the ones that stick out to me are the ones I realized were incredibly stupid decisions after I came back to the game and actually got savvy. 

    I understood so little about the meta and what characters were actually good, and I really didn't understand how to play the long game. I severely mucked up my 3-star transition because I kept trashing characters for roster space that I didn't realize were good, or I didn't see myself being able to get fully covered. There was no champing, there was no CP, DDQ did not exist yet, and PVP was a foreign concept to me. I spent most of my time slaving away in the prologue with my 2-star characters, hitting full progression in a PVE event was unheard of to me. And Heroic events? Fo'get about it. Doom only had 2 powers, black and blue, and Moonstone's black ability could steal an entire enemy countdown tile. My best teams could wipe on the DDQ at any given time, and IM40 was nowhere as good as he is now. Good times. 
  • ProfessorGumby
    ProfessorGumby Posts: 132 Tile Toppler
    BATTL3_ANG3L !!