I went all in last night



  • moogles85
    moogles85 Posts: 186 Tile Toppler
    Glad you're happy.

    Hope you can say the same after a month or two playing in 5* land.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    moogles85 said:
    Glad you're happy.

    Hope you can say the same after a month or two playing in 5* land.
    Since you brought it up....

    That Ragnarok PVP was brutal. I made it to 580 and stopped to see how far I'd get knocked back down. I think I finished at 273(?). The matches were loooooooooooooong too...not what I'm used to in 4* land. I didn't enjoy it all that much and wondered if I made a bad decision.

    I'm wondering what I'll see in Simulator. Most likely I will be getting crushed in that. So I did the Daken PVP to 575 and shielded. I've got to keep that season score proper for the 10 pack! The Daken PVP was not nearly as bad. Not sure why. I have a bad habit of not being consistent with slice choices and start times in PVP, so I can't track why my experiences vary from event to event. It was a fun event though and I have high hopes for 5* land!  Hopefully, I'll still feel that way in a couple months. I'm not a GotG fan (this incarnation, although they're growing on me) and I wonder if I'll get bored playing with Star Lord after awhile.

    If I do get bored with him, maybe they'll let me swap him out for a 451 OML, since the Old Man's covers are only worth half every other 5* covers (dig at the No More Guns tokens).
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards

    I experienced the same thing when I champed Phoenix. Before- my roster could float 550-750 depending on the boost list. After- I float in the 250-450 range. I think the matches go faster with her though, she is a damage dealing, cascade generating machine though. I figure it will get better as I champ more 5s. The same thing happened when I was transitioning from 3* to 4*. Just throws you into higher play. The more diversity you get the better you will do. Good luck and have fun!!!