The Deadliest Woman... Success Stories?

Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
edited September 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Seems like any time I am finally able to trigger this passive ability to down an enemy I end up taking out a weak goon, or someone with only 100 life left anyway.
However, today, in the last match of DP vs. MPQ, I took out Deadpool with a purple match without realizing it was the last 3 purple on the board that weren't strike tiles. So when Hulk stepped up to bat, G4mora instantly downed him for me.
It was by far the best use of the ability I've ever done, and it was a complete accident.

Due to the difficulty of getting it to trigger at all, I am curious if anyone out there has been able to deliberately trigger it against a heavy hitter, or at least when the opponent was at or near full health.

* Edited for grammar


  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I stopped aiming to use it as a primary strategy after my third or fourth match using Gamora, but it does pop as an option from time to time.  This week paired with Blade I'm generally trying to get his green to fire first, but when the board hasn't cooperated there it's given me black.  A couple times in FFW while dealing with other Blade/Gamora teams I managed to get Blade down to the point where he'd fall to the purple tiles at turn end.  I fired off Gamora's blue on Carol, which stunned their Gamora, as well.  Then I fired Gamora's black, made my match, downed Blade, and Gamora iced Carol for me.

    It's at attack of opportunity, mostly.  If you find yourself with a short purple board, you set it up, switch to a secondary target with full health, and hope for the best.  Being able to stun the entire opposing team really helps because it cuts the chance of new purple falling in half.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    I managed to down a Thano5 with like 40k health left. For the most part though I just forget she can even do it. Virtually every time i set it up (all purple specials, enemy team stunned), I make my one move annnnnd yep there's one frigging purple tile falling in.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Generally if it triggers it's just like what twistmonkey wrote. The problem is those 8 purple special tiles end up doing like 6k+ when all is said and done just by match damage then attack tiles (with the strikes double dipping). So no matter which opponent I target they're going to be fairly weakened. Then at that point, I'd rather just have the special tiles for a couple more turns so the rest of the match goes quicker.
  • Zappa
    Zappa Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    This loki pvp is good for g4mora. Set up a match 4 purple for the AI, and the CD tiles loki produces counts towards deadliest woman. Had her trigger it on the 3rd turn of the match, downing a full hp bl4de.
  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    My problem is that I always end up with the setup that I have somebody with 18k health or so, I target them, and the tiles themselves do 15K or so of damage on the move I make to turn over the turn so by the time it can fire, they only have about 3k worth of health left.

    I haven't had it fire yet in a situation where it was like "Oh! Awesome!" or "Heh heh heh, perfectly planned...", but I figure it will happen. I only champed her about 3 weeks ago, so I have't used her much yet (except for this week while she's been boosted).
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've had it trigger way more often than I thought it would. I agree with everything that's been said, though, with respect to dismissing it as a primary strategy. When I'm actually trying to trigger it, things almost never break right. It's almost always a happy accident.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think I've gotten it to work once so far. But I don't use her much. If I did, I'd probably be like the rest and hope for a happy accident, not for it to be a regular thing.
  • Roland113
    Roland113 Posts: 298 Mover and Shaker

    Spec her 3/5/5, then, when you have two enemies remaining fire blue then black, that'll get you 2+6 purple strike/attack tiles with only you to make a move (as opponent is stunned). Obviously target the higher health / opponent you want to down and pray no more purple drops from your match (I tend to stun the guy who I want to leave for last, then switch targets hoping Deadliest Woman fires on the guy stunned for one turn)

    Incidentally I had it trigger accidentally in an LR match last week where opponent matched purple, my Loki created 4 purple CDs and it popped. Didn't realise CDs counted as part of her black passive!

    I've actually been able to get it to fire on purpose a few times.  My secret is to bring Squirrel Girl along.  Collect yellow along with black.

    Here's what I do, spend the beginning of the match collecting blue and black for Gamora and yellow for Squirrel Girl while piling damage on the weakest one or two baddies.  When the conditions match, I fire Gamora's blue, sometimes twice to stun any remaining bad guys, then her black to cover any remaining purple tiles then I fire Squirrel Girl's yellow ending my turn.  Everyone on the other team is stunned and there isn't any chance of a new purple tile dropping.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,275 Chairperson of the Boards

    Spec her 3/5/5, then, when you have two enemies remaining fire blue then black, that'll get you 2+6 purple strike/attack tiles with only you to make a move (as opponent is stunned). Obviously target the higher health / opponent you want to down and pray no more purple drops from your match (I tend to stun the guy who I want to leave for last, then switch targets hoping Deadliest Woman fires on the guy stunned for one turn)

    Incidentally I had it trigger accidentally in an LR match last week where opponent matched purple, my Loki created 4 purple CDs and it popped. Didn't realise CDs counted as part of her black passive!

    From my extensive experience with Gamora myself, this is the best strategy to trigger her passive. Won't work all the time but it has a good success rate.

    Might I add, try to do your match in the upper tier of the board so it disrupts the board as little as possible, less chance of purple dropping that way.

    You can also use characters who make a certain color on the board, you'll end up removing a fair bit of purple in the process, C&D is a good choice since you'll generate black as well, Iron Fist (3*) is a good choice too since you'll chase purple actively. You don't need the color to be generated to be black but it's helpful.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    Kamala Khan helps, turning purple tiles green. Once I let a mindless one's purple tile expire, and then the instakill triggered. But overall I keep her 5/3/5 and mainly use her for her stun.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    Pair her with 3* Iron Fist and SWitch, or Cloak & Dagger, and you'll have more black than you know what to do with. It's usually not too hard after that, because you can stun the other team and just spam black as you need it. Only people that seriously throw  a wrench in the plans are folks like 2-Bullseye & Spid3y (however vice-versa if they're on YOUR team), enemy goons with purple abilities, or special tile producers that throw them on random colored tiles. 

    Lol that's actually a decent number of people, I shouldn't say "the only". 
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    I've got it quite a few times, but rarely does it make a big difference.  If you have a board full of purple special tiles the match is close to over anyway.

    One more strategy that can help is to use a character like OML that can end his turn without making a move.  Stun the opponent, turn all purple to specials, use OML black and it's guaranteed to work because neither team gets a turn.
  • ABaker84
    ABaker84 Posts: 90 Match Maker
    Been using her with C4rol and Culson. Usually I'm ticked when it triggers cause it removes my strength 1500+ strike/attack tiles. Fire Gamora's black, Culson drops a CD, use C4rol's yellow, buffs tiles, culson drops another CD, make a TU match, Culson sets off CD, buffs tile, attack tiles fires, 12k health opponent = gone. I used to hate CD's and special tiles. Now I live on em
  • therightwaye
    therightwaye Posts: 459 Mover and Shaker
    A level 190 G4mora downed my 420 Silver Surfer after stunning the rest of my team in PvP. I still won, but it was fun to watch the power be effective. Watched it happen in slow mode. 

  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    edited September 2017
    Back when PvE was at insane scaling, I used Gamora in the Hulk PvE. I used SS Gamora Daredevil (both unboosted) in the below image vs a level 520 Hulk, but eventually changed Daredevil to Cloak and Dagger (also unboosted) for black generation. I got this to work like 80% of the time. It turns out that Daredevil stunlooping does NOT work with Gamora's passive, it only counts when they are currently unstunned and are freshly restunned, not when they are stunned and then restunned for a longer CD. This may have been fixed in the last patch that played with stun timers, but I haven't tried it since then.

  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been using her a lot lately, and it does trigger reasonably often, but not by any means reliably. My favorite was the one where I was going up against Patch on a purple-starved board, and his green filled all the purple tiles with Strikes for me, downing him instantly when their turn ended.

    Like several people noted above, tho, I actually often find myself trying to keep it from triggering, because I'd rather have all the damage from the Attack/Strike tiles than just drop one dude and have to deal with the rest without the help from those specials.
  • sambrookjm
    sambrookjm Posts: 2,157 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've had it work once, and it was a complete accident, but really funny. I was using Jean Grey and Scarlet Witch in the Gamora Vol 2 required node a couple of weeks ago. My Gamora was about LVL 90 at this point. I left a 5-in-a-row match for them to get, so Jean would blast them. I forgot that since all three of them get stunned, Gamora makes three Special Purple tiles. Since I had just activated Deadliest Woman the previous turn, all of the purple tiles were special. Down goes an 8K health Cap.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,050 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gamora 3/5/5
    3* Fist 3/5/5
    Peggy 5/3/5

    i get it a lot. I go for blue to get Peggy's stun first, then try to get red/purple/black. 

    What i I try to get is,

    get the lead character into range where I can kill it with Ultimate Soldier while grabbing enough blue for Do as She Says. 
    - pop Do as She Says
    - kill the lead with Ultimate Soldier

    ill then have two purple tiles with covered. With enough black, I'll pop Deadliest Woman first and I'll usually fill all the purple tiles with specials. If I do, make a weak match and see if the RNG gods bless me. If they don't, fill the screen with more black with Iron Fist of Ku'n L'un. It usually either wipes the one purple out, or gives me enough to pop another Deadliest Woman. 

    I usually kill the highest health character with the passive before the 3 CDs resolve and kill the other character. Or, I'd the passive doesn't go off, they die anyway from the tile damage + the 3 CDs.