*** Elektra (Assassin) *** Updated (8/24/17)

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
edited August 2017 in Character Details
(8/21/17 Update) - Added full details for abilities at base level, and her backstory.
(8/24/17 Update) - Added her Marvel article.

purpletilepng blacktilepng redtilepng Elektra (Assassin)
3 Star Rarity (Rare)

"Running from her tumultuous past, Elektra attempts to find redemption through heroic deeds. But how long can a ninja assassin hope to escape the violence that encompassed her life? Up against Elektra's sai and expert training, anyone who tries to drag her back down won't last long"

Double-Double Cross - 7 purpletilepng AP 
Elektra has "defected" to the enemy team, working for them while feeding her true allies powerful information. Elektra steals 1 enemy Strike tile, but she also converts 3 random Purple basic tiles into enemy Strike tiles of strength 6.
  • (Level 2) Elektra steals 2 enemy Strike tiles, improving their strength by 11, but she also converts 3 random Purple basic tiles into enemy Strike tiles of strength 6.
  • (Level 3) Elektra steals 2 enemy Strike tiles, improving their strength by 22, but she also converts 3 random Purple basic tiles into enemy Strike tiles of strength 6.
  • (Level 4) Elektra steals 2 enemy Strike tiles, improving their strength by 33, but she also converts 3 random Purple basic tiles into enemy Strike tiles of strength 6.
  • (Level 5) Elektra steals 2 enemy Strike tiles, improving their strength by 55, but she also converts 3 random Purple basic tiles into enemy Strike tiles of strength 6.
Shadowstep - 10 blacktilepng AP
Elektra senses an attack coming and prepares to dodge into the shadows. She converts 2 random basic Black tiles into Trap tiles. If Elektra would take damage, the damage is negated and a Trap tile is destroyed, generating AP and dealing 167 damage.
  • (Level 2) If Elektra would take damage, the damage is negated and a Trap tile is destroyed, generating AP and dealing 239 damage.
  • (Level 3) If Elektra would take damage, the damage is negated and a Trap tile is destroyed, generating AP and dealing 295 damage.
  • (Level 4) She converts 3 random basic Black tiles into Trap tiles. If Elektra would take damage, the damage is negated and a Trap tile is destroyed, generating AP and dealing 223 damage.
  • (Level 5) She converts 4 random basic Black tiles into Trap tiles.
Crippling Blow - 9 redtilepng AP
Elektra makes a precise strike at her opponent's weakest point. Deal 423 damage and creates a 3-turn Countdown tile which deals 50 damage to the enemy when it ticks down each turn.
  • (Level 2) Deal 495 damage and creates a 3-turn Countdown tile which deals 67 damage to the enemy when it ticks down each turn.
  • (Level 3) Deal 529 damage and creates a 3-turn Countdown tile which deals 100 damage to the enemy when it ticks down each turn.
  • (Level 4) Deal 668 damage and creates a 3-turn Countdown tile which deals 133 damage to the enemy when it ticks down each turn.
  • (Level 5) Deal 891 damage and creates a 4-turn Countdown tile which deals 183 damage to the enemy when it ticks down each turn.
Check out Daredevil (Matt Murdock) and Elektra (Assassin)'s Marvel article HERE


  • Spiritclaw
    Spiritclaw Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    The first rule: leave nothing living.

    (That's how I recall it, anyway.  Where'd I put that Elektra graphic novel?)
  • Player1575
    Player1575 Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2017
    So, 4* Elektra with Gamora's red? 
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    Lazy Elektra ... Lazektra?
  • TheVulture
    TheVulture Posts: 439 Mover and Shaker
    I'm interpreting the short forms as meaning she deals immediate damage on her 2nd and 3rd skills, rather than on subsequent triggers - should slight differentiate from 4*.

    I'm guessing this version is more for new player accessibility & popularity, since 4* Elektra has never been well regarded enough to justify a duplicate.

    Hope she wins in the style stakes.  :)
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Tony Foot said:
    A three star every 6 months I can take, just. They are no use except a roster slot. People in 3 star land don't need the dilution and 4 star and above they are about as relevant as one stars, hell you will use the one stars more often. 

    It it just feels to me they don't know where to go next, how many 4 stars is the end game, so they are just filling up roster slots while trying to work out how they move the game forward.
    Best use in 4* land besides required Versus event. 4* feeder..... and other champ rewards.....
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    DarthDeVo said:
    Soooo... basically a copy of the 4* version, yes?

    I'll assume she'll give Elektra covers for champ rewards. I wonder who they will adjust Daredevil to eventually? 
    The lazy daredevil clone they haven't released yet...
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wonder if this is just the way she was initially designed? It's been said by some people before that Elektra seemed like a 3* that just got a numbers boost to make her a 4*. And maybe they'll make changes to old 4 Elektra to make her worth something.

    Sorry, too many drugs. Need to come down.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    So, 4* Elektra with Gamora's red? 
    It's not clear that it is the same as Gamora's red: the countdown might just damage the front enemy rather than being specifically targeted.
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Milk Jugz said:
    Best use in 4* land besides required Versus event. 4* feeder..... and other champ rewards.....

    Yeah, but then again we get those champ rewards from other 3* covers as well. We'll just get one more flavor of them.
  • Yoik
    Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker

    COME ON!!! Elektra was one of the first 4 stars. More than 2.5 years ago. She was contentious pretty much from that time and although she has had a marginal rework 2 years after her release this new 3 star is basically a copy and paste. Surely something else could have been done with her especially based upon her history in game . I don’t mind if new 3 stars come out. Ill only be using when its essential in some way but it may be a nice bit of new for newer rosters but at least mix it up a little bit. Come on!!

  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    There are other characters that better fit as an assassin. Gamora is probably the best example. Red to make a good hit on your target and let them bleed out. Blue to take someone out of action. And of course, black for that perfect moment where you can eleminate the target entirely.
    Psylocke, much as people complain, aslo fits better, with 2 quick hitting powers and one poorly implemented cripple (change it to smething more like Bucky's Precision Shot, and let us chose the color the CD goes on. Possibly add "if chosen enemy AP is below 5 AP when it hits zero, stun target for two turns" so if you don't get a good return from stealing, you get a compensating benefit).
    Punisher can eliminate a weakened opponent with red.
    Elektra needs burst damage to be an assassin. Currently she has "You can't hit me!" (which needs a fix on when things happen; that damage shouldn't wait until after a massive cascade uses up the traps and kills her), the original Give and Take (it's so clunky, but addmittedly, the idea feels fitting), and that sloooooooooow damaging trap. It needs a secondary added execution effect. "If there are X Ballet of Death traps on the board, remove all of them to down the target (and steal X AP from all enemy AP pools perhaps?)
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Well let's give them a chance here. Hawkguy turned out to be quite fun and pretty good.
    The description above needs to be vague until the article is released. We could be pleasantly surprised with the details.
    This 3* is sure to be an asset to newer rosters. If you have no use for 3's at this point in the game, then there's no real reason for any negativity in this thread.
    Looking forward to further info!
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,561 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well let's give them a chance here. Hawkguy turned out to be quite fun and pretty good.
    The description above needs to be vague until the article is released. We could be pleasantly surprised with the details.
    This 3* is sure to be an asset to newer rosters. If you have no use for 3's at this point in the game, then there's no real reason for any negativity in this thread.
    Looking forward to further info!
    Should definitely give a chance but Hawkguy did at least have his fun Full Quiver power, which was something new. Hopefully Elektra will have a twist to her (admittedly) similar sounding powers.
  • Platty616
    Platty616 Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    Another lazy copy of a character in the game, with the exact same powers? You really are getting pathetic now!
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Am I the one person who realized that 

    1) she doesn't turn only purple tiles into enemy tiles. 
    2) she doesn't turn only black tiles into trap tiles. 
    3) she deals damage along with creating a cd 

    which all adds up to her not "having the exact same powers" as the 4* Elektra?
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    We've only got vague descriptions of her powers at this point.  It is possible that some of those restrictions will be in place for the final version.  At this point, only the third power is definitely different.
  • Player1575
    Player1575 Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2017
    Tiger Wong said:
    Am I the one person who realized that 

    1) she doesn't turn only purple tiles into enemy tiles. 
    2) she doesn't turn only black tiles into trap tiles. 
    3) she deals damage along with creating a cd 

    which all adds up to her not "having the exact same powers" as the 4* Elektra?

    Do you really think they'd make the 3" version better than the 4* version by allowing the strike and trap tiles to go anywhere? This is why I can't believe that the powers would be different.