Is this game biting its own tail by greed?

nitefox1337 Posts: 80 Match Maker
edited August 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Here's what I mean: Heroic Packs Tokens are expensive. Now let say that's greed. I am not saying that that's ok, but hey! That's the way they made the game, so if you don't like it just don't buy packs right?

But here's the interesting part and what I mean by "biting its own tail by greed": Heroic Tokens are useless anyway cause 95% of the time you get 2 stars. That odd is also driven by greed like "let's not give players too many 3 stars or 4 stars".

Result: They bite their own tail. Heroic Tokens are useless. Less players buy them. Maybe you remember that thread I opened asking if i should get Roster Space or Heroic Packs with 2800 gold? Well, I didn't listen to the Community who said "Get Roster Space" at 100%. I got the Heroic Packs! xD

Now if you're asking the same question, GET THE ROSTER SPACE!!!!


And so are Vintage Heroic Tokens that are not incentive enough to keep playing Stories after you got the 8 command points.

True fact: After the 8 command point reward you're bored enough of keeping playing the same nods over and over. And when you see that if you keep playing there's that Vintage Heroic, well, you don't care cause you don't want another 2 stars.


In their greed, devs devaluated all elements of the game, except Roster Slots. Roster Slots are the only thing worth spending Hero Points in. The rest is history.

PS: I am at a point in the game where I start to realize that 3 stars worth way more than a few 4 stars and even deleted a few useless 5 stars.

I now understand all the Beginners Guides on the internet which kept saying "Sell your 5 stars and 4 stars! Keep 2 and 3 stars only, and buy Roster Space only!".

When you start the game, it doesn't make sense. Why would developers devaluate higher stars by design? Well, because it's not by design. It's because of "poor design". And it's by playing the game that you understand the state the game is in. At start you think "why would I delete that awesome 5 star Hulk??? Those guides are crazy!". But later, when you look at that 5 Stars Hulk you see "Waste of space".

I can already see veterans saying "yeah but after some time you will get at that 4 stars / 5 stars transition". I get that. But shouldn't the 4 stars and 5 stars you rarely find help you in that transition? Is it normal to delete like 5 "5 stars" heroes because you need the place for 3 stars.

Don't anwser. Cause again, when you adapted to the bad design of the game, it makes sense. But when you look at the game from outside, a fresher point of view, it doesn't.

And that's what it is. All MPQ players had to adapt to that bad design. Keep 3 stars, buy Roster, ignore the shop, ignore versus, etc...


  • DesertTortoise
    DesertTortoise Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    That's a valid concern, @broll . It's a slow trickle until you've rostered and champed all of the 2-stars and 3-stars. Once you're at that point, you'll have more HP than you know what to do with even if you're immediately rostering new 4 and 5-star releases. 
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's a valid concern, @broll . It's a slow trickle until you've rostered and champed all of the 2-stars and 3-stars. Once you're at that point, you'll have more HP than you know what to do with even if you're immediately rostering new 4 and 5-star releases. 
    To me it felt longer than that, but I think that's largely because I was in the bad habit of chasing the shineys in every vault (usually with the 100 discounted single pulls)  Now that I'm hoarding event tokens and only spending HP on those vaults when I'm caching in 10+ hoarded covers to chase something I really need I'm finally building a surplus.  Over 4000 right now for the first time (without a purchase) after about 1.5 years.
  • nitefox1337
    nitefox1337 Posts: 80 Match Maker
    Jarvind said:
    It's kinda hard to sympathize with this when you state "every veteran player on here told me to buy roster space, but I ignored them and bought packs anyway." It calls into question what other solid advice you've been ignoring.
    At least you are reading someone's post who can self criticize and try to analyze why he was wrong.


    I play this game since around 3 months now, I think. Maybe more. And I am still a noob. So I don't know what happens later on.

    What I can say for sure is that when I play MPQ, it's more like "ok, what can I grab and leave today".

    The game is not rewarding enough to instead ignite an attitude more like "This game is awesome! How can I keep playing, and even invest more to make it better and make sure that they never abandon it".

    Don't get me wrong. I play this game because the Gameplay is excellent. And it's Marvel heroes. Remove either one of these, and I would leave without even thinking twice. But Marvel is so much in hype these days, (with movies, tv shows, etc...) that having a daily game that reflects the Marvel world is always welcomed.

    In Fact, if they announce today that MPQ will be no more, or that a better game with Marvel heroes is avalable, I'd say "Wow! Good riddance! It was such a drag!".

    I am not saying this to be mean or to troll. It's more of a "They have a nice game there. Why are they ruining it with such bad decisions?" bitterness.
  • DesertTortoise
    DesertTortoise Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2017
    And the bad decisions they're ruining the game with is that heroic tokens are expensive and low cover 4-stars aren't as good as well covered 3-stars?
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    Once you're at a point where you have a decent amount of 3s and can really start working on farming 2s then the game gets a bit easier in terms of getting resources. Even if you work hard to get 4,000 points in the pvp season and you're so pumped to get that heroic 10 pack, and you get all or almost all 2s it's not the end of the world because that will go into your farm. Also make sure that you have at least one 1* rostered so you can fully take advantage of Deadpool Daily every day. Honestly I have looked at countless rosters and it's pretty surprising how many people don't even have a 1*. Sooo many resources people are missing out on.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the game has been pretty carefully crafted so that as a F2P player your progress is gated. I agree it can be frustrating as a new player that you don't have enough resources to do all the cool things, but after experimenting with dozens of such games I can say that MPQ has one of the best "premium" resource models out there for F2P players. In my opinion, of course.

    I'll say, I did fall into the daily deal trap as a new player (chasing 3*s) neally 1000 days ago, and I only realized later that I would have been much better off saving HP for roster slots only. I probably only cheated myself out of 3-4 slots, but those were majorly important at the time when I only had 15 or something. But I digress.

    So I disagree. I think, in fact, that MPQ has one of the most generously-given premium resources out there.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    For starters, I don't think you used "biting its own tail" correctly. If you are just saying they are hurting their sales by how the tokens are less valuable than slots, well hp is hp. If you are saying they are hurting the game by making heroics expensive, I would disagree. If you could buy heroics easily it would devalue the ones you earn, which disincentivizes playing, which would hurt the game.

    I think the OP is conflating poor design with necessary gameplay loop. Loot based games are everywhere now, and they all basically function with a common, uncommon, rare, legendary, epic tier set. You aren't devaluing the upper tier by making them rarer. The 2000 sim reward is already devalued by the increased odds of latest characters. If heroic tokens had better odds, why would I play sim? Its not bad design to make players play.

    In other games you need to reach a certain level to equip an item. Same here, but its roster spots instead of xp or completing quests.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Every time I start a new game, I notice that it comes with cheap currency and expensive currency. For the expensive currency, I generally only use it for things that cannot be purchased elsewhere, such as roster slots.

    I never fall into the trap of using the expensive currency on unnecessary things, such as tokens or speeding up healing. At least not until I have a large abundance of the expensive currency.
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    The only problem i see in payment agenda  is the fact, that, as far as i remember, there were no changes in ISO/HP prices. Prices are horribly outdated (from time when 3*s were elite cards, 4*s were rare and there were no 5*s, no champ rewards, no DDQ, no SHIELD levels and rewards both from PvE and PvP were very poor).
    So yeah, basically game experienced some waves of inflation (both ISO and HP), but this change was not reflected by payment option. Not sure if it is greed, but i dont really think it is healthy.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    While I will say the OP was not written very well and they obviously didn't make optimal choices early on with their roster, I do believe, and have been saying this for 2 years, the economics of this game (ie in game currency and what real $ buy for in-game currency) have been off.  I do think this disconnect has hurt the game since a better economic system could help make the game overall more profitable.  I look at what I can actually buy for $ and I ask myself why would I spend my money on that. This is a major problem for any game with this type of model.  It isn't that I don't want to spend $, its just that the HP/Iso/Cover Token packs pricing for in-game currency isn't worth it.  I do buy VIP from time to time because it basically is probably one of the better monetary deals they offer but still isn't great and I don't always choose to renew it every month. With the intercept bonus only requiring a $2/mo. purchase, I may just do that more often.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    HP flow doesn't start until well within the 4 star tier phase after all 3s are champed and you have a working 2 star farm.

    Sorry OP that you didn't listen when people said roster space is more valuable at your level than buying a 10 pack. Even at my level, I'm sitting 5k HP and other than daily deals would never spend it on 10 packs. Just not worth the risk.

    Edit: I do agree with the others that the main resources are horribly outdated for where we are at the game's age. $1000 to champ a 2 star is insane, much less buying 4x that to champ a 4 star. That there is really the core argument of the game being greedy more than the OP'S rant.
  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    Resources being expensive for real cash is not an accident. It is a necessary balance to make them attractive enough as a one or once in a great while buy for someone with a fairly low income, but not so attractive that somebody with a relatively modest amount of discretionary income can "buy the game". If people were able to do that more easily, the f2p (or next thing to) player will be boxed out of the game and unable to remotely compete for anything without a longterm determination that does not exist in today's world of "There's another game over there".

    Those f2p players are what allow freemium games to gather a larger community and userbase, so they benefit the game as a whole - in narrowing choices for the devs so that everybody benefits from a readier supply of things like ISO and HP and everything over that is gravy. It takes work to keep that balance so that the resource is tight enough to keep people chasing it, and to keep the average user from spending a modest amount of money on the game and running away with it, AND to keep the game profitable.

    A choice to make ISO and HP easier to buy could easily upset that applecart by making the game LESS popular, people getting bored with it more quickly as their roster development drastically outpaces any new game development and those who can't pay for it putting it down almost as soon as they pick it up.

    Do they have the balance perfect? Almost certainly not. But they for sure don't have it off as far as many people seem to think who aren't incorporating these other factors in their evaluations.