SHIELD Resupply List Updating Please/Changes



  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    edited August 2017
    moss04 said:
    Also, add another bonus to VIP: if you are less than the maximum day in resupply list, for each day of VIP you get 2 days of daily resupply.
    I agree, some sort of acceleration would be good. It would let the newer players get to the good stuff while they're relevant, and would also let them revamp the bleeding edge of the rewards so that they were better.

     Another thing that would be nice would be for a CL level gain to trigger the next daily resupply, as another way to get people more up to speed.
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    mpqr7 said:
    Daiches said:
    gmp72 said:
    Maceo511 said:
    Daiches said:
    I'm also looking forward to selling my 5th (10 total) red Iron Man 5*.
    Champ him, then you don't waste covers.
    Yes, Daiches. How come you didn't do that ? ;)
    I don't know. Maybe I don't know the trick to championing undercovered characters that are stuck in Classics, and of which CS denied swaps for all 4 already sold duplicate covers.
    "Use this one weird trick to champion your undercovered Classic 5*s.. (Click HERE, it works!)"
    If I click here will $5,000 disappear from my bank account?
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    moss04 said:
    Also, add another bonus to VIP: if you are less than the maximum day in resupply list, for each day of VIP you get 2 days of daily resupply.
    That's an interesting idea, but still is at best a bandaid.  

    Lastest day is like 1389 I think.  So a new player would have to play 700 days VIP the whole time to 'catch up'
    Me at 500ish could catch up in about 350 days.

    Also what would players get who are already at the latest day/once they catch up?  Would they also get two days making the gap even farther.

    On second thought this is a terrible idea, would create an even wider gap between f2p and premium and n00b and vet.
  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    From a programming standpoint, tying it to SCL at all is likely a non-starter.

    However, as there are now so many more characters in the game, I would like to see more covers seeded into the list (if you start with the oldest ones, it's unlikely vets who have long since acquired them are going to be annoyed about not having gotten them then...), and I would like to see the "interim" rewards updated so at the very least, by day say 180, your minimum token is an elite not a standard and so on.

    The only argument for standard tokens over elites is that if you pull a 3* on a standard token, you're guaranteed to get a BH drop. And even then I think most people would be happy to give up that miniscule chance in favor of building their 2* farms or being able to sell the cover for 250 iso instead of 100.

    From a PD standpoint, I'm not much worried about "giving away the game" by upgrading interim rewards every 180 days of play and seeing more covers throughout overall. If you get that far into the game, the rewards remain fairly minimal while still adding value for players with more developed rosters; and players who are on the casual side of casual won't be able to really make good use of the extras because they'll either be missing the HP or the ISO to add to roster/levelup/etc. Which should either encourage more dedicated play, or a decision to let the resupply reward go.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    mpqr7 said:
    "Use this one weird trick to champion your undercovered Classic 5*s.. (Click HERE, it works!)"
    If I click here will $5,000 disappear from my bank account?
    Nope. And your roster has always been just Sentry and Yelena. Nothing to see here.