Regarding Multi-Tapping in PvP



  • finlanderboy
    finlanderboy Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
    I look at the points I will get and the team I will fight.   Those are the only things important to me when I do PVP.
  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    I look at the points I will get and the team I will fight.   Those are the only things important to me when I do PVP.
    This is what I do as well.  If they change the PvP progression to the wins system they tested, I won't even look at the points, just the team.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    I look at the points I will get and the team I will fight.   Those are the only things important to me when I do PVP.
    This is what I do as well.  If they change the PvP progression to the wins system they tested, I won't even look at the points, just the team.

    won't matter anymore. you could beat the same guy 100 times and he won't lose his progression.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,329 Chairperson of the Boards
    One thing that I believe would help alleviate this (and many other PVP issues) is to make it so you cannot be attacked by more than one person at once. I know that with the way server sync such thing could not simply be outright disallowed, but what if, once a player is defeated and points are deducted from them in the server, the server automatically assigns a 2-minute shield that basically guarantees that any concurrent battles, when finished, will not deduct points from them while still assigning points to the winners.

    Something like that would not only mean a reduction in the points lost at once, but it would also mean that if someone manages to double-tap you, it's no biggie since if it had not been the same player, some other player would be the one hitting you instead, once the auto-shield breaks.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    Sm0keyJ0e said:
    What is a "sniper"?
    You are?  No hard feelings because your general suppression tactics enable me to get rewards that would be unavailable in other slices.  

    Troll is solid though,  

    Pylgrim said: (italicized because new forum is not user friendly)
    One thing that I believe would help alleviate this (and many other PVP issues) is to make it so you cannot be attacked by more than one person at once. I know that with the way server sync such thing could not simply be outright disallowed, but what if, once a player is defeated and points are deducted from them in the server, the server automatically assigns a 2-minute shield that basically guarantees that any concurrent battles, when finished, will not deduct points from them while still assigning points to the winners.

    Something like that would not only mean a reduction in the points lost at once, but it would also mean that if someone manages to double-tap you, it's no biggie since if it had not been the same player, some other player would be the one hitting you instead, once the auto-shield breaks.

    That would be a problem when dealing with outside communication.  If i knew that I could grill for instance with out the specter of being hit by multiple people suppressing my score what would the downside be?

    I enjoy the fact that people suppress because it helps my individual placement.  
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    Pylgrim said:
    One thing that I believe would help alleviate this (and many other PVP issues) is to make it so you cannot be attacked by more than one person at once. I know that with the way server sync such thing could not simply be outright disallowed, but what if, once a player is defeated and points are deducted from them in the server, the server automatically assigns a 2-minute shield that basically guarantees that any concurrent battles, when finished, will not deduct points from them while still assigning points to the winners.

    Something like that would not only mean a reduction in the points lost at once, but it would also mean that if someone manages to double-tap you, it's no biggie since if it had not been the same player, some other player would be the one hitting you instead, once the auto-shield breaks.
    That could be abused pretty easily.  Top players would coordinate hits on each other at the same time, and points would skyrocket.  I think an easier solution would be to prevent a player from queueing anyone they beat recently.
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    Orion said:
    I play in s4, where the 5* MMR is about 90% friendlies.  So if you're one of the known snipers, you'll get hit 2, 3, 4, 5 times.  If you're just in the bracket chilling then I'll only hit you twice if I have absolutely no other targets.  And even then I'll feel bad about it (for a minute or so).
    That doesnt sound very friendly at all.  I think i am sometimes targeted in s4, though i cant begin to imagine why.  I get hit 3,4,5 times in a row fairly often, and yet when I hit people 3,4,6,12 times in a row they get all angry about it.  Seems like a bit of a double standard.  I think I should be able to hit someone 27 times in a row if needed with NO repercussions.  That would be a lot more friendly to me, personally.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,329 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pants1000 said:
    Pylgrim said:
    One thing that I believe would help alleviate this (and many other PVP issues) is to make it so you cannot be attacked by more than one person at once. I know that with the way server sync such thing could not simply be outright disallowed, but what if, once a player is defeated and points are deducted from them in the server, the server automatically assigns a 2-minute shield that basically guarantees that any concurrent battles, when finished, will not deduct points from them while still assigning points to the winners.

    Something like that would not only mean a reduction in the points lost at once, but it would also mean that if someone manages to double-tap you, it's no biggie since if it had not been the same player, some other player would be the one hitting you instead, once the auto-shield breaks.
    That could be abused pretty easily.  Top players would coordinate hits on each other at the same time, and points would skyrocket.  I think an easier solution would be to prevent a player from queueing anyone they beat recently.
    Blah, that's true. I forgot to add to my logic the inevitable "how could this be exploited" parameter. Nice things, can't have, this why.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't pay attention to the names of the people I attack in PVP, so if I attack someone more than once, it isn't intentional.  On that same topic, I don't pay attention to the names of the people who attack me either, so I'm not building up grudges.

    Is this mainly something that bothers the 5* players?  I could imagine that the match making would break down a bit with the small player base at that power level, such that this becomes an issue.
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I try to avoid hitting the same person multiple times in a short period of time. However if there really aren't any other targets then I would. The system really should be designed better though so it can't be abused in the first place, especially to prevent so-called enforcers coordinating hits on players.
  • aesthetocyst
    aesthetocyst Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
    Welcome Death said: .. personally.
    Did you say personally?

    I personally think so, too.

    I absolutely check names and alliance. I always know who I'm hitting. By the third or fourth time, I start to memorize'em real good.

    PvP is so much simpler, shorter, more relaxing with none of those restricting social conventions we like to foist on each other.

  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    I try to avoid multi-tapping, whether friendly or not, but that's just my personal preference. I was avoiding multi-hits before I joined the truce and still do for non-truce folks unless I'm being walled in and feeling grumpy. I don't feel anyone needs to do the same. 
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    MojoWild said:
     Did we need another post/poll about this?
    We might need a poll to see if we should post another poll about this.
    I try to only post once in posts about this. If there is nothing else to post about I might post twice but I would feel bad about it
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm a nice guy until other people start doubling+ against me when I've almost hit my progression goal. Then the gloves come off.

    In general, I try to load someone, then fight two other battles first, giving that person time to hop and shield. If I see a grill/cc, then I always wait at least 10 minutes before going after it, in order to show my appreciation for it.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't like it, but I'm forced into the "if you can't make it civil, be a total tinykitty about it" mindset.  If you show any mercy in PvP, there's a half dozen other players at that moment who aren't.  Without a game mechanic to provide relief, the onus is on the player to protect themselves with shields, and not get too greedy on a hop.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    A - Is player worth good points? If yes, go to B.
    B - Is player a member of my alliance? If no, go to C.
    C - Is player running a team I can expect to beat? If yes, go to D.

    I hit things that are worth good points. If you're still worth good points after I already hit you once, well, yeah.

  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2017
    It's PvP in a video game not a gentleman's dual in the 1700s...

    That being said I don't think people should get targeted for attacks either.

    In a perfect world the devs would have a system where a player can only be attacked by a certain player x number of times and an alliance x number of times to prevent that.  I don't know how feasible that would be with the MMR system though.

    TBH I don't even look at the names of the people I hit.  I just play and go for points.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    I've been playing PVP at the intermediate-advanced level (900+) for more than 6 months now, and I rarely fall into situations where I need to double, let alone triple someone. As part of both alliance and LINE battle chats, I've gotten into a habit of checking names and alliances on EVERY target worth 40+ points. On the initial climb to 700+, there are plenty enough high point targets that I don't have to worry about seeing the same names twice, if ever. After that first shield, that's when I start going through my qs to line up targets, and may see the same names keep cycling. If I do, it's all good, because I'm shielded. I can check back in an hour, 2 hours, or 15 minutes before I do my next hop, etc. It's practically a guarantee at that point that there will be a new crop of people to choose from. Have a re q'ed a person after I hit them for a lot of points? Sure, but it has ALWAYS been an alliance or LINE friendly who's shield status I can check pretty easily. Just not something that's ever really been a problem for me, but then again it's also not something that really happens to me either. 
  • elvy75
    elvy75 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    I try to avoid multi-tapping, whether friendly or not, but that's just my personal preference. I was avoiding multi-hits before I joined the truce and still do for non-truce folks unless I'm being walled in and feeling grumpy. I don't feel anyone needs to do the same. 
    thanks for writing it up for me :D
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    ***Closing this thread as the poll's choices for answers aren't objective in the least and are missing a neutral option. If you'd like to recreate the polls within the confines of the rules, feel free, but any poll which hints at one play style being better than another will be closed.***
This discussion has been closed.