We know how much you love Moonstone, so we gave you some Moonstone with your Moonstone.



  • animaniactoo
    animaniactoo Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    I used to refuse to roster Moonstone. I hated her. Hated playing against her, hated playing with her. Her powers fluctuate so wildly between "can do massive damage to/for you" and "not worth paying attention to" that I just didn't want anything to do with her. My Moonstone hate was so strong that when she was ON MY TEAM via the loaner node, I was cheering my opponents on to take her out.

    She's more [shrug/dislike/petty annoyance] these days and I do have her rostered, but eh. Unless they're going to REALLY do something with her, I don't need more Moonstone.