What this game Really Needs is.....

nitefox1337 Posts: 80 Match Maker
..... wait for it....

A Clearance Indicator on the Nods in PVE!

Such a drag to each time click on one and see the if you 4/6 'd that nod, and then back and another one.



  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    More cowbell.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    mexus said:
    Dormammu said:

    3) A way to buy vaulted 4-stars with CP

    120 of them CP for a cover. It's much but it's possible.
    That only works up to 13 covers though...

    Dormammu said:

    4) A PvE event without Dark Avengers
    I know they're in the storyline, but Prodigal Sun fits the bill of "PvE event without Dark Avengers" since you're fighting against Avengers/heroes the whole time. 
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    What the forums need is people to put their subject in the subject line vs make it clickbait to find out your idea... (unless what you wanted in this thread is people to post their ideas and not just discuss your's, waterway subject is unclear)


    mohio said:
    mexus said:
    Dormammu said:

    3) A way to buy vaulted 4-stars with CP

    120 of them CP for a cover. It's much but it's possible.
    That only works up to 13 covers though...
    Also doesn't work if you have 0 for a color.
  • KC_Hammer
    KC_Hammer Posts: 84 Match Maker
    While a lot of things people are mentioning would be nice, they are not all equivalent. A small UI change like this is probably much easier to put out than a new event or reworking an entire game system.

    One small thing I would like to see with all the various special tile boosters that are out there now, is a total strike/attack/protect tile count. Its trivial I know, but sometimes I'd like to know how much damage to expect without having to individually check every special tile individually.  
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    edited July 2017
    ..... wait for it....

    A Clearance Indicator on the Nods in PVE!

    Such a drag to each time click on one and see the if you 4/6 'd that nod, and then back and another one.

    Pitched something like this a long time ago, I'm sure it died in Suggestions and Feedback

  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    - a season for pve that has a gauntlet, alliance events, a survival mode that is a 20 round wave mission, more boss fights and more mini events like the ones for Star Lord and Coulson
    - progression only pve
    - trial mode for testing new teams like your latest shiny champed character and where you would get to choose your enemies and no health packs required
    - more rewards. Return max progression back to 4 clears and add bonus progression rewards for people that want to do 5 and 6 clears. No, 100 iso or a standard token is not a bonus reward
    - ability to disable animations
    - Rogue. Come on. Where's my girl at?
    - Guaranteed 10 easy fights in pvp events. It's dumb that you can join three minutes into a lightning round and can go straight to normal fights but sometimes you can start with five minutes left and can do three easy fights.
    - Option to play with unboosted characters in pvp events besides shield sim. Pick your clearance level, pick your time, choose boosted or unboosted. To make things easier this could be done at the start of a new season.
  • Carnifexx
    Carnifexx Posts: 110 Tile Toppler
    Infinite up votes for mexus! Some new various modes would be awesome. Bonus iso for no damage, etc. stuff to take the edge off of grind. I'm coming up on day 1,101 and little touches like that make for fun distractions that would really enhance my gameplay. Counter would be nice, but wouldn't relieve grinditis.
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    1. A CP store with just 3 and 4 vaulted characters in it. 
    2. Remove all placement on pve and add rewards to progression.
    3. Fix match making in pvp so some one whose highest level character is 180 doesn't face three level 300 + characters. 
    4. Add new non playable skrull enemies.

  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    New CEO that actually wants to have a good game and not just generate as much profit as possible before it dies.
  • nitefox1337
    nitefox1337 Posts: 80 Match Maker
    Will bump this one cause they should really implament it. Each time I go to PvE and check the Nods with only a "refresh" icon on it, I am like "Why dont they put an indicator???? WHY????"...

  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    I know which clear I just did by which reward I just received. Standard token? Done with trivial node. 500 ISO? Done with hard node, unless it's the cp node.. etc..

    And since there's pretty much a fixed pattern in which to clear nodes to maximize points there's no risk in forgetting a node. Especially not when you look at the leaderboard after your clears to make sure ;)
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,410 Chairperson of the Boards
    I suggested rings around the nodes before. Or even a single ring that shortens like the shield rank indicator. It was commented as a good idea and was going to be passed to the dev. Guess they didn't like it and never bothered to implement it
  • nitefox1337
    nitefox1337 Posts: 80 Match Maker
    Pongie said:
    I suggested rings around the nodes before. Or even a single ring that shortens like the shield rank indicator. It was commented as a good idea and was going to be passed to the dev. Guess they didn't like it and never bothered to implement it
    Exactly. At some point I even thought that the red circles around the nods were already that. It's such an obvious thing that they should implement. A Dev comment on this would be awesome.
  • nitefox1337
    nitefox1337 Posts: 80 Match Maker
    Guys dont let this one be forgotten, just bump it, like it etc...

    Come on! it such a pain to each time click o nod, check the number of clearance and then back, over and over and over!
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    If they did do this, I feel like the main sentiment would be, "fine, but why?" The amount of time it would take for the devs to implement it would be 10,000x the amount of time it might save.