hellfire_clubX alliance



  • KokainKidd
    KokainKidd Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    Just dropping in to say hello.
  • SunnyMonroe
    SunnyMonroe Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Hi Kidd, glad you are joining in.
  • Mindman02
    Mindman02 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    @SunnyMonroe: Yes, my brother in law Animal72 would like to rejoin the alliance. He's obviously more than a little skeptical about everything as he's already been kicked 3 times. At this point, he is in the camp of starting a new alliance to avoid these issues going forward, but anything we can do to get him back in would be great, especially before the upcoming alliance event.

    He works night shift now, so I have to catch him in the early evening EST, before he goes to work but after he wakes up from sleeping during the day. Let me know when you want to do this.
  • Mindman02
    Mindman02 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    @SunnyMonroe: BTW, I love your avatar picture on the forums. Fear Agent was a fantastic series! Huge fan!
  • SunnyMonroe
    SunnyMonroe Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2017
    Let me know, when YOU Guys wanna do this. What is your timezone? 

    Possible points in time for me are : Within the next hour (scarce, i know). Or tomorrow morning, before 9:00 a.m. (CET). Again in the Evening, after 19:00... 

    We try this - and i will use google translator to write something like "Don´t kick animal!" in spanish, for erick. If it happens again yet, then we talk new alliance ;-)

    Edit : I also love Fear Agent. Still hoping for a movie... (in development for years now, without any news)
  • Mindman02
    Mindman02 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    @SunnyMonroe Can we do it right now? My brother in law can do it right now.
  • SunnyMonroe
    SunnyMonroe Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2017
    ok. Will kick another poor fellow @ exactly 22:50 CET...

    Lets make it 23:00, so he has enough time to prepare ;-)
  • NotBAMF
    NotBAMF Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker

    Just a little self promotion since it has come up, but for anyone familiar with the website 411mania.com, I used to do a comic review article weekly there, and I'm rebooting it in a few weeks' time. I only mention it because the second article of the reboot is going to be a review of Fear Agent. :)

    Also, what's going on with the S6 event? They are just... doing it again? Or is it a revamp version? I don't see anything in News/Announcements here, so I'm a little behind.

  • Mindman02
    Mindman02 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    @SunnyMonroe ok we are ready!
  • Mindman02
    Mindman02 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Ooops..sorry, got the time wrong. It's 5:50 our time not 4:50. Ok, we'll be ready at 5:50.
  • ViewFromAbove
    ViewFromAbove Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    Make a New alliance 
  • SunnyMonroe
    SunnyMonroe Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Erick responded @ the ingame board and promised to leave the kicking alone further on. I am happy with that. Let´s see how it develops. He also contacted the inactive second Commander Arthuz and asked him to drop out, if i got that right. So everythings seems in order now... 

    Hoping for the best...

  • NotBAMF
    NotBAMF Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
    That WOULD be nice if we could get Arthuz to leave so we could get another active guy in, but... it is what it is.

    Too bad we lost Dodger along the way, though. 

    Ah well. 

    So I was thinking about asking how everyone plays. What are your basic strategies?

    For me, on the PVE events, I always choose the very last event run, the one that begins/ends 2am EST (where I live). Obviously, I don't spend a lot of time playing at 2am, so it's not great for maximizing points, but it's been working out for me. From there, I do the initial run through of 4 battles on each mode right away in the morning, and then try to get 5th, 6th, and possibly 7th battles later before bed. My levels have recently scaled up quite a bit on me, though, so after maxing out the nodes, it can be really hard to beat them 3 times in a row each without tearing through all my heals!

    On the PVPs, my strategy isn't to worry about placement, but to worry about the thresholds. When a new PVP starts, I just try to get the 575 threshold (10 CP) right away, and then just battle as I want to. I want the CP more than I want to worry about finishing high, but I still usually get either top 50 or top 100 after getting beat back down the standings after my initial surge to 575. 

    What else? I can't convince myself to get into hoarding tokens. I'm too impatient, and I tend to open everything as soon as I get them. What are the best benefits to hoarding? I should probably try to get around to that.

    What I AM trying to hoard slightly recently are CP. I recently built up to 120 so I could champ Medusa, and since then, I haven't spent any more. I'm up to 80-90 CP currently. I think my plan is to wait until Vulture replaces Blade in the Legendary packs before I spend any more CP, because my Blade is 5/1/5, and I'm worried about getting more red/black covers I can't use.I'm in the same boat with Agent Venom (5/2/5), so maybe I'll wait until BOTH are vaulted? But I doubt I have that level of patience!

    All I know is I'm tired of getting blue Ironheart covers. My Riri is 5/1/2, and I KEEP GETTING BLUE COVERS. I've had 3 more blue covers since I got her to 5, and it's driving me mad! I'm becoming convince they no longer make red or green for her!
  • SunnyMonroe
    SunnyMonroe Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    edited July 2017
    In PVE i take the one that starts/ends @ 18:00 in my timezone. I check in a little later. Mostly around 21:00. So i can work the initital 4 fights before i go to bed or into the local nightlife. Then, i have the next day to play 2 or 3 rounds more on each nod, completing them as good as i can.

    In earlier Levels it was relatively easy to finish in the top ten. Nowadays (Level 8), everybody knows what they are doing, so to get to a top spot (Top20), i really would have to start point 18:00, play as fast as i can through the 4 rounds each nod - and wait till the next day 17:00 to max the rest of the battles. Way too much stress for me ;-)

    So i´m happy to reach Top50 or sometimes Top100. Enough for my ambitions.

    In PVP i don´t care for any high prices. I just want the 10 CPs. Best way in my opinion, is to play just the 3 easy fights early in the beginning of the round/chapter. Then i wait it out, until the last day or the last hours. At that time, most of the fights are worth more than 50 points and it takes less battles to reach the 575 marker.

    I also save up points a lot. While i was spending all my CPs for Legendary tokens in the earlier days, ISO becomes a real issue in the 4* Champions Transition. So the more slow approach in getting the Legendary Tokens is less "painful" ;-)

    Two or three times now, i have spend 120 CPs to championize a 4* Character. The ones, i really liked to have (Medusa, Cage) and will probably continue to do so. Overall i am saving up to one day max out Silver Surfer @ 720 CPs per Level. Not that he is such a mighty charakter - i am just a fan and WANT this! 

    This will take a while. Today i am at 1400 CPs. And still i have no Red for the Surfer... ;-)

  • SunnyMonroe
    SunnyMonroe Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    @ Alan: How long are you gone camping?
  • cpn500
    cpn500 Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    I've been playing the first time slice in PVE for a few weeks now, and it's worked out pretty well for me, when I have the time to play it right. Like Sunny said, it's pretty tough to break into the high completion brackets, but I can finish top 50 if I invest the time, and usually top 100 if I don't. It works out best if I can 4/6 the boards first thing in the morning, right as the board starts, wait until almost bed time (which, at my age, seems to be getting earlier and earlier!) and 6/6 all the boards. Then, when I get up, overclear a few of the higher boards. That pretty easily gets me top 50 on a consistent basis.

    I'm not sure if I like the SHIELD-level-difficulty scaling better or the standard scaling - I think it depends on who the powered-up characters are and if mine happen to be any good. My 4* stable is still a little soft. Without the right characters, it's easy for me to get completely spanked when the enemies start creeping up to the mid-upper 300's.

    I play PVP as time allows, but not to any great extent. I used to play until I got the 50 HP rewards, as it was my goal for a while to get all of the 3* and 4* cards (which takes a lot of HP). I wanted to get to the point where I could clear all of the Deadpool Dailies consistently each day regardless of the required character, and to be able to get 6/6 completions on the PVE story boards, again regardless of who the required characters were. Now that I have all the 3*s and almost all of the 4*s, HP has become much less of a need for me.

    Since I'm in the dreaded 3-to-4* transition phase of the game, PVP is pretty tough for me now, anyway. Once I can get a few more of my 4*s champed, I'll probably go back to PVP more regularly again.

  • Alan7177
    Alan7177 Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    Hello I'm back and have managed to grab the vulture covers. 
    Camping was wet wet wet!
    D3 we great and fast at correcting my loss of game. 
    Sorry for lack of playing. It's a difficult time of year with summer, lots of wknds booked up with activities. Frustrating tho cuz it was a double reward event would have liked the cps
  • SunnyMonroe
    SunnyMonroe Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    No problem man, good to have you "back" and i fully understand. The only reason i can contribute so constantly is, that the summer in Berlin sucks this year (again), big time. Highest rainfall since the beginning of weather records. So instead of going on a cruise with our boat or have some drinks in the beergarden with friends, we bum around in bed - so time enough to pick up the ol´ pad and play a few rounds... ;-)

  • SunnyMonroe
    SunnyMonroe Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    O.K. guys, let´s talk new alliance. Some people are very unhappy that the commanders (myself excluded) are playing no more (Arthuz) or not much (Eric). 

    Maybe a new Alliance really is the way to go.

    So, i will open a new Alliance and write everybody i can reach here on d3go forums a pm with the data...

    Hope to see you in a bit ;-)

  • SunnyMonroe
    SunnyMonroe Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    edited August 2017

    The new Alliance is called : Yancy-St.Gang

    Its private now. I will change the settings to open, after the core of our players has moved...


    1. Before you leave the old Alliance, make sure, you´ll post the Name of the new Alliance on the INGAME board, for our members, not registered here yet (like Gannicus and Soberbob etc.), to follow! 

    2. Dont forget 1. ;-)

    Edit : I also opened a new thread, here on d3go forums : Yancy-St.Gang