Who do you bring to Combined Arms?



  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've been using Moonstone, Scarlet Witch, and Agent Coulson.  Moonstone is mainly there for colour coverage and for the relatively high health compared to my other 2*s.
  • SpringSoldier
    SpringSoldier Posts: 265 Mover and Shaker
    Everyone! I've been defeated so many times trying to get to 575 points, I was playing whoever wasn't injured. There were few players in the game that day, so we'd just beat each other up over and over again. When I hit 575, I dropped out and got beat back to 300! This morning I woke up and some poor sucker lost to my team and I won another 17 points... so I immediately got hit by 3 others... PVE is soo much better!
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ruinate said:
    Carol, 3*Daken, 2*Torch.  

    2 green matches and you're ready to start buffing 4 strike tiles.  I usually can't even collect 8 black before the match is over.  Also a 20k Chemical Reaction to kill the last one standing is just awesome to see.  
    Just tried this ... amazing!
    I ran with this team after reading this and wow it was good.  I went from 200-900 near effortlessly in 30 minutes during the last hour of the event.  Started getting smacked pretty hard after that so shielded, ended 11th (which was fine I was only SCL7 and it was clear I wasn't likely to battle up to 5th).  Easiest 900 I've ever gotten, thanks for the tip!

    Also with one of my vintage tokens I actually got a vaulted 4*  :o  First out of maybe 8?  Got a Quake.  My Quake's been at 13 waiting on an excuse to champ her.  Here it is.  She's on deck after Agent Venom and 3* Star-Lord.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    I was bringing everyone! Unfortunately, I got Combined Arms and BoP mixed up so I only entered at the 3 hour left mark with the intention of playing 1 or 2 matches. I was pretty disappointed once I realized my mistake but I was able to get to 300 before I got tired and quit.
  • dramatist
    dramatist Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    I used a few different teams but I don't think I saw anyone mention Wasp, Falcon and Bullseye. Match purple and yellow, one fire of Falcon's purple followed by Wasps yellow and matches are doing about 7K.
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    I ran rhulk, switch, moonstone or 2thor. 2thor for extra green generation, moonstone when he was close to dying. I was gonna try out some of the suggestions here, but got tied up at work yesterday and wasnt able to climb. At least I only missed out on flaptain, not ready to champ him anyway. 
  • bigsmooth
    bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    I enjoyed Baby Grocket + OBW. Widow's passive double dipping on strike tiles leads to ~5K damage on the first turn simply through a purple or black match, and potentially much more if there is any kind of resulting cascade. It would be even better if R&G got the beefier strike tiles from a GotG teammate, but unfortunately 3* Gamora tanks black and 3* Star-Lord tanks purple over OBW, reducing her effectiveness.

    OBW chews through health packs, of course, but it was still fun to mess around with. I might actually use that combo in trivial PVE nodes.
  • Silverblade
    Silverblade Posts: 51 Match Maker
    CCW1208 said:
    Carol, 3*IF, 2*human torch
    IF purple create black for Carol
    human torch green make all the friendly tiles stronger by carol yellow passive ability
    Very fast 
    This is what I ran as well. Finished in top 50.

  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ended up running Bl4de, IM40, and daken. Very effective team.