Let's talk about softcapping



  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    broll said:
    bbigler said:
    Perhaps it's best, right now, to be a 5* softcap player.  
    Said no one ever.  Seriously, don't do that.  Have you seen the tests they are running?  Level your 5s and stop playing on the JV team.
    Said plenty of people, myself included.  I generally don't softcap now but with them working on the change to base PvE scaling to SCL level softcapping will be way more viable than ever before, which is a good thing for longterm of the game.  It will probably bust PvP scaling but it's up to the individual to decide if that's OK for them or not.

    Am I reading this right, how will fixed scaling make softcapping viable at all?  If the enemy levels don't change you would want the highest level roster possible to deal with them.  Which is how the game was meant to be played - they want you spending your ISO on the latest and greatest, not keeping them low to avoid a challenge.
    Right now you're encouraged to not level 5*s at all because it will effect your scaling (this is a huge problem early on that gets smaller the more advanced your roster grows).  With SCL based scaling if someone wants to level their 2 covered 5* to L290 or whatever when their next highest character is a 2* champ at L97 that 5* is going to crush and be a huge advantage just based on match damage and tanking vs today where that would make the enemy levels untenable.

    A more advanced roster perspective, right now I don't put any levels into any of my 5*s.  I've got a few that are bordering on useful now with 6-8 covers, but I don't want to pump them too much and jack my scaling up.  When SCL based scaling comes in that solves that problem and I can level them as high as I want.
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor

    I'd make the case that softcapping is still extremely useful and will be until they remove roster based scaling in PvE (which I hope will happen in a few more PvE events)

    A new player just starting out would have a horrible time if they get lucky on their LT pulls (from event stores, VIP, alliance events for new 5*s etc... )  and rostered 5*s particularly if they dumped iso into them to level em at the cost of their weaker tier.

    As a player with 10+ champion 4*s I'm purposely not leveling the 5*s that I've got 6-7 covers in as it would increase my scaling, yield no more viable characters and ultimately increase clear time, slowing my progress.

    In PvP I do not have first hand knowledge of the threshold where you see only 5* opponents, but have heard many anecdotal accounts of people having sub-optimal 5*s leveled, placing them with much tougher opponents with the net result of them having a harder time to get higher points than before they leveled the heroes (several people on line have quit/stepped away due to this specifically with the OML nerf)

    I can absolutely get behind the principle that softcapping shouldn't garner any advantages, but it currently does in both PvE and PvP.  That's not to say that the best developed 5* roster isn't better than any softcapped variations...  the advantages are found with rosters that don't have the resources to champion the best 5*s.

  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    Beer40 said:
    Doesn't nearly everyone softcap, purposely or not? I roster nearly everyone and MPQ forces me to softcap some of them because I can't get enough ISO for everyone.

    I'm not a softcapper by choice. I would love to level up my level 86 1/4/3 Spider-Gwen to win her crash but then that just sets me back from champing level 172 Ant-Man and level 160 IW, both who could be champed currently. So its Ant-Man, then IW, and then I can look into bringing others into the mix.
    That's not what softcapping is.  Softcapping is not putting ISO into your best characters for fear of better characters making the game too hard for you.
    Yeah, whenever I see these discussions or people complaining about softcappers winning in pve (old system, not test) I think "I'm not softcapping, I'm just out of iso!"

    Fortunately though, I'm pretty much caught up on champing 4*s and just got my 4th 5* hero to 13 covers, so I'll be leveling a batch of 5s real soon. :)
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Nepenthe said:
    Beer40 said:
    Doesn't nearly everyone softcap, purposely or not? I roster nearly everyone and MPQ forces me to softcap some of them because I can't get enough ISO for everyone.

    I'm not a softcapper by choice. I would love to level up my level 86 1/4/3 Spider-Gwen to win her crash but then that just sets me back from champing level 172 Ant-Man and level 160 IW, both who could be champed currently. So its Ant-Man, then IW, and then I can look into bringing others into the mix.
    That's not what softcapping is.  Softcapping is not putting ISO into your best characters for fear of better characters making the game too hard for you.
    Yeah, whenever I see these discussions or people complaining about softcappers winning in pve (old system, not test) I think "I'm not softcapping, I'm just out of iso!"

    Fortunately though, I'm pretty much caught up on champing 4*s and just got my 4th 5* hero to 13 covers, so I'll be leveling a batch of 5s real soon. :)
    We are all almost always out of ISO.  You are out of ISO because you chose to soft cap instead of level your 5s.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beer40 said:
    Doesn't nearly everyone softcap, purposely or not? I roster nearly everyone and MPQ forces me to softcap some of them because I can't get enough ISO for everyone.

    I'm not a softcapper by choice. I would love to level up my level 86 1/4/3 Spider-Gwen to win her crash but then that just sets me back from champing level 172 Ant-Man and level 160 IW, both who could be champed currently. So its Ant-Man, then IW, and then I can look into bringing others into the mix.
    That's not softcapping. But much more importantly, Nooo!!! 

    You should have leveled SpiderGwen - she could win her crash easily and earn you an extra lt immediately. Unless you have pending covers for Antman and IW in your queue to use, champing them now will do you absolutely no good since they're vaulted and won't get any covers for them. 
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,783 Chairperson of the Boards
    The don't soft cap stuff is frankly rubbish advice. It's not a one size fits all, we all play differently and spend differently or not at all. I'm nearly at day 800 and spend on VIP from time to time. I have 17ish 4* champs and best covered 5* has about 7 or 8 covers. They all sit at 255 and probably will by the time I quit the game. At best they might make 350.

    I don't soft cap because I don't have the covers, but I will when that becomes in my range. I hated the game when I moved to 4* the second IMHB had 13 covers. I spent an absolute age fist busting, PVP after PVP. I barely stuck with the game. It was hard going to get other 4*s max, let alone 5*s.

    A year later and I'm having superb fun in the 4* game. Like I did before I stupidly moved to 4* too early. I can play with huge variety, i can't get passed 900 in PVP but so what, all the ISO, Intercepts and CP is in PVE. Even if they change to this new test, I'd still soft cap because who wants to play PVP with the same 2 or 3 characters over and over until a moderate spender like me gets in range of another 5*. My closest 5*s look like being IM and BSS, yeah right as if anyone wants to play with them solidly for a year while they try to get another 5*.

    As I said people play differently, I can't see myself ever playing this game long enough at my spending level to worry about the 5* game, so I might as well continue to have awesome fun with the 4*s.

    You are just sore because you had to go through that dull 5* hell so want to inflict it on everyone else. Let's all join the bandwagon of fun where you have to save up 7500 CP to get 3 latest, then play almost exclusively with them for another year while you get CP to do it all over again.

    No thanks, but enjoy your game and I will continue to enjoy mine how I see fit.

    The funniest thing of all is the crying like this is some sort of exploit, usually by players in rooms climbing off grills and cakes and boosting to higher scores. Like one is a sin and the other is fine because it's only now really for the top players.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    Tony Foot said:
    The funniest thing of all is the crying like this is some sort of exploit, usually by players in rooms climbing off grills and cakes and boosting to higher scores. Like one is a sin and the other is fine because it's only now really for the top players.
    I've vocally been against both and everyone in a high end alliance can attest to me never using coordination, lol. Where does that put me? :tongue:
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,783 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ducky said:

    I've vocally been against both and everyone in a high end alliance can attest to me never using coordination, lol. Where does that put me? :tongue:
    As not a hypocrite :)
  • CT1888
    CT1888 Posts: 1,201 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just hope that once the new scaling goes full time, it will encourage the 5* soft cappers to level up, which should in turn mean a wider variety of opponents in pvp
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    CT1888 said:
    I just hope that once the new scaling goes full time, it will encourage the 5* soft cappers to level up, which should in turn mean a wider variety of opponents in pvp
    One can only hope, but I wouldn't hold my breath on it.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    CT1888 said:
    I just hope that once the new scaling goes full time, it will encourage the 5* soft cappers to level up, which should in turn mean a wider variety of opponents in pvp
    I can give you en example first hand. I have one 5* max covered (Strange). Highest among the others - around 8-10 covers. When the new scaling is permanent I will max Strange so I can get most out of the PvE (he is said to be a beast there). Will I add others to the max cap level - probably not (maybe some). 

    What I expect to happen? I will enjoy the PvE more (strange plus some boosted 4*) and I will stop playing PvP (or play less). I know that Strange is not a powerhouse name in PvP and the game will put me up there with other 5* users. So more opponents in PvP notion might not become the fact. 

    For me the next step will be opening the LT hoard (so far at 100 Latest, but CP is been used still on 4*). I have time - I want Star-lord and Doc to be out of tokens (so at least 3-4 more months, provided that the next one is meta changing strong). When I have 3 extra 5* along with Strange I might play the PvP again.
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    Magic said:
    I can give you en example first hand. I have one 5* max covered (Strange). Highest among the others - around 8-10 covers. When the new scaling is permanent I will max Strange so I can get most out of the PvE (he is said to be a beast there). Will I add others to the max cap level - probably not (maybe some). 

    What I expect to happen? I will enjoy the PvE more (strange plus some boosted 4*) and I will stop playing PvP (or play less). I know that Strange is not a powerhouse name in PvP and the game will put me up there with other 5* users. So more opponents in PvP notion might not become the fact. 

    For me the next step will be opening the LT hoard (so far at 100 Latest, but CP is been used still on 4*). I have time - I want Star-lord and Doc to be out of tokens (so at least 3-4 more months, provided that the next one is meta changing strong). When I have 3 extra 5* along with Strange I might play the PvP again.
    Yes, the only way I'm leveling my 5*s is if this new scaling goes in for PvE...  When I do level 5*s I'll be dropping PvP until the state of the game changes, or I get 2 championed 5*s that are decent together for PvP...