Are you changing your SCL or slice for test #2?



  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Yes, changing SCL (going down) and slice
    Pla5yer99 said:
    Even if I will to go scl7, it won't help for ranking high since many players with 5 star champs are farming at scl7 for ranking rewards. It's the case of the prisoner's dilemma. In the end it is still scl8 given a choice of scl 7 or 8 to get the progression rewards. For ranking only going down to scl 6 will help but the reward system are too little to consider doing 
    Working as intended then, right? You can either spend money to play with the big boys or you have to settle for lesser rewards.

    Its a cold world but this is the game we play. Lots of people have spent a long time in the game to build great rosters, some people have just outright bought great rosters, some have done both. But the bottom line is MPQ wants your money and they know if you're behind the curve you'll either have to accept it or spend to change it.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,581 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, changing SCL only (going down)
    Can people get out of this habit of telling people they should drop down from a particular SCL due to these changes, the reality is that many will have had access to it for months and the fault lies with the devs as they give people access to SCL8 too soon and still haven't opened up any higher ones despite the ludicrous range of rosters covered by SCL8 at this point.
  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    MissChinch said:

    That said the gradation of SCLs we have now is awful, instead of devoting 4, 5 or even 6 SCLs to rosters at or below the 3* level, and 2 SCLs for any rosters beyond they could balance that out a LOT better...  and fix the rewards... 

    Agree with this completely. Unfortunately the devs seem committed to only turning one dial at a time.  They've said they'll look at reward levels AFTER doing the scaling by CL thing, and presumably CL9 only after that. But really, tweaking the rewards to match the difficulty and opening higher CLs so the jump to 8 doesn't have to be so drastic, are the kind of changes that would make the CL difficulty trial go smoother.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Yes, changing SCL (going down) and slice
    I think there's a big difference with what we, as players, would like to see with this test and what is actually going to happen. The realist in me believes that these tests are for players to find out which SCL they should be in. I believe at the end we are going to have the exact SCLs with the exact scaling and exact rewards we have now. At that point I think they will open up SCL9 with slightly better rewards than 8. Will it be a bigger jump in rewards from 8 to 9 than 7 to 8 currently is? Possibly, but being real again, I wouldn't count on it. This game, for reasons that are constantly speculated on but never truly known, has always been stingy with rewards.

    And believing that scenario, which I do believe, I find it completely reasonable to tell people to drop clearance levels if they can't compete at the one they're currently in. What should we say? "Stay where you are, I bet they'll do something to improve the experience for you!"? No! Because that's probably ****.

    Take the new mechanic, complain about it all you want (if you feel the need to) but don't screw up your game by playing in a level not suited for your roster. Because when a new mechanic comes into play, it typically stays.
  • Astralgazer
    Astralgazer Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2017
    Yes, changing SCL only (going up)
    I happen to have two 4* champs boosted for TaT, that largely complement each other in color coverage. So, I got this tickle that I must taste how SCL 8 would be in this extra hard levels. Turns out that enemies top at 388 in my case, up 65 levels from my usual. Nodes take a bit longer to clear but so far manageable. I dread only the final node of Magneto+Hood, that would be damned hard.

    My impression is that SCL 7 is too easy, providing no challenge and is boring for my current roster strength. But SCL 8 is out of reach unless I have at least two boosted champed 4*. The devs should open SCL 9, and the current scaling for SCL 8 be moved there. While SCL 8 get a new scaling that is half way between the currently tested SCL 7 and SCL 8; where level range is between 250-350.
  • Pla5yer99
    Pla5yer99 Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2017
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    The Developers can put the shield level requirement to 80 or so for scl8. Players without decent rosters won't be able to enter scl8 accidentally. Likewise scl7, players above shield level 100 shouldn't be able to selected it. This will make the levels more competitive 
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,050 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, changing SCL only (going down)
    Pla5yer99 said:
    The Developers can put the shield level requirement to 80 or so for scl8. Players without decent rosters won't be able to enter scl8 accidentally. Likewise scl7, players above shield level 100 shouldn't be able to selected it. This will make the levels more competitive 
    I do think that there should be some kind of gating mechanic in place to keep similar rosters competing together but I'm not sure Shield Rank is the best one for the job.  Since you can get Shield Rank without necessarily having a top notch roster just by farming 2*s for example, it becomes a hard thing to quantify in terms of roster strength.  

    What I would really like to see (and the original suggestion was made by someone else, KGB I think?) is having rarity limits put on each SCL to make it so that you can drop down to whatever SCL you want but only with the rarities that predominate that level.  

    For example until they open SCL 9 we'd have something along these lines:

    SCL 8 - Any character can be used including 5*s
    SCL 7 - Any characters other than 5*s are usable, 5*s are locked out
    SCL 5-6 - All characters above 3* are locked out with the exception of the 4* essential
    SCL 3-4 - All characters above 2* are locked out with the exception of the 4* and 3* essential
    SCL 1-2 - Only 1* characters can be used with the exception of the essentials

    That way vet rosters can still choose to drop to another level if they want the lesser rewards/competition but the gulf between clear times is much narrower.  As a 4* player with some close to max champed 3*s I would still have a large advantage in SCL 6 but not nearly the insurmountable advantage I'd have against those same players if I had access to my 4*s.  5* players could drop down to SCL 7 but would not have the massive clear speed advantage that 5* match damage gives.  It would incentivize going to the appropriate SCL for your roster without putting an absolute clamp down on dropping down for an event or two for easier or more varied play.  
  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    Yes, changing SCL (going down) and slice
    Guess what? SCL6 gives out Sandman covers from placement, so now it's full of 4* rosters and even few 5*. Broken system is broken.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Yes, changing SCL (going down) and slice
    Alsmir said:
    Guess what? SCL6 gives out Sandman covers from placement, so now it's full of 4* rosters and even few 5*. Broken system is broken.
    I saw 450s at the top in SCL6 too. It made me laugh because if I'd played in 8, I would have likely gotten my usual 1 new release cover from placement. But I dropped down to 6 to maximize my time away from the game this weekend and thought I might luck into a couple extra Sandman covers because everyone would be fighting it out in 7 and 8. Nope, I'll probably still get 1. 

    Oh well, it's worth it for the time I've saved from grinding.
  • Nikita-K
    Nikita-K Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    With 30 champed 4*s, there's no need to change SCL. And with a regular T100 placement, there's no need to change slice.
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    I entered clearance level 7, same as the last test: under the old scaling the hardest nodes went up to ~ 270, so CL7 is about 10 levels easier.

    With that said, the new system feels more monotonous: I'm either repeating the same trivial match 4 times, and on the hard nodes the difficulty progression is much less noticeable (while the nodes end up at about the same place I usually saw,  they start a lot harder).
  • Wagnbat
    Wagnbat Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    broll said:

    2.  I always do SCL 7 for new character releases and 400 level enemies certainly doesn't give me any reason to break that pattern this time.
    What he said.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    I'm just sitting the event out entirely. Got burned out pretty bad on slowly falling out of the top 10 over the course of the 7 day pve. And sandman looks pretty terrible anyway
  • Jsh2014
    Jsh2014 Posts: 87 Match Maker
    Yes, changing SCL (going down) and slice
    So I went down to SCL 7 and I changed slice im before I started today I was outside the top 100 again When I left off I was 8th for the day and 25th overall, now I just got done grinding I think I was 7th at this point I was 75th overall but that gives the strong 5*rosters that time to come in in the last hour and move ahead of me. Why can't they please release 9and 10 and make the SCL roster you use if u want to use a champed 5* then u can't play in any lower than SCL 10 if you wanna use a champed 4*or a low to mid 5* then it's SCL 9 and so on. BUT I did enjoy the test a whole lot better than the last one except I'm gonna prob finish like crud but such is life.
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    revskip said:

    For example until they open SCL 9 we'd have something along these lines:

    SCL 8 - Any character can be used including 5*s
    SCL 7 - Any characters other than 5*s are usable, 5*s are locked out
    SCL 5-6 - All characters above 3* are locked out with the exception of the 4* essential
    SCL 3-4 - All characters above 2* are locked out with the exception of the 4* and 3* essential
    SCL 1-2 - Only 1* characters can be used with the exception of the essentials.
    A few problems with your gating mechanism. No one stays with 1 star only for more than a day or so making 2 SCL 1 star only is crazy. Also 6 should be separate from 5 and instead of locking out all 4s in SCL 6 you should only lock out champ/max level 4s and all 5s. 

    SCL 1 - only 1 stars and required characters.
    SCL 2&3 1, 2 and required characters.
    SCL  4 & 5 1, 2, 3 and required 
    SCL 6 No 5s and no champed 4s
    SCL 7 no 5s
    SCL 8 Unlimited
  • ThePunishers
    ThePunishers Posts: 50 Match Maker
    Yes, changing SCL only (going up)
    Did cl7 for the first test as it was the one to flip first in the slice I wanted.  Was boring and not @ all what I expected.  Even the hard nodes were so easy a few people in my bracket were tapping for higher placement which defeats the purpose of devs making easy nodes 0.

    So for this event I choose cl8 and it's still pretty easy...  Although, clears and grinds are less than 30 minutes which is seriously AWESOME!  Pve in less than an hour per day, ranked 1st and leading by almost 500 point is a total win in my books.  
  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,968 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, changing SCL only (going down)
    Always play SCL8, but last time I struggled to make T200 (I'm usually T50 or T100 if I have less time), so for second test I'm playing SCL7. Pretty happy with it, spent much less time than SCL8 and on track to finish T50, maybe T20 if I'm lucky.
  • Wagnbat
    Wagnbat Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    I finished #24, or top50 for this event...  But I didn't enjoy myself.  It was a race and I don't think PVE should be a 'race'.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)

    No, I want to see how my guys fare.

    And I'm too lazy to bother analysing the risk matrix for leveraging the synergies.