Are you changing your SCL or slice for test #2?

Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
Are you making any changes to your SCL or slice for the second scaling test? If so, explain why in the comments.

Are you changing your SCL or slice for test #2? 75 votes

Yes, changing SCL (going up) and slice
Lukoil 1 vote
Yes, changing SCL (going down) and slice
BaineeJsh2014Stax the FoyerZombionicdoomPollozzTetsujinOniAlsmiranimaniactooBeer40 9 votes
Yes, changing SCL only (going up)
evade420AstralgazerThePunishersStraycattherightwayeshirwin 6 votes
Yes, changing SCL only (going down)
StarfurykillercoolDartmaster01feraldayorloslupus77ZootSaxudonomefooWarbringajyuESN91OrionKJB AgentCrowlAlfje17revskipPants1000deadtacoTiberiusKhanTeamStewiegranne 29 votes
Yes, changing slice only
fmftintDaicheselrak82 3 votes
No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
SpoitrixmithnonnelMoon RoachDapperChewiemadsaladgravelNepentheLLohmMPQ_Daywalkertph_jamesThe rockettRyudozFokaiHIMissChinchbrollRogueZeroOneFightmastermpqNikita-Krocks52 27 votes


  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Yes, changing SCL (going down) and slice
    Its fathers day weekend and I'll be busy so I wanted an easier grind. Also, I decided to try a new slice to see if "playing optimally" is as bad as I believe it will be.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    No for two reasons:
    1.  I went SCL 7 for the first one because maxing a 400 is a little high for my current roster.  Even though that didn't happen last time rumors are that bug will be fixed this time.
    2.  I always do SCL 7 for new character releases and 400 level enemies certainly doesn't give me any reason to break that pattern this time.
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    Easier for me to evaluate a test when I play in the SCL and slice that I have played in more than any other.  I pre-joined S4 in SCL8 last night.

    Also, I took 1st in 8.4 last test in WAY less time than I spent just getting max progression in ISO-8 brotherhood last event.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    Did we get an explanation of how Test #2 is working? What the level cutoffs are etc...?

    I didn't move SCL last time because the test scaling actually made it easier for me at current SCL (SCL8).
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Yes, changing SCL (going down) and slice
    madsalad said:
    Did we get an explanation of how Test #2 is working? What the level cutoffs are etc...?

    I didn't move SCL last time because the test scaling actually made it easier for me at current SCL (SCL8).
    I read in another post that it will be exactly like the first test. Although, as mentioned above, the rumor is that enemies will actually scale all the way up to 400 this time in SCL8.
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    No, I gain nothing in rewards for my roster from dropping down and can't go up because of scaling. Just hope the snipers are light this time.
  • MissChinch
    MissChinch Posts: 509 Critical Contributor
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)

    So I'm staying at the same SCL I was at for the last test, but that's lower than what I play at for roster based scaling...

    SCL8 scales higher than my roster based scaling went.

    SCL7 scales lower than my roster based scaling went.

    For events I can use the 4* progression cover I'll go SCL7 until I develop some 5*s to usable/strong points and be happy for the decrease in time required to grind.

    For events I don't care about the 4* progression cover, I'll probably go SCL4? I believe still offers CP rewards and I expect to be able to clear a good majority of the fights in one turn freeing up a ton of time.

    The difference in rewards from SCL8 to SCL7 doesn't bother me because of the savings in time.

  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    Yes, changing SCL (going down) and slice
    Going with a lower SCL and difference slice, because the faster clear enabled by a lower SCL makes that slice work for me, when it didn't before with PvE scaling.

    Also, SCL7 looks to be far superior in terms of progression effort/reward.  The only way that will change is if we speak with our feet and move to where the rewards make the most sense.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, changing SCL only (going down)
    I can't use the Iron Fist blue (and likely won't hit final progression), so I dropped to Lv 6 to take some of the time off my grind while still getting the 3* Luke Cage covers.  If I needed the 4* progression, I would have stayed in 7 or 8 like I normally do.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    ***Off to the Events forum as this discusses the event with the PvE scaling test***
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    Yes, changing SCL only (going up)
    I dropped to 7 last test, felt it was too easy. Recently champed Iron Fist, he and Blade both boosted should be enough even if the enemies reach 400 this time. The slice I choose has been consistent where 6 clears, non optimal, gets top 100 for new release, so I don't feel the need to change.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,050 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, changing SCL only (going down)
    Dropping down to SCL 7 because it will be somewhat quicker for me and I'd like to actually be able to place well.  Last test placed around where I normally would in SCL 7 and I'm worried that they'll make the levels actually jump up 25 a pop this go around since that was apparently a bug.  As I have no usable 5*s to help me with quick clears in SCL I'll slum it for an event.  
  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    Stayed in CL8 and am currently #12 after finishing my first 4 clears.  About half of the people ahead of me have champed or very near max level 5*s, the rest just champed 4*s.
  • Pla5yer99
    Pla5yer99 Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    Scl8 is a lot tougher for me as a 3 star player this time. Can we revert back to the old system? My roster at 3 star it's impossible to handle 388 level enemies 
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, if you're still 3*, you should really be playing SCL7 in the new system.
  • Ryudoz
    Ryudoz Posts: 102 Tile Toppler
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    Yeah, if you're still 3*, you should really be playing SCL7 in the new system.
    I'm a 3/4* player and this second test is absolutely brutal. I'm staying at SCL8 because that's where I've been playing to actually progress. I wanted to see if it will be a viable option for me (Rank 76, 1200+ days played). And now with this change it will be a nightmare for me to stay here, and will have to nerf my own progress because of it. In fact, I doubt I'll be able to finish much of progression purely because after 1-2 clears I will be unable to keep going. I guess they want to make the SCLs as punishing as possible to dissuade f2p's without totally maxed rosters from playing at the highest tiers. I mean, what's easier? Overtuning nodes at SCL8, or I dunno, ADDING another level since levels 9 and 10 are perpetually in "Coming Soon" mode. 

    To me it seems that this is once again a 2 steps forward, 1 back situation. A step back that is sure to make a large number of players unhappy. And no, I'm not talking about forumites. 
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,050 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, changing SCL only (going down)
    Ryudoz said:
    Yeah, if you're still 3*, you should really be playing SCL7 in the new system.
    I'm a 3/4* player and this second test is absolutely brutal. I'm staying at SCL8 because that's where I've been playing to actually progress. I wanted to see if it will be a viable option for me (Rank 76, 1200+ days played). And now with this change it will be a nightmare for me to stay here, and will have to nerf my own progress because of it. In fact, I doubt I'll be able to finish much of progression purely because after 1-2 clears I will be unable to keep going. I guess they want to make the SCLs as punishing as possible to dissuade f2p's without totally maxed rosters from playing at the highest tiers. I mean, what's easier? Overtuning nodes at SCL8, or I dunno, ADDING another level since levels 9 and 10 are perpetually in "Coming Soon" mode. 

    To me it seems that this is once again a 2 steps forward, 1 back situation. A step back that is sure to make a large number of players unhappy. And no, I'm not talking about forumites. 
    SCL 7 is probably a better choice for you.  The difference in rewards is small unless you are routinely a top 10 finisher and the difficulty will be much more tuned to a 3*/early 4* roster.  
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Yes, changing SCL only (going down)
    At least they can postpone SCL 9/10 for another year or so, since after this change we'll have far fewer players at SCL 8 :p
  • Lukoil
    Lukoil Posts: 266 Mover and Shaker
    edited June 2017
    Yes, changing SCL (going up) and slice
    Oops... wrong choice. i didn't change slice but changed difficulty after hearing from test#1 that 400 cap is actually not there....And right now in SCL8 it is actually just a little bit harder than it used  to be.

    Goons at 388 lvl is actually not that bad. But if this system sticks with current levels - SLC7 or SLC8 will depend on boosted charaters.
  • Pla5yer99
    Pla5yer99 Posts: 32 Just Dropped In
    edited June 2017
    No (many reasons not to, please explain in comments)
    Even if I will to go scl7, it won't help for ranking high since many players with 5 star champs are farming at scl7 for ranking rewards. It's the case of the prisoner's dilemma. In the end it is still scl8 given a choice of scl 7 or 8 to get the progression rewards. For ranking only going down to scl 6 will help but the reward system are too little to consider doing