How important is the integrity of the game?



  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    Echoseis said:
    Borstock said:

    An integrity issue would be if they were using data gathering information to hack my phone. An integrity issue would be if they simply started charging me for VIP Access without telling me and it showed up on my Verizon bill without explanation. An integrity issue would be if they knew that one of the animations in the game was causing life-threatening seizures but left it in because it would cost them money to remove it. Stuff like that.
    No, those are legal issues. Integrity is more along the lines of making changes for one reason, but saying it's for another.  
    Things can have multiple reasons for happening. They run a business. Assume one factor for every single thing they do is money. Doesn't mean they are lying to you when they give you a different reason.
  • Astralgazer
    Astralgazer Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    I have played games from AAA publishers such as  Diablo, and also from independent ones such as Path of Exile. I think nerf is a fact of life for any online games. Something gets used too much, dominating meta to the point that a player loses out without having that thing, it will get nerfed. I remember the forum ruckus when the devs of POE nerfed the Mjolner hammer, the single most important legendary weapon in the game back then. Every online game developers does nerfing at one point or another in their game's lifetime. By itself, nerfing cannot be used as a criterion for integrity.

    But the process leading to nerfing, the honesty and transparency of the explanation given for the nerf, and how much the devs listen to the feedback after the nerf can be.used as criteria for integrity.

    I will not try to analyze D3's integrity here, but let's be clear on what you mean by "integrity" before you cry "foul!"
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do not know why anybody would give money to a company who only cares about their bottom dollar and certainly not the players. 

    Quite sure there are more than a few companies you give your money to that fit that negative description.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Borstock said:
    I believe that the company has the right to make money any and every way they can as long as it is legal and doesn't violate basic human rights. I also believe in the free market, and that the market will dictate where the balance between satisfying content and money grabs should be. I don't fault the company AT ALL for putting in pay to play content... ever. It doesn't offend me. I don't consider it an integrity issue. They are running a business. The people employed by that business are working a job in exchange for money they use to feed and support their families. When playing the game becomes too expensive, I simply won't play anymore, but I won't get offended that they asked for more money.

    It's not offensive when a seller asks you to spend more for their product. It's not offensive when the buyer declines to spend more on said product either because it is too expensive or because they're unsatisfied with it in some way. It's business. That's all.

    An integrity issue would be if they were using data gathering information to hack my phone. An integrity issue would be if they simply started charging me for VIP Access without telling me and it showed up on my Verizon bill without explanation. An integrity issue would be if they knew that one of the animations in the game was causing life-threatening seizures but left it in because it would cost them money to remove it. Stuff like that.
    You don't find it to be even questionable that a company would make use of sophisticated psychological strategy specifically tailored to enable and prey on addictive personalities and mental/emotional weaknesses? Because that's what you're saying. Cigarette companies were recently forced to stop doing so via cartoon characters selling smokes, right? There is a difference between the two products, but the mechanism used to exploit consumers, and I do mean exploit, is just as detrimental.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Structural Integrity would be nice. Especially on iOS.

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I do not know why anybody would give money to a company who only cares about their bottom dollar and certainly not the players. 
    You must not be living in the same world as I, because almost everyone, everywhere is giving money to companies that don't care about them.  That's the nature of capitalism.  Their bottom line profit drives all business decisions.

    The company might even say in their marketing slogans that they care about you, but they really don't.  They will say whatever they have to in order to get as much money from you as they can.  Disney is a prime example of acting like they're your friend, but they are actually very greedy and underhanded in their practices.