Yay 100 Likes!



  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had one warning and went to level 2, level 1 must be the default level...Ground Floor.  The expiration date came and went, back to normal level.  Free at last... free at last!
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    JVReal said:
    I had one warning and went to level 2, level 1 must be the default level...Ground Floor.  The expiration date came and went, back to normal level.  Free at last... free at last!
    I remember that being something I suggested a few months back after getting modded for attacking board members (it was a heated discussion, I thought.)

    It seemed unfair that you had 3 strikes, regardless of how long you'd been here. Like you could have a strike early on, another one after a year, and then after 2 years of productive behaviour get one more strike and banned.

    It's nice they implimented a system like this. Good behaviour should always be rewarded. Too many groups and internet gatherings focus only on the bad behaviour, highlighting it and punishing it while those who behave well are ignored.

    So in those cases, it's no wonder people act up because that's the only way to get noticed.
  • bob554
    bob554 Posts: 169 Tile Toppler
    JHawkInc said:
    Is it really necessary to complain about the loss of reputation from the old forums? This isn't the first time you've posted this, only this complaint is more heavily disguised as a discussion than the last one was.

    I'm over the complaining. I'm merely just making a joke about it now. I know many players are still upset about the loss of their rep. Imagine spending nearly 3yrs doing something, only for it to disappear forever.. sure it's a silly little forum about a match-3 game but I enjoyed it as a nice distraction from life. Regardless, I don't expect everyone else to feel the same. 
    "Imagine spending nearly 3yrs doing something, only for it to disappear forever": every OML player when the nerf was first announced :wink:

  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    broll said:
    Grats on the likes, I'm at 56 myself.

    I'm liking the new forum less with time.  Still so many things seem clunkier than with the old one.  Maybe I'm just crotchety and old....

    - Way too much wasted screen space.
    - The quoting is great when it works, awful when it doesn't, it's harder to manipulated a quote than bbcode is (at least for people already familiar with bbcode).
    - Menus way too inconsistent, page change is only at the the bottom, inbox is at the top (but the bottom if on the app), etc.
    - Signatures issues: tiny type, limited to 3 pics, old similes from the previous forum count as pics currently.
    - Mods/admins wanting to get all pushy with the rules.

    If you happen to use Google Chrome for your browser, you can get the Stylish extension and apply your own CSS styles to the forums. I did this and after half an hour of tinkering, I have fixed the issue with all the wasted white space and other space hogs.