The aftermath of selling a post-nerf lvl.519 OML and what it taught me.

Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker

My name is J.1.P and I was a long-standing and loyal day 1267  veteran of MPQ. In my 3+ years of playing and spending at a very high level I learned more about MPQ and its future by recently selling my 519 OML then I could have ever found out playing the actual game/stalking the forums here. I would like to share this terrible experience here as I have received so many personal inquiries about my decision recently.

Before you start wondering why on earth I would commit such an atrocious act by selling a character I spent well over  1.5 years working to build to lvl 519 along with countless hours of time/energy and more money wasted then I will ever care to admit please let me explain. Whether he was serviceable or not post-nerf was not the issue for me, the fact that pre-nerf he was already getting outclassed and outgunned by low level champed thanos/bolt combos was already a huge concern. The fact that my trust and investment into MPQ was violated by significantly weakening an already mid-tier/struggling 5* when we were told this would never happen was the nail in the coffin for me. Suddenly I became enraged. Not just the ridiculous amount of money I wasted  but the incredible time wasted and sacrifices I personally chose to make to get every scrap of CP I could get my hands on along with every legendary token/4* champ level I could earn to potentially see that purple cover pop up followed by those once magnificent claws. I felt beyond cheated and stupid for risking my life day in and day out as a proud 9 year veteran L.E.O and spending all my disposable income chasing that dangling purple carrot only to have it completely blow up in my face later. Had I known this was coming I would have never spent thousands of my hard earned money on this game and I would have been investing my CP in Thanos/latest legends this entire time not opening classics exclusively. This is not meant to be a toxic rant but more explaining my significant investment in OML and the choices and consequences I faced as a result of my own poor decision making. I take full accountability for selling him because I was already resigned to stop spending money on this game and supporting it. My mind was made up I could never love this game or respect it the way I did for so long. Alright enough of that heartbreak lets get on to the good stuff....


The compensation offered was even more of a ridiculous insult then I previously thought. Had we been offered a variety of fair options like 1:1 compensation with NMG tokens, allowing an equal number of 5* covers of our choosing or equal leveled 5* of our choosing I would have been fine with this. I exhausted all my options trying to make this right with CS ( who has me banned currently ) I even messaged Brigby saying that its only fair I can exchange my lvl.519 OML for a different lvl.519 5* of my choice. But instead we get offered fifty cents to the dollar and a random lottery ticket to RNG hell. I should have received 82 NMG tokens but instead that number was a pathetic 41 random 5* for my total of 82 5* OML covers sold. I was going into this with 6 champed 5* and two more dangling at 5/5/2 builds missing that one elusive cover. I was also hoping to finally pull some thanos and bolt to sort of start over with some new competitive characters. Man was I wrong........


  I sold my level 519 OML and I could not have asked for much worse pulls. It should have been cool pulling 41 5* straight but it was a nightmare. I pulled zero Black bolts, 1 Thanos, a handful of decent assorted goblins/surfers etc, roughly 5 black panthers which was nice but he's not even halfway to useable...... but now for the worst:

I pulled 9 useless bruce banner covers. NINE. The worst 5* around accounted for nearly 25% of my pulls. As for the rest I pulled multiple Strange, Cap and Widow covers but guess what? They were all dupes that I could do nothing with except let rot in my roster cache until they slowly die. My strange has been 2/5/5 for forever I have had to sell so many of his covers and Caps yellow I have sold roughly 7 of his extras as well. This was a gamble I chose to risk and I made an awful decision. Seeing how this all played out only proved to me how incredibly broken the 5* draw rate system is and leaving everything to chance and luck is never good. Colorless covers, streakbusters, re-rolls? I don't have the perfect answer but this isn't working.


  My thoughts on the OML nerf was that it was completely unnecessary, disgusting and clearly a motive that did not have our best interests at heart was at play. Whether it was a quick and greedy healthpack cash grab or a push to get us to spend on latest legends by slowly weeding out the classics I don't know. But that 10% usage factor that was spoken of will rapidly be filled by Thanos.

My level 451 Thanos is ridiculously overpowered and far more useful compared to my previous level 519 OML. He has almost the same health and is light years ahead of OML on defense and offense. The developers have set a new precedent that whenever a popular team or character has risen into the top ranks they will be nerfed when that usage hits 10%. There will always a powerful duo that edges out the rest, that's just the way these games always are. The key is to continually balance, buff and counter your current and upcoming characters not nerf the good ones. This nerf has indirectly buffed Thanos to absolute god mode and he will soon be all you see at middle to high level pvp. Mark my words Bolt and Thanos are getting funbalanced next.  


   What was once a significant source of joy, fun and stress relief to me has now become nothing more then a casual toilet game to play for random bursts throughout the day. How I can I trust or spend another penny on a game that has its priorites so backwards? So many things we need to see introduced and have fixed. Where is SCL 9 and 10? Where are the incredibly important fixes to broken 5* pve scaling and PVP MMR? Where are the long promised fixes to RNG, dupes and 5* draw rates? Where are the new events to replace the same regurgitated garbage we have been playing for years over and over? Where are the buffs? All of these things we as the player base and community need and you ignore it and slap us in the face with a nerf no one wanted or needed?


No, Do not sell you old man logan unless you are quitting like me and simply don't care anymore. Its a total joke and a huge waste.

No, you do not need to quit ,strike or be toxic and bitter. You can still play but I urge you... If any of these recent changes like nerfs, vaulting, **** new overpriced hero for hire packs bother you...... STOP SPENDING. Play casually and enjoy it as a great toilet game but for heavens sakes until they start listening and respecting the player base DO NOT SPEND MONEY ON THIS GAME. Give it bad reviews everywhere you can and tell your friends about this if you feel like I do..... we have been cheated, lied to, robbed and our trust violated long enough. Take a stand and close that wallet.

Have a great week and god bless you all,

Jonny aka J.1.P



  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spot on Jonny. 
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    Thank you Rockett my friend.
  • Yoik
    Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    Concise and a little melancholy. Which reflects the majority of the player base who report on here I feel personally. Im a Veteran of a similar time frame ( 1216 ) J1P but I have never chased the heights of meta / 5 star world actively. I feel that if I had you would see a similar post from me. Good luck.
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    Very sorry you had this experience and thanks for the post which summed it up very well (in one punch). Enjoy the freedom and hope you get better treatment next game
  • Thom Merrilin
    Thom Merrilin Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    Spot on indeed..
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,791 Chairperson of the Boards
    What an excellent post and sums up nicely why I have zero interest in the 5* game until they rain like 4* and the 6's are out. If I spent even 1% people have that chased this game I'd be as equally furious. For the same reason I won't spend 3600 on one cover when in two weeks that character can be nerfed for a small fraction of a refund.

    Now I know who was chopped up in the black bag in the back of your car J1P, OML!

    Take care mate, sad to lose you from the game and Line but totally understood.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker

    Satanno you are absolutely correct. As much as this was originally about the OML nerf I feel the spotlight really went towards how broken the 5* cover system is. From duplicates to how CS handles it (or refuses to handle it). This all was handled so poorly and unprofessionally.

  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I'm still of the opinion that if one character is stronger than it's peers it doesn't make sense to expect the devs to buff a dozen (or in 3/4* land 50) other characters. That would be not only an order of magnitude more complex, it would also in all likelyhood lead to at least two new OP characters.

    That being said, I still believe OML wasn't ubiquitous because he was so strong but because he was useful even if undercovered and he came early. Thus I doubt that any 5* will reach similar usage numbers anytime soon.

    If I had a say, I wouldn't have touched OML's powers at 5 covers but only at lower levels (for example yellow only counts himself at 4 covers)

    So while the change didn't impact me at all (never got OML yellow, so he's useless to me) and I don't share the fundamental opposition to nerfing any character, I definititely understand why someone with a champed OML is mightily tinykittied at this change. Because their character didn't need a nerf.
  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,791 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    Starfury said:

    So while the change didn't impact me at all (never got OML yellow, so he's useless to me) and I don't share the fundamental opposition to nerfing any character, I definititely understand why someone with a champed OML is mightily tinykittied at this change. Because their character didn't need a nerf.

    I agree, nerfing is the only way to stop a problem character, but with something that takes so much investment in the game, both financially and in time RNGing a percentage of the tokens you have spent is not the way to endear yourself to the people paying your wages.

    Either 1 for 1 them or at the current rate or let them choose where to apply them. Hell 1 for 1 and let them apply them as they see fit, these people have likely spent a small fortune anyway.
  • Jonny1Punch
    Jonny1Punch Posts: 434 Mover and Shaker
    Wow Dan, thank you for the kind words and you definitely have it figured out. Little do they realize it's the vets and high end players who bring the mid-tier up into the ranks and build them up. The negligence and disconnect of the developers is truly at an all-time low right now. It's too late for me but I hope they get it together soon.
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