What are your long-term plans for the game?

mega ghost
mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
I'm on Day 948, I have 14 champed 4* characters, all 3* characters champed except Hawkeye (23 of which are above lvl 200, the highest being at lvl 223) ... and I think I'm going to give the game until Day 1000 and then quit if there aren't any significant changes between now and then.

I was enjoying the game regularly until vaulting happened, at which point everything I had invested in, everything I was slowly working towards and building up, was undercut. My entire roster development has been hinged on slow, even progress — champing characters when I can, and then applying additional covers to them for champion levels and rewards. It's been glacial, but there's been progress. Without access to a flow of covers for every character, the champion level system comes undone and most of my roster is left severed from any system of growth or advancement.

While I appreciate being able to cover newer 4* characters faster, once they are each vaulted one after the other in a matter of weeks to months, those characters are in the same boat: completely severed from growth. 

The whole experience has taken the wind out of my playing. I've been re-rostering and champing all of the 2* characters again so that I can have a solid farm and compete in every Behemoth Burrito node, but once that's done? I don't even know what to do anymore. I'm not planning on renewing VIP when it expires, even though I've been a VIP consistently since it debuted.

What are you all doing to progress? Am I missing something? What's keeping you in the game?



  • AlluAllu
    AlluAllu Posts: 86 Match Maker
    Day 310-something, free-to-player here. My original end game was to champ all 3-star characters, but now I'm planning on hoarding enough ISO and CP to champ 12 latest 4-stars at once. That should happen in Octoberish. After that chunk of joy of small set of playable 4-stars, I'll probably stop aiming for progress and just play for fun casually. I look forward to not grinding pve everyday. :D 
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    I'm new but after vaulting did show its ugly face I decided to farm 2 and  3 star champs for rewards.  For example for one trip through 2 * Storm (classic) you can get 5 heroic tokens, 3 command points, 3 covers, 250 HP, and  16,000 iso. Now I have not checked but I believe it is the same for each 2 star. Disregard 4stars, Acquire all the currency.
  • snowcattt
    snowcattt Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
    I am heavily in 3* Land (only Quicksilver and 3Hawkeye to champ) and I decided I'm just going to play the 3* game and not chase the 4s.  I can continue to play a lot as I do now, and win a lot, and yet do away with the urgency and stress of always trying to champ the next guy.  Now I can just sit back and enjoy the game with what I've got, and watch the ISO roll in.
    I farm my 2s, my 3s will become monsters, and when the occasional 4 shows up...those will be gravy.

    When a 4* cover appears (as they do now), I'll have enough ISO to raise its level, but never so high that it competes with my highest 3s and affect scaling.  If I do get a 6th color, more than likely I'll just sell it and not stress over CHAMP HIM CHAMP HIM CHAMP HIM!!

    Once I get enough 3s/4s close to the 255 mark, THEN I will slowly start opening my LT hoard and evaluate the need to advance through ISO or CP.  (my top 3s are only in the 194 range today)

    So 3* will be my game and my top 3* Levels will influence all my 4*/5* advancements and decisions.
    I'm done working and stressing.  Now I can just play.


  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    I'm a little ahead of the OP.  I have 25 4's champed, plus 12 max covered but lacking ISO to champ.  

    Vaulting has changed my plans.  Now I'm focusing on only champing the latest 12, to prevent too many wasted covers.  

    My next goals:
    Max cover all vaulted 4's (I'm 8 away now)
    Champ the latest 12 before they get vaulted.

    as I do those I'll also be working on covers for 5's and getting some 3's to 266.

    The key for me is to have some goals I can accomplish in weeks or months, not years.
  • Frustrated1
    Frustrated1 Posts: 68 Match Maker
    I have at least one cover of every five star. Seriously thinking about selling them off so I don't have to compete with other five star teams. It doesn't seem fair that since I have 3 covers in Black Widow I have to face off against Thanos and Phoenix, both fully-covered​, in PVP. 
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    My Latest Legends stash is coming along nicely, I am up to 220 pulls. I plan to open them in early May, after Cloak and Dagger get added to the token pool but before Thanos leaves Latest Legends. With a little luck I'll get Thanos fully covered so he can join OML and Phoenix in the fivestar section of my roster. If I get a workable Hawkeye too That's a very nice bonus.
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    I'm just going to keep playing, champing characters as they come. I champed Gwenpool this morning, because I really enjoy playing with her. I'm trying not to sweat wasted covers, and instead thinking of them as Iso for the next champ. Next will be Carol, when I get her 13th cover in progression, then... whoever gets covered next.

    I don't know that I have a plan, as such. Mostly I just want to remember that it's a game, and that it should be fun.
  • Nepenthe
    Nepenthe Posts: 283 Mover and Shaker
    Currently I have all 4*s (and lower) champed except for Riri, Spiderwoman, Coulson, Morbo, Iron Fist, and Cloak & Dagger.  Riri and SW each are max covered with a 14th cover on the vine, so I'm champing them.  Coulson is the one I most want champed, but he's at 2/5/4.  The rest are 6 or fewer covers each.

    After I'm more caught up iso wise and don't have a 4* on the vine, I'll be beginning a very gradual 5* transition.  I don't want to dive into the new tier with only one or two 5*s that I have to play with all the time.  First I'm going to raise all my reasonably well covered 5*s to 290, the level of my highest 4* champs.  Then I'll gradually increase them together from there, adding in others to that group as they become well covered enough to use.  The idea is to be able to use mixed teams of 4*s and 5*s for a longer time, eventually raising the 5*s to the level of boosted 5*s.  I don't think I'll champ any of them until I have 4-6 max covered so I'll still have options.
  • Spidurman27
    Spidurman27 Posts: 184 Tile Toppler
    Just about a year in....10 4s champed.  My plan is to keep having fun.  I enjoy playing and working through the resource/powers puzzle that current 4* land is.  

    When vaulting hit I had almost champed a number of classic high quality 4s, so while I won't see massive champ levels, it's fun building a large flat scaled team in the low 270s with a huge variety of powers and skills.  

    When it stops being fun, I'll stop.  It hasn't yet. 
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Champ farming is what I live for. Like many, I have my 2* champ farm game on fire, but I'm also starting a 3* champ farm as well!
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    I plan to keep playing until it stops being fun.  

    My short term plans include waiting until Wasp drops out before opening any more tokens.  Hopefully at that point I'll have enough ISO to immediately champ two more of the magic 12 with the ability to grind enough ISO for a third before the extra covers expire.  That will bring me to 7 out of 12 in packs champed.  Then save everything for another season and try for 10 out of 12 in June (Spider-Woman will drop out).  
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm sticking to 3* land myself. I'm picking up a few 4* characters who I like, but I'm not going to level them past my 3*, let alone champ them. I primarily play for progression, usually maxing PvE and going to 400 or 575 in PvP, and then letting my placement just be what it is. Occasionally I'll shoot for high placement in PvE if there are Covers I really want, but trying to place in PvP is just frustration I don't need.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    I'm day 898, free to play, 22 champs. Previously my goal was to champ everyone.  Vaulting has changed that for sure. Now my goal is to cover everyone. That's my long term plan.  I have 7 vaulted 4*s fully covered, and 7 at 11-12 covers, and 1 at 9. With 3* champ rewards, a few of the vaulted will get finished eventually. I'm also using bonus heroes to try to finish them. 

    I am having fun with an almost entirely usable 4* roster. It's a little disappointing seeing my poor War Machine stuck at level 140, but I need that iso for someone else. But he's still useful and fun to play.  
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    Play if I want to, stop if I don't. My nascent 4* roster effectively took a knife in the heart with the vaulting. I've got 5 x 4* champs, all of whom are now vaulted (FalCap, Ice, Thor, Star-Lord, and Fury). One more at 13 covers, also now vaulted (Elektra). Then a 12, also now vaulted (IW). Then it drops down to 9 or 10 covers, many of whom are vaulted. Iceman barely got over the line with bonus draws (he was at 11 covers when vaulting hit); HB and RH have had no such luck.

    So, I guess I just play DDQ and whatever events I choose, and only what nodes I want. Fully casual now, effectively. I don't really have time for more than that anyway, and they don't seem to be offering any other transition path to higher tiers (my 3* tier is 42/43 champed with only Hawkeye needing covers) besides "play a lot or pay a lot". No thanks to both.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you are asking D3...

    If you're asking me...

  • Partyof5
    Partyof5 Posts: 62 Match Maker
    With the latest changes I'm now trapped in 3* land.  My plan is to try and hoard CP since I'll never get anywhere puling the 1 legendary token I get every couple of days. I will try and stop grinding.  When it starts to feel like work, I need to put MPQ away for a while.  I'm already too far behind to ever catch up, so I am now going to stop trying for that.  Goals are now 575 for the 10 CP in PvP events and 4000 for the 10 pack in season.    

    Now I hope they keep releasing 3*s.  That is the only way I'm going to get any useful new characters to use.  

    I'm not going to put any more money into this game (yes, I have made MPQ purchases in the past) until they make the transition to 4* attainable for more casual players. I'm not asking for every 4* champed as fast as they come out, but give players like me a path to getting a few 4* that I can enjoy using (Using a 3 covered character is not fun).        
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    Honestly if the tinykitty parade continues ruining the game my longterm plans are to find a better way to spend my time and money.
  • Jexman
    Jexman Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2017
    I agree with Partyof5's last post, except that I'm in 4 star land and at about day 1200. Vaulting has made this game seriously boring for me. The fun was developing my 4 star roster, which I was in the midst of before they pulled the carpet out from under me. Now it's just another bunch of 4 stars that are undercovered. I'll never spend money to fix that; I'll only spend money on HP if I somehow need more roster spots. 

    If they want to grow this game, they should work on making it fun. Add new PVEs without Dark Avengers, end vaulting with another legendary token. But FUN. PVE is just more grindy than ever now with its same boring repeating Dark Avengers nodes. MAKE MPQ FUN AGAIN
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think about this a lot because I don't want to be playing this game forever, given its massive time commitment.  I need an exit strategy.  I'm on day 677 and have 10 x 4* Champs, none of which are in the latest 12.  I've been hoarding LT and some CP for a 300+ pull to max cover 3 x 5*s.  But before I do that, I want to have at least half of the latest 12 champed.

    So, my plan for the year is to champ 6 of the latest 12 (June-July), then slow down spending and increase saving for the 5* hoard break, which looks like it will take a very long time.  Right now, I have 66 LTs and maintain a minimum of 1000 CP.  If I build up to 300 pulls, it would take 6 months of saving everything, but if I did that, I would have no champs in the latest 12 by then.  But if I continued to champ 4*s, then it would take about a year to get 300 pulls!  It looks like a lose-lose situation because I shouldn't be playing this game a year from now. 

    Maybe I'll just break my hoard in the summer, level up some half-covered 5*s, play them and then call it quits.  I dunno.