Poll: Next Villains to add to the game



  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2014
    I totally agree with some of the former posts. We really need some more eye candy, ( that's assuming that they don't screw up the artwork like Carol Danvers, and make her look like she's constipated ). But we also need more Spidey villains. And you can NOT have a Wolverine, ( let alone 3 different versions of him ), without Sabertooth. It just aint right.

    So I went Carnage, Doc Ock, Sabertooth, Emma Frost, and Lady Deathstrike.

    EDIT:... Sentinels instead of so many of the same goons over and over would be nice. Not saying replace goons completely, just switch some out for Sentinels every now again.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wouldn't mind seeing the Wrecking Crew as uncollectable 1* villains. Anything to stop the spam of Bullseye / Yelena / Daken / Venom / Juggs.

    I want to make sure I have a good list of 1* villain candidates before starting a new poll.
  • Need more non-tanks with better powers than just striking.
    Would love to see Mystique, Hobgoblin/Green Goblin, Morbius, Carnage.

    Perhaps Sentinels?
  • Do Emma and Namor really count as villains? They need their own Undecided category I think. Anyway...Emma would be a good one, she's got an oddball power combination which could be interesting. Mental manipulation and diamond toughness for the win? Sure, why not. Plus sex sells. Namor? Eh. Never been a fan.

    Gave Carnage a vote, because all the other Spidey characters are so bad now. We need at least one version that doesn't suck. A better 3* Venom, but please not a lazy copy/paste. Some kind of web tile board manipulation, symbiote based weapon attacks (AoE?), and maybe a vampiric nuke come to mind for powers.

    Also gave a hipster vote for The Taskmaster, because he has to have one of the most quietly badass powers that Marvel has every come up with. Photographic reflexes? How cool is that! He could have tweaked versions of other normalish characters' powers, like Cap's shield and Punisher's guns, but...wait on it...on different colors.

    Honorable mention to Dormammu and Sinister, because they're both awesome. Powers? Umm...yes. I am in favor of them having powers. icon_razz.gif