Who Quit? Post Your Pictures Here



  • beyonderbub
    beyonderbub Posts: 661 Critical Contributor
    I quit my Steam account and focused on my mobile because I saw that there is really no in-game advantage to playing on STEAM other than better UI
  • ninjar69
    ninjar69 Posts: 21 Just Dropped In
    woopie said:
    I quit my alliance and I'm just doing DDQ each day to scratch the itch. Probably going to stop doing even that when I hit the 25 CP tomorrow
    I stayed with my alliance, but this is mainly what I'm doing.  DDQ each day.  Heck I've even missed a few here and there.  I was never a really big spender but spent here and there.  Brought the VIP when it came out and renewed.  All in all i spent around 100-120 on the game through out the years.  But now it more of a bother to play it.  
    Heck I started to play Star Wars Heroes and even have given them 20 already.  

    Hell I probably even be playing the DDQ soon.  Guess I'll see.  
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    Whose got the YouTube link of the proper way to quit? It was from an old moderator, emeryt(I think?). The video shows using all his hp to buy slots then selling all characters. That's how ya quit!

    Uninstalling the game is the quit; but able to un-quit method.  Many people on this forum "retired" or "quit" just to return.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2017
    Whose got the YouTube link of the proper way to quit? It was from an old moderator, emeryt(I think?). The video shows using all his hp to buy slots then selling all characters. That's how ya quit!

    Uninstalling the game is the quit; but able to un-quit method.  Many people on this forum "retired" or "quit" just to return.

  • tizian2015
    tizian2015 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    I have no picture, instead I have quitted in Feb 2017 and here is my quit-post:


    "No, it has ended...

    I deinstalled the app and I know such threads are closed, so I wrote this here.

    Why? I tell you, demi, because maybe you read feedback, maybe not.

    I was your customer, I spend 130€ in this. I had the feeling of not beeing treated as a customer. I was patient but it got worse. And I´m not a slave, who has to hope for better times.

    Scaling is the cover for NO NEW CONTENT. We all have to play the same content with scaling enemies but for the same rewards (its like fighting hogger[WoW] all the time with the rewards he dropped with lv11), the only reward-difference comes from the SCL, bad design. Scaling is the reason you feel no progress with your roster. DDQ is the only feature, where the progress of your roster FEELS like progress.

    B)Flooding with chars
    The only steady new thing is flooding us with new chars. For most players these new chars are not playable for years because...

    C)Deluting pools
    ... the pool of chars you can draw from tokens is deluting with every new char. Agreed, we get more tokens/chances to draw, BUT if you set these new chances in relation to the new char-covers you will see, our chances to draw a SPECIFIC cover are deluting with every new char. This is only "ok", if you are in 4*land allready, but to get there it is not ok -> bad design.

    D)Dupe covers
    And if you draw the specific char you want, there is a very good chance, its a cover you have 5 for already(5/0/0 or 5/0/0, great RNG!), so its wasted (1000 iso is a waste related to the chance to draw a cover for the wanted char). ->bad design

    E)Inkonsistent decissions/Stealth nerfs

    -in pve: "no more easy nodes" "here again for you easy nodes" " no more easy nodes".
    -in pve too: "you need 3 clears with the new mode" "you need 4 clears with the new mode" (after some people posed in the forum, they get full progression in a 7day pve when starting on day5, thx to you btw.)
    -in pve too: too high progressions, but only the players who played to the old progression get a compensation, not the people who see they cannot reach the new and capitulated before this.->bad!
    -Shield interceptions:
    Great feature (but needed, because you didnt scale the rewards in the nodes!), but you forget the Steam-people, even with a VIP (I´m not steam, but I understand their anger). After two days (and after I purchased a VIP just to avoid the errors to get these rewards) you implement the GREAT NEW REWARD of 200 ISO. This was the last slap in the face for me and the killer for my motivation to play anymore. Meanwhile the 200 are out, its now 500. No excuse, the 200 iso were an error, nothing.
    -The hidden(!) nerf for the 2*3*s with introducing champs, I was in the 2*3* transition and it hits me full, it was ruining my game-experience for a very long time.
    -The nerf of the 2*droprates in pvp. You did it, because with the higher-iso-sellrates for fullchampions the 2*farms are a too good source for rewards from your view, so you nerf it with the droprates. this is not even compensated with the new tokens you get from scl-rewards. And what a bad design to give a new feature which is on the other hand only a compensation for a nerf!
    -PVP is no fun at all, MMR is completely broken. And another reason: because you get visible on a certain pointrange (think it was 700?) for ALL players. You have to compete with up to 999 other players for the shard-rewards but fighting with all(!) players for the points. Why creating shards then? I do not have the feeling of beeing in a shard if I have to fight all players and esp. cannot be the top one in this shard if I´m the target of all players (esp. the big whales, who will have always better rosters).
    - Goon-AP-Feeders is another big bad design.
    - No appropriate game-testing: in boss rush discussion you admitted, it was not tested for all types of rosters just for one, so it was a catastrophe, remember SCALING, if you give one type of content for ALL players, you have to test it for ALL players, you didnt do it ->bad design.

    So as I realised, this game is only for whales or people who are accepting bad design etc. just in the hope it gets better, I decided to leave. It was tough because of the money I spent, but it feels right.

    So good bye."