Crash of the Titans Cycle 5: Iceman

Black Duke
Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
Easy task for my level 281 Iceman! I`ve collected blue first to stun Jean, then green to hit her hard with Bobby´s Whiteout. Even though Jean was able to fire her Mind Over Matter once, I´ve won this crash with 10k health left.

Previous runs:


  • cubnad
    cubnad Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    Took 2 tries with my 5/2/3 LVL 180 icon_iceman.png

    1st try with no boosts, I made a match 5 and she collected enough for her purpleflag.png and I didn't collect enough bluetile.png.

    2nd try with +2 bluetile.png/ purpletile.png and +20% damage bluetile.png/ purpletile.png. Collected bluetile.png early and was able to stun her. Then collected bluetile.png and purpletile.png and was able to keep her stunned for the rest of the match. Fired off greenflag.png once other wise just match damaged her to death.

    token_legendary.png gave me icon_blade.pngredflag.png taking him to 5/3/5 now need to decided if I want to champ him or not.
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    My 0/2/5 Iceman struggled with a 3 turn stun and his punch only doing 800.

    Leveled to 168, used +2 Blue/Purple AP, +50% blue/purple damage, +50% green/black damage

    Got it on the third try- finally got enough blue collected during a stun to both punch and then stun again, and got some match fives while she was stunned. Managed to keep her from firing any power and just whittled away.

    Got a blue Coulson cover.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Super easy, if not a big long because of a bad board for my champed iceman. Just kept having to stun over and over again til I got a punch a snowman off.

    My third dupe gwenpool (who is currently at 5-5-0) was my reward...hooray cue price is right losing music.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Level 172 5/2/3 got her on the second try. First game I had a horrible board and she got her powers off early. Second try I manage to stun her and got the Cascade of the Gods which left me with enough blue to stun her 3 times while building up a double cast of green. Won pretty easily.

    LT gave me a blueflag.pngRiri_Icon.png So Riri is now 5/5/1.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    cubnad wrote:
    :tokenlegendary: gave me icon_blade.pngredflag.png taking him to 5/3/5 now need to decided if I want to champ him or not.

    I definitely believe Blade is underrated. I have him at 4/5/2 and can't wait to get those last 2 covers so I can champ him.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    192, 1/5/4, zero perspiration.

    Couldn't get enough blue for more than once Snowman Punch, but was able to keep her more or less continually stunned, and that was good enough.

    icon_blackpanther.pngblackflag.png from the token.
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Previously: in cycle 4 (level 165 1/4/5), I had to keep Jean chain-stunned the entire match to chip her health down ftw. In cycle 3, I was also able to win with Bobby at 133 1/4/5, although that took several more tries.

    This time: champed at 5/5/3, this was an easy first-try win, again keeping Jean chain-stunned the entire match until I could gather enough green to knock her out.

    reward: token_legendary.pngblueflag.pngdrstrange_icon.png Strange, bringing him to 4/0/2.
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    lvl 170 Iceman did this with first attempt denying purpletile.png and greentile.png while collecting bluetile.png and JG was almost every turn stunned.

    Got Thanos_Icon.pnggreentile.png
  • rocks52
    rocks52 Posts: 232 Tile Toppler
    Very favorable board for my lv. 271 Iceman. Was able to match blues first 2 turns, then stunned her 3 times, worked in a white out and finished with a punch. Only lost a few hundred HP

    Gave me purpleflag.pngThanos_Icon.png bringing him to 1/1/2
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,400 Chairperson of the Boards
    Level 160, 2/2/4 iceman. Used +2all, +2blue/purple, +50%blue/purple damage. Succeeded at first attempt.

    Didn't run into any bad luck on the board, the +4 blue at match start helped me reach a stun faster. Tried to use the (3-turn) stuns at points where it was tactically advantageous. In the end, JG never got enough AP to fire any of her powers. Somehow never cascaded into a match-5 either icon_lol.gif.
  • BlackWidower
    BlackWidower Posts: 250 Mover and Shaker
    Level 152

    Boost: +2 BL/PU, + 2 ALL, 60% ALL

    Rough game, froze her a ton, she got off one Green. Managed to win though.

    Unfortunately I got my sixth SpiderWoman_icon.PNGpurpleflag.png as reward icon_evil.gif
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    Piece of cake for my 273 iceman. First try, no boosts, Jean got no powers off. Very minimal damage done. Hoarding the LT for the time being
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    It took tries for my newly-13-covered Iceman (4/4/5) to take Jean down (the bonus hero system has worked for my Bobby; now I need HB). The first time, the board just wouldn't give me anything, and eventually gave Jean her green. That gave her some strikes & attacks which were going to bleed me out, so I bailed.

    Second time, I took her down pretty handily.

    I drew 5* Strange with the token. That's his second cover, so I'm happy with that.
  • KFloppy
    KFloppy Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    Lvl 131 2/1/3. I've tried and failed twice so far, with the same boosts you guys mentioned (+2/50%/50%). It's almost impossible to do this with 1 blue stunning for 2 turns only.

    I might break down and spend my 100% rainbow boost. I used up at least 15 of them for the Carnage crash!
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm not liking the chances for my 0/3/0 Bobby. It's possible (and by all means I'll keep trying), but it will require some superior luck to keep the blue train going...
  • KFloppy
    KFloppy Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    I've tried again, and on my 4th try, I beat Teen Jean! Same boosts (2xBlue, 50% blue/purple green/black). On my winning game, I was so lucky with my matchings...I stunned her 5 times, fired off the purple then green powers twice, and even Punched her once by mistake.

    (Ok, figuring out the smilies, hold on.)
    token_legendary.png gave me icon_blackpanther.pngredflag.png
    Not sure if I should be happy...I really wanted icon_blackwidow.png , or any 4* except Agent Venom. But Yay my 2nd crash win!
  • bigsmooth
    bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Level 152

    Boost: +2 BL/PU, + 2 ALL, 60% ALL

    Rough game, froze her a ton, she got off one Green. Managed to win though.
    My Iceman is exactly the same and it took me three tries with similar boosts. I needed a little bit of luck since he has such a small health pool (especially at a lower level); I cascaded into a match five in attempt #1 and in attempt #2 the board was light on blue and I couldn't get the stun train rolling.
  • Franklin Bluth
    Franklin Bluth Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    Took 20 tries with my 015 Iceman. Used +2 rainbow, +2 blue/purple, and + rainbow damage. I never punched. I just kept stunning and matching the countdown.

    I got green 5* Thanos for my trouble. Totally worth it.
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    My first ever Crash win. Level 90, 0/3/1. Third attempt. Used +2 blue/purple, +2 all, +40% match damage. I managed to keep her stunned almost the whole time - she made maybe 3 matches total.

    That was extremely satisfying.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    KFloppy wrote:
    I've tried again, and on my 4th try, I beat Teen Jean! Same boosts (2xBlue, 50% blue/purple green/black). On my winning game, I was so lucky with my matchings...I stunned her 5 times, fired off the purple then green powers twice, and even Punched her once by mistake.

    (Ok, figuring out the smilies, hold on.)
    token_legendary.png gave me icon_blackpanther.pngredflag.png
    Not sure if I should be happy...I really wanted icon_blackwidow.png , or any 4* except Agent Venom. But Yay my 2nd crash win!
    Black Widow is not in Latest Legends tokens anymore. She rotated out when Black Panther entered the tokens.