Bag of Tricks Bonus Heroes odds



  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    Brigby wrote:
    Hi Everyone. It would appear that the 1:6 odds are not the correct odds for the store. The development team will be pushing out a change sometime later today to implement the correct drop rate.

    Please take note that this is a bug with the actual drop rate itself, and not a graphical bug. We apologize for any confusion this might have caused.

    Thats too bad....I was really hoping it was a test for a possible solution to vaulting thats id actually posed in the bonus heroes thread. I really dont see why 17% is unreasonable for the LT store when its reasonable for 3s and 4s pulled from other tokens. Sure, youd be giving out a few more 4*, but youre also earning a lot less LTs than heroics and event tokens. It would be the same increase in 4s vs 4s, and make 5s actually feel like an increase. Leave it in, make it permanent!
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Brigby wrote:
    Hi Everyone. It would appear that the 1:6 odds are not the correct odds for the store. The development team will be pushing out a change sometime later today to implement the correct drop rate.

    Please take note that this is a bug with the actual drop rate itself, and not a graphical bug. We apologize for any confusion this might have caused.

    SO, right now I can drop a bunch of CP (THAT I DON'T HAVE) and have a 1:6 chance for bonus characters?

    IS THIS TRUE????? lol
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby wrote:
    Hi Everyone. It would appear that the 1:6 odds are not the correct odds for the store. The development team will be pushing out a change sometime later today to implement the correct drop rate.

    Please take note that this is a bug with the actual drop rate itself, and not a graphical bug. We apologize for any confusion this might have caused.

    Thank you Brigby for the heads up about the bug in our favor. Don't be mad, but I took advantage of the bug and started pulling some tokens in order to get the Peggy covers that I wanted (given the 17% BH rate). My Peggy is at 4/2/4 with only 1 month left in Classics, so I started pulling tokens with the following results:

    #1 Spider-Woman - Purple
    #2 Riri Williams - Red (boo)
    #3 Blade - Red
    #4 Peggy - Yellow!
    #5 Agent Venom - Black (the pain!)
    #6 Wasp - Black
    #7 Peggy - Blue + BH: Peggy - Yellow! (jackpot!)

    I stopped there and thanked my lucky stars and better than average BH odds. Now my Peggy is 4/4/5.
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    You guys should keep it them same.
    A weekend of boosted odds won't kill anyone.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    A guy in my alliance said he got 10 bonus covers from spending 700 CP, which would be 35%.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby wrote:
    Hi Everyone. It would appear that the 1:6 odds are not the correct odds for the store. The development team will be pushing out a change sometime later today to implement the correct drop rate.

    Please take note that this is a bug with the actual drop rate itself, and not a graphical bug. We apologize for any confusion this might have caused.

    Thats too bad....I was really hoping it was a test for a possible solution to vaulting thats id actually posed in the bonus heroes thread. I really dont see why 17% is unreasonable for the LT store when its reasonable for 3s and 4s pulled from other tokens. Sure, youd be giving out a few more 4*, but youre also earning a lot less LTs than heroics and event tokens. It would be the same increase in 4s vs 4s, and make 5s actually feel like an increase. Leave it in, make it permanent!

    Indeed. If my math checks out, even with the 1:6 bonus, these tokens are still worse than Latest's for 5* covers won per CP spent, and worse than Classic's for both 4* and 5* won per CP spent. Maybe you feel you need to put the screws to the mega-whales who must have 5* Hawkeye finished immediately. But, ultimately the extra odds just don't seem like that big of a deal. To get worked up about it and do a rollback once you've already let it go public seems... miserly.

    It makes me think, these bonus odds seem like a way to try to paint a happy face on rates that really aren't that impressive. That's why people that did the math on the old characters got rather peeved when you took old 4*'s out of tokens, suggesting these bonus rates would be a suitable replacement. They simply aren't. I'm still trying to figure out to what degree you might be trying to use all of these layers upon layers of RNG to obfuscate things you know aren't really that great, and to what degree you've actually bought into your own hype.
  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker
    Earlier today, without knowing about the bug, I bought 6x BoT tokens (cuz I only had 160CP), and got 6x 4* covers, 3x for champs or 3x for under-covered toons. No bonus heroes.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    Felonius wrote:
    Earlier today, without knowing about the bug, I bought 6x BoT tokens (cuz I only had 160CP), and got 6x 4* covers, 3x for champs or 3x for under-covered toons. No bonus heroes.

    I set Punisher as my sole bonus hero because mine is 5/4/3 and I had a black dying on the vine. Hoped to get a blue or green to Champ him and use the extra cover to get a LT. Of course I did get a bonus hero (my only ever) and it was a 7th black. So my 6th black died on the vine. And I'm now in the same position.

    I have 140 CP with a black punisher again dying on the vine. With increased odds at pulling bonuses I'm wondering if I should invest in the BoT tokens and hope to pull a blue/green Pun that way or just buy him outright??
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    firethorne wrote:
    It makes me think, these bonus odds seem like a way to try to paint a happy face on rates that really aren't that impressive. That's why people that did the math on the old characters got rather peeved when you took old 4*'s out of tokens, suggesting these bonus rates would be a suitable replacement. They simply aren't. I'm still trying to figure out to what degree you might be trying to use all of these layers upon layers of RNG to obfuscate things you know aren't really that great, and to what degree you've actually bought into your own hype.

    Welcome to Marvel Gambling Quest; may the odds be ever in your favor. We have flashy screens, colorful animations and door prizes for everyone. Oh look! You just got a Heroic token....why don't you open that up right now and see what you get! It could be our newest hero, Agent Coulson!*

    *the odds of getting Agent Coulson from a Heroic token is 0.59%
  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,735 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, that's done. I was 3/3 BH on my pulls. Made up a bit for 0/20 on Classics and Latests.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    And it is changed. The far too generous 16% odds are reduced back to 5%.

    On a partially related note, have you guys ever considered hiring a public image consultant?
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    They even changed moon knight and kate, bummer. Oh wait, bought a classic and my 13th peggy.
  • KinDM
    KinDM Posts: 72 Match Maker
    Was Hawkeye even in the tokens? I pulled 34! and got 0 5* Hawkeye. Wth?
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bug or no bug, I still managed to luck out with ZERO bonus 5* from ~160 pulls.

    8 months of hoarding... I should have been more disciplined
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    What exactly do the folks at Demiurge test for? You'd think above anything else they'd catch incredibly inflated token odds, but no. It is amazing however how FAST this particular bug was fixed...
  • wanghiking
    wanghiking Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    I think the daily patch already fixed this...I spend 100 cp to get no hawk eye, no bonus hero, only 4 4* dupe...

    Should have been more disciplined.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Other developers would say "Whoops, we screwed up - but as the error's in your favour, go ahead and keep the increased odds just this once. Sorry for the confusion!"... but not ours.

    This is why we can't have nice things.