What's your token/hoarding strategy?

TimGunn Posts: 257 Mover and Shaker
edited February 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
What's your token/hoarding strategy? On the following three categories: 1. legendarys (latest and classic); 2. vault/taco tokens; and 3. heroic/other.

First state where you are in the game. I'm a 4-star player with 28 champed 4-stars, but no usable 5-stars. All lower classes are champed.

For every taco cycle (42 days), I open 42 classics. I used to do one every day, but now I open until I get a 5-star and then wait until the next day. I also try to time it so I can champ whoever I open in case I get a card of one of the ones I have fully covered but not champed.

Hoarding any excess CP and legendary tokens. Maybe until Thano5 goes out of latest packs. Have about 50 legendary tokens right now.

I know the best strategy is to hoard and then spend on latest packs, but that doesn't seem very fun. And I hate to give up on the classics characters!

Vault/Taco Tokens
Hoard tacos in case I need health packs when fighting PVP. Open vault tokens as I go. I used to hoard them while I was still trying to fully cover the top 4-stars, but I basically have them all set now.

Other Tokens/Heroics
Open as I go. They keep the ISO flowing. XP, 2-star farm, 3-star champ rewards, etc. May have to sell a few 4-star cards, but not a huge deal!

Let the debate continue!


  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    I'm a 3* player, slowly working on rostering all the 4*s I can before starting that transition. I have all but eight 3*s champed, and those 8 are close, and have 32 4*s, but none with more 6 covers. I have no ISO deficit (for now... cue Jaws theme.).

    I don't open Latest. I've opened 3 ever - one in my first week or so, before I knew better, and two by slips of the finger. I have 39 right now.

    I just started opening classics this week, but stopped as soon as I didn't have the HP to roster anyone else. I plan to continue with that strategy, but wow, is it hard to resist now that I've started. I have just under 1200 CP.

    Vault/Taco tokens
    What is hoarding?

    Other Tokens/Heroics
    I've hoarded a few times, and while it can be fun, opening them is more fun. I prefer the steady stream of resources with the occasional mad scramble to roster someone, to the famine/feast cycle of hoarding and opening.
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    Hoarding. Nothing to see here. I'm hoarding now and barring any massive change in the game economy I'll still be hoarding in six months time.

    Semi-hoarding. I'll open some if I need health packs but that's not often otherwise I wait for vaults with a cover I actually want. That doesn't happen very frequently.

    I open my tokens around the end of each month. I start with the silvers and keep going until I hit a 4* cover that requires me to get below 50k of stored ISO then I stop. Sometimes tokens roll over, sometimes they don't.

    The bottleneck for my roster is ISO more than anything else. I mainly save it up during the month until token time. Tokens have no expiration so it makes more sense to hoard tokens and open until you run out of other resources rather than letting covers wither on the vine.
  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    Thanks to my xmas stark scary i have a full roster w/everyone but kate and half the 5's, my 4's just barely covered or token "not-the-power-you want" cover

    I won't have to worry about throwing away much so I just open them
    I buy classics as soon as I can afford it, but once I hear of a new 5* I will hoard until the special vault gives a 10% chance at getting that purple!

    -Vitamin T:
    to quote the philosopher homer: can't talk eating
    nomnom tacos nom nom

    I rip right away hoping for a featured character to make progression easier

    I rip all my standards from my first four at the end of the sesh
    My farm is like "feed me Seymour!" I throw Elites and Heroics with equal abandon at it

    I guess that means I have low impulse control. I just can't wait until I have to hoard up and do no-pulls. It seems like sweet anticipation. but right now it's ramp as much as I can and maybe I can catch up with next seasons crash schedule.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    4* player with twelve champed. Six more max covered and waiting on ISO to champ. All 3*s rostered & champed, all 2*s farming and have most of the 5* with none beyond 6 covers.


    27 Tokens and 1119 CP. Currently in a holding pattern until I can clear the backlog of characters I have fully covered but not yet champed. Will probably just hoard until I can open 300 latest later this year to try and set up at least three useable 5*s unless something nice happens with classics.

    Vault/Taco tokens

    Vault tokens always get opened immediately. It is my one source of consistent new pulls. The only exception is if the vault contains a 4* cover which I would have to sell. Tacos usually get hoarded although I did bust open the 70 or so savory I had this week because the purple Deadpool cover would get him out of 5/2/5 hell. Had pretty good luck, pulling the legendary, the 4* Thing (champ level) and the 10K ISO but so far no Xpool.

    Other Tokens/Heroics

    Hoarded everything from December to early Feb. to maximize the 2* farm which I then flipped once I opened stuff. Right now I'm opening as I go right now although in a week or so I might stop to catch up on ISO. Have covers right in the queue now for Starlord who I could champ and 4Cyke who I'll have enough ISO for tomorrow. Also a Flaptain cover that is almost certainly getting sold (5/1/5) and a Mr. Fantastic which will also probably get sold even though I have him cover-maxed because he is lower priority for me than Starlord.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards

    get tokens...spend tokens
    get 20 CP...buy Classic Legend Token
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Four star player, every 5 but panther rostered at 1-10 covers. I open everything, no hoarding. If I have to sell a four so be it. When I eventually get a 6th five power for a 5 star, I will roster the dupe.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Legendary/Command points
    Hoarding all till ??

    Use immediately, need to get star.pngstar.png from somewhere

    Hoarding all till ??
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    cp - save up 1000 and go for it

    legendaries - hoard them and open when i get to 1000 cp

    tacos - currently saving up 300. will open when i get a vault with something i need.

    everything else i open when i get it.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Hoarding? What's that?

  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Legendary - Hoard
    Tacos - Hoard unless need health packs
    PvE - Hoard unless n > 20 & 4* = quality new release. (PvE non-vault opened immediately)
    Standards - Open them every 50 or so.
    All others - open immediately.
  • Knaaks
    Knaaks Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    I've got 9 4's champed, and all the 3's rostered and champed, and I am always cycling through the 2's. I've got almost all the 5's rostered, but with very few covers. My Dr. Strange is at 3/4/2 and he is the highest, the next closest is only at 3 covers.

    Legendary - 3 Latest Legends and about 200 CP saved up. Hoarding till Dr. Strange is just about to go to Classics, to try and get him as my first fully covered 5 star. I won't spend any ISO on him because if he is my only champed 5, I know it will send me to PVP Hell of OML and Phoenix, but I would still like to have him fully covered. As far as 4s go, really the only character I am desperate for covers on is Iceman, and his 13th cover is coming to me as soon as I get like 3 more Mystique covers, so I am not in a rush to get more 4s. Plus, even if I do end up getting my 13th War Machine or Winter Soldier or whatever cover, I don't have any where near enough ISO to champ them, so it's not a huge deal to me.

    Taco - Save until there is a 4 star I want, or a 3 star that is going to give me a good reward soon, and then open, regardless of how many I have at the moment. Sometimes, I will have over 100 saved up, other times, I will go for it with only like 10 saved.

    Event - Open as I get them, unless it is a really bad vault. Oscorp Heroic had 3 4's that I would have to sell for ISO if I pulled them, so I horded them. First time I have ever done that, we'll see how it goes. For the events that don't have a vault, I just pull.

    Standard/Heroic/Elite - Open ASAP. Standard tokens I just think of as extra ISO. If I get a 2 or a 3 star, great! If not, cool, it's 1/20th of the ISO I need to do one level of a 4 star. Elite will only give me champ rewards, so that's fine, I can always use those. Heroic is 99% the same, but I have gotten extremely lucky out of them before. I pulled my 12th Iceman cover from a Heroic, and once I get his 13th from Mystic, I am gonna champ him. He will be my 10th champed 4 star, and my FIRST Champed 4 star that I did not have to sell MULTIPLE duplicate covers for before I got 13 in the right colors!
  • Gari
    Gari Posts: 92 Match Maker
    For tacos hoarders. If you are going to wait for an entire year just for 1 4s cover, your roster is not going to progress
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    I don't. Get, use, sell if applicable. I can't spare the ISO or the potential 3* champion-building covers. I'm still in the zone where a 4* from a legendary isn't a bad thing at all, but I have had to eat a couple of unusable covers in the last month or so. I only expect that will get worse....
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gari wrote:
    For tacos hoarders. If you are going to wait for an entire year just for 1 4s cover, your roster is not going to progress

    Tacos are cool but if you aren't hoarding your odds at the bigger ticket stuff are abysmal. In a 300 item taco vault there are 7 top tier prizes (two 4* covers, one legendary token, one 10K ISO, two 5K ISO and 1000HP). Your chances of drawing any of those are ~ 2.3 percent for the first token pull only marginally higher for the next two. You don't necessarily hoard to get a specific 4* (I suppose you could but that wouldn't really be maximizing your return) you hoard to maximize your ability to hit one of the top tier prizes with a slightly higher probability.

    At some point your roster is at a stage where only those 7 prizes are really worth chasing (around when you've champed all the 2*s and 3*s). Hoarding allows you to draw at those 7 until you get one and then if the odds are in your favor keep drawing until you hit the next one. You aren't really "losing" out on anything, just delaying when you get it. With the last change to the DDQ it takes 200 days to get 300 tokens for both vaults.

    At that point you can draw at the best 7 prizes with the the ability to positively affect the odds by doing a little bit of math. Hit one of the 7 rewards really quickly? Stop and wait for the next vault since you will now be drawing at a much reduced probability of hitting the other 6. Hit a bad run and don't get one of the 7 top tier rewards in the first 49 pulls? Keep pulling, your odds are now much better that you will hit one or more soon.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    revskip wrote:
    Gari wrote:
    For tacos hoarders. If you are going to wait for an entire year just for 1 4s cover, your roster is not going to progress

    Tacos are cool but if you aren't hoarding your odds at the bigger ticket stuff are abysmal. In a 300 item taco vault there are 7 top tier prizes (two 4* covers, one legendary token, one 10K ISO, two 5K ISO and 1000HP). Your chances of drawing any of those are ~ 2.3 percent for the first token pull only marginally higher for the next two. You don't necessarily hoard to get a specific 4* (I suppose you could but that wouldn't really be maximizing your return) you hoard to maximize your ability to hit one of the top tier prizes with a slightly higher probability.

    At some point your roster is at a stage where only those 7 prizes are really worth chasing (around when you've champed all the 2*s and 3*s). Hoarding allows you to draw at those 7 until you get one and then if the odds are in your favor keep drawing until you hit the next one. You aren't really "losing" out on anything, just delaying when you get it. With the last change to the DDQ it takes 200 days to get 300 tokens for both vaults.

    At that point you can draw at the best 7 prizes with the the ability to positively affect the odds by doing a little bit of math. Hit one of the 7 rewards really quickly? Stop and wait for the next vault since you will now be drawing at a much reduced probability of hitting the other 6. Hit a bad run and don't get one of the 7 top tier rewards in the first 49 pulls? Keep pulling, your odds are now much better that you will hit one or more soon.
    Sure, one additional LT every 200 days is totally worth stunting progress on 2 and 3* farming.
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Gari wrote:
    For tacos hoarders. If you are going to wait for an entire year just for 1 4s cover, your roster is not going to progress

    i just opened 1000 cp and 23 legendaries and it did almost nothing to improve my roster in the short term. i got one peggy cover and got her up to 250. got 3 5* strange covers and got him to 360. after that i didn't have enough iso to champ my next highest 4* (nova - need 300K iso) so along with him, i have 12 other covers that'll probably end up getting turfed. so, lesson is, you gotta save up your iso too!

    but as far as the tacos go, i'm saving up 300+ for a specific cover i'll need, like a hard to get 13th cover or something like that. i think that when i was pulling my tacos i might have pulled anywhere from 0-1 4* so i'm not missing much by saving them.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bowgentle wrote:
    Sure, one additional LT every 200 days is totally worth stunting progress on 2 and 3* farming.

    Losing 3 pulls a day is not going to monumentally slow your progress, particularly since a fair amount of the vault will drop ISO, HP or healthpacks so you aren't even assured of a 2* or 3* pull a day anyway. I still flip my 2* farm about once every 4-5 weeks. In a given week you can fairly easily earn 16 elites, 20+ heroics (more if you are doing lightning rounds) and another 20+ event/vault pulls.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hoard LTs and CP until I'm either:

    a) bored
    b) drunk
    c) bored and drunk

    Everything else I open pretty much straight away. I'm at a real low point in my perennially slow and tedious 4* transition and I need some form of continual thrill to keep me playing.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am stockpiling Legendary tokens and CP at the moment - my goal is to have 250 pulls available before Thanos leaves Latest Legends, then opening it all and hoping for the best.
    Regarding tacos, I save them until I need to open them for health packs. I have a neat surplus now.
    Other tokens I open as soon as I get them.
  • Xenoberyll
    Xenoberyll Posts: 647 Critical Contributor
    34 4star champs and 2 5star champs

    I'm Hoarding LTs and CP, the rest is opened as they come