Alliance Recruitment Thread

Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
edited April 2018 in MPQ Alliances
Rules for This Thread
  1. Please edit your post if you have filled all open positions. This is a courtesy to those alliances still recruiting as well as to those who are still hunting. If you have a new opening, re-post, instead of editing the original posting. Posts will be removed once they are marked as such in an effort to keep things manageable for recruits looking for a home.
  2. First time posters need approval. If you've never posted here before, there is an approval process that takes place before the post appears.
  3. Don't reply to individual posts. If you see an alliance you're interested in, PM that poster. Any post that isn't an alliance seeking new members will be deleted.
  4. Don't post that you're an individual seeking an alliance. If you're an individual seeking an alliance, there's a thread for you to recruit in. Posting here will result in that post getting deleted as well as the offending poster likely receiving a warning (especially for repeat offenders).
  5. Please only post once per alliance, or family of alliances. This helps keep the list of alliances down so recruits can better access the thread. If multiple posts for alliances, or families of alliances, are found, the oldest posts will be removed.
  6. Any recruit posts that have not been updated in the past 30 days will be removed. This is to help make things easier for recruits searching and to keep information as current as possible in the thread.

Tips for Successful Recruiting
  1. List detailed expectations. Whether you're a top 50 alliance or a casual, make it very clear about what your expectations are regarding pve and pvp performance, level of social involvement, other apps that may be required (such as Line or another chat app), whether you ask for emails to conduct business, etc. The more information you provide, the better the fit will be for you and potential recruits.
  2. List Alliance Performance While past performance is not a guarantee of future results, it does provide some information that helps potential recruits gauge how they'll fit in.
  3. Be courteous and honest in your posting. Lying about how active your alliance is or what your alliance performance has been is being discourteous and wasting everyone's time. So be honest, and be content with where your alliance is (or post that you have the goal of improving towards top 100). 

*Updated 4 May 2017 - Altered Rule 1 and added Rule 5.
*Updated 26 July 2017 - Added Rule 6
*Updated 30 April 2018 - Altered Rule 6


  • Hammer3001
    Hammer3001 Posts: 217 Tile Toppler

    Max Mayhem is looking for 2 - 3 players who can meet the following requirements: 90% for PVE’s & participation in Alliance events.
    Anyone interested; private message me with your user name & I will let you know when you can access our alliance.

  • Sidlon
    Sidlon Posts: 145 Tile Toppler

    Alliance Family: KA
    Play Style: varied
    Typical Alliance Placement: T100 through T5
    Requirements: usually at least 1x progression

    About Us: The KA family has 14 alliances for all kinds of players, allowing you to relocate when your own play style changes. Line messaging strongly encouraged.

    PM if interested, and I’ll help figure out if there’s a good place for you in KA. =)

  • turtlerad17
    turtlerad17 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In

    Alliance SplattThwap is looking for 2 players. We are a casual daily play alliance. We don’t care about your PVP or PVE ranking but we do expect all of our members to fully participate in both Heroic and Normal mode of Alliance events. We are top 250 alliance for Alliance events.

    We expect our members to play daily and have a roster capable of getting full individual rewards in Alliance events.

    PM if interested.

  • Albion25
    Albion25 Posts: 7 Just Dropped In

    We have one (maybe two) spaces on Event2nals. We are daily play - no PVE requirement, but do look to hit Alliance Events. As there is currently no Heroic game and we just need to complete the Team goals, we are looking for someone who is at least high 3* character territory. Team is public, so join if interested

  • djarcanus
    djarcanus Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    edited 1 March 2025, 04:59

    Alliance: Lock and Load + Deadpoolstacos

    LL Placement: t25 pve / t10 pvp / t10-25 heroic boss if that's ever a thing. We've gotten the top reward every event.
    LL Requirements: 1.4x pve / 900 pvp (10k season)
    Communication: Line preferred. We required it when heroic boss was a thing. As long as they aren't going to run that event, it's not required.

    DPT Placement: t50 pve / t25 pvp / t50 heroic boss
    DPT Requirements: 1.3x pve / 500 pvp
    Communication: Line preferred, not required.

    We have multiple players retiring from both after this season. We're looking to fill those spots.

    Our alliances are pretty chill. There's little to no drama. People are friendly. We all play pretty hard on our own. We also understand that people have stuff going on in RL. We work with players when that happens.

    Lock and Load and Deadpoolstacos are part of an alliance family. Most of the alliances are casual at this point, but we ask that you please avoid friendly firing people in the family in PVP.

    If this sounds interesting to you, please send me a PM.

    Thank you!


  • Scofie
    Scofie GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards

    Weapon XX is recruiting! (Again!)

    We're a really nice group of mostly casual players - we're looking for daily players in the main, though most people miss the odd day every now and again and people who are likely to stick around - half the alliance have been around for over 5 years. We've got a mix of rosters, and everyone starts somewhere, so don't think of that as a barrier.

    We have only one requirement - full participation in Boss Events or as much as you can. We normally finish well in advance of the end (over a day early on the most recent event).

    Play PvE? Great. Play PvP? Great. Do as much or a little as you like. We're that easy going!

    Some of the Alliance chat in the game, others don't. It's fine either way. We also have a discord too which some people use but others don't.

    If you're interested, PM me on here or via the official discord.

  • Khorkyn
    Khorkyn Posts: 9 Just Dropped In

    I want an alliance thats complete boss event but also playing pve T100

  • Trippet
    Trippet Posts: 58 Match Maker

    DisciplesofD just did a roster cleaning and we have 4 spots open. 5 if I boot my alt - she barely plays, so it's okay. ;)

    We come with an overlord who asks only for crickets and the occasional mealworm as an offering.

    We're a casual coalition that values life / work / play balance. If you can play in an event to get a handful of points once per month, we're happy. If you can play even more, we're exuberant! If you get perfect scores, we're in awe and sing your praises!

    We have beginners to experienced players and everything in between. We're a chill bunch of people who ask questions and give answers. Talk as much or as little as you please.

  • itsuka7
    itsuka7 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    edited 10 March 2025, 11:20

    AoP is a group of pve and boss oriented alliances. We currently have a spot in:

    AoP 4ever. Looking to become a solid t100 PVE alliance. Asks minimum 80% of full progression in pve. No reqs for pvp. Daily play, communication if you cannot meet reqs for some reason. Boss events focus on normal one, heroic one as best as we can (expect t250). AoP 4ever uses the Line chat app to communicate, but it is not mandatory to have it as long as you communicate effectively. To properly play and finish the boss events in both alliances, you’d need to have a roster with champed 3* or better (and not giving up in the later rounds)

    To apply, please contact me on Line ID itsuka789, on Discord (itsuka7) or pm me here on the forum (EU timezone). You can also walk in and chat when the alliance is set to public.

    Update: spot filled

  • Xception81
    Xception81 Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker

    “Fluffers” has 2 spots open if anyone is looking to join a top 100 (and sometimes top 50) alliance.

    We’re focused on PvE, although a handful of us play PvP somewhat seriously. We like for you to play at least SCL8, and have a well rounded roster (although you don’t have to have everyone rostered). We expect full progression for each event but offer 3 misses in a 3-month window before we kick from the alliance, because we know life happens, so you don’t have to stress too much. Or if you know you’re going to be offline for an event or two, just let us know. We do use Line and Discord, but it’s not required. It’s a fun group!

    DM me for more details if you’re interested.

  • LFChikarason
    LFChikarason Posts: 404 Mover and Shaker

    Name of Alliance - All New X Men (no dashes)

    Vacancies- 1

    Play style - play once a day, all hands on deck for boss events

    Typical alliance placement - around 320th place in PVPs and top 500 for PVEs

    About us - Whether you do PVP, PVE, Deadpool Daily, SHIELD Simulator just hit something once every 24 hours and we're cool. If you can't play during a boss event, the best way to let us know is we will ask that you join our Discord.

    To apply, reply or message me here with your in game name