Do you even WANT new features?

TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
edited February 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
Do you all want new features that we no one has ever before suggested or requested?

Or, would you rather development time be spent on character tweaks, colorless tokens, improving token odds, fixing mmr, fixing scaling, and all of the other things people have been asking for, for years, now?


"New Features" DOES NOT consist of new PvE storylines, all day lightning rounds, weekend lightning rounds, more frequent Titan Crashes in Deadpool Daily, CL9, CL10, a comic book cover or currency swapping shop ( both solo or alliance wide ), endless survival mode, permanent gauntlet mode, or ANY of the things people have been asking for, for years, now.

When I say "New Features", I mean stuff similar to or the EXACT stuff from the survey, a few months ago ( "have your team fight for you while you are gone or battle your alliance" or whatever that stuff was supposed to be hinting at ).
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  • DapperChewie
    DapperChewie Posts: 399 Mover and Shaker
    I'd be ok with new features, but not until they do a few more rounds of rebalances and implement a more robust playtesting system.

    I approve of the small changes they've done recently - the level up buttons, scrolling roster pages, etc. Little fixes that make life a little easier. Give us more of those, and for the love of tinykitty, implement a testing environment and let us players have at it. Something like Blizzard's Public Test Realm for Overwatch and Diablo. So they can push a patch out, we can play around with it to see how the balance works and if there's any bugs, and they get real-time data on everything.
  • Trilateralus
    Trilateralus Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    I would like to see actual new features. Not just a rehash of the same old thing every freemium mobile game does.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,604 Chairperson of the Boards
    I want new features, but I also don't believe they come exclusively by preventing fixes and tweaks and improvements. (I also find your split on what is/isn't a "new feature" more than a little arbitrary, defeating the purpose of such a poll, but whatever)
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Devil's advocate: SCLs were a new feature. DDQ was, in its day, a new feature. Make the case for me that the game would be more enjoyable absent those, but with improvements to either MMR or scaling (meaning PVE *or* PVP players benefit, but one group doesn't, and those transition paths remain closed off).
  • Copps
    Copps Posts: 333 Mover and Shaker
    While neither of the features they listed in the survey really do much for me I'm all for any new feature especially if it increases ISO/CP flow.
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    LOL @ option 1 *please see deception*
  • Andre_Leca_89
    Andre_Leca_89 Posts: 92 Match Maker
    I would like them to cut down on PVE nodes it's to much I spend 4 hours a day on PVE it feels like a part time job
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    To answer the question posed: Yes, yes I do.

    That is not to say I don't enjoy the game. I do. Immensely. Perhaps now more than ever.
    Which, of course, is a bit strange considering that the game is not without its flaws. But I don't think it has to be the either/or that the poll suggests. Obviously, it's all about maintaining a balance between adding fresh content while addressing existing concerns.

    With that said, one of the pleasures I derive from playing this game is imagining what could be:

    - A season-long Gauntlet type event
    - Alliance events that are not simple boss battles but rather a choose-your-own adventure where teammates have to work together to unlock areas of a map and face more puzzle like challenges
    - Character skins for 5* characters (OML can be switched as Weapon X, Weapon Omega; Silver Surfer can be switched for Jack Kirby "Surfer Shorts" version, Norrin Radd, etc)
    - A trophy system that gives bonus rewards for accomplishing different kinds of feats
    - Intra-alliance events: Compete against your comrades!
    - Guerrilla events
    - New "Prologue" type story runs

    And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

    Realistically speaking, I won't hold my breath for the implementation of any of these ideas but look forward to being pleasantly surprised with whatever the next new feature is. To be honest, I am actually quite interested in the "alliance battle" feature that was mentioned and I think the other feature where you have a select team fight in your absence would be a nice addition, too. DDQ, the champion and CL system were all welcome additions to the game and helped maintained my interest so I hope whatever comes next will continue to do the same, if not more. icon_e_smile.gif
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    i want new features, sure.
    but I rather play a game without constant bugs.

    experience showed you can't have both with mpq, so I rather see them invest in some testing environment.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hidden option 3. Work on new features, but roll them out at half the speed with more testing and care to not make the mistakes you are currently making every release...
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    I want new features that fix the old issues icon_cool.gif
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    It isn't that I wouldn't like new features. But, I agree that fixing bugs, improving stability, and fixing scaling, fixing the road to 5*, and finishing the new feature they've already started in CL's should be bigger priorities.
  • LordXberk
    LordXberk Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    Too bad, all you're getting is an endless stream of new characters!!!!

    And, look, I get it, they need to pay the bills, so new characters are important, but slow that down and fix the bugs AND give us new content. I mean, you'd think that between the VIP and shield intercept ad revenue, they'd be able to slow the character release pace down. Any of those new features mentioned by Fight or TLC (endless gauntlet, story mode expansion, trophies/rewards for certain achievements, etc) would be great. This game has SOOO much untapped potential.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    I think there could good things out there that the forum hasn't thought of first. The specific examples from the survey seem like freemium game staples, whether thats good or bad I don't know. I don't think they could hurt the game much and the game can get stale every once in a while, so I would like more new stuff.

    I think a lot of those issues (colorless tokens, scaling, mmr) only apply to 5* players, which is still a small group of people. Since I'm not there yet I can't speak to it. But I don't want to enter 5* territory, so maybe thats a sign they need to fix it.
  • tgibbs40
    tgibbs40 Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    TLCstormz wrote:
    Do you all want new features that we no one has ever before suggested or requested?

    Or, would you rather development time be spent on character tweaks, colorless tokens, improving token odds, fixing mmr, fixing scaling, and all of the other things people have been asking for, for years, now?


    "New Features" DOES NOT consist of new PvE storylines, all day lightning rounds, weekend lightning rounds, more frequent Titan Crashes in Deadpool Daily, CL9, CL10, a comic book cover or currency swapping shop ( both solo or alliance wide ), endless survival mode, permanent gauntlet mode, or ANY of the things people have been asking for, for years, now.

    When I say "New Features", I mean stuff similar to or the EXACT stuff from the survey, a few months ago ( "have your team fight for you while you are gone or battle your alliance" or whatever that stuff was supposed to be hinting at ).

    When you make it that specific, its pretty easy to vote against new features icon_lol.gif
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    You can bsolutly have both new features and fix issues. The easiest way to do that is to slow down the release of new characters. For every 3 new characters released, add new content afterwards instead of a 4th character. What this does is it frees up a developer to work on fixes or new content instead of a character. This way every other month we get something new. It could look like this:
    Feb: colorless 5* covers
    Week 4 CL9
    Week 8 new boss battle or new PVE story
    Week 12 sending heroes away on missions
    Week 16: reward changes for season and alliances
    week 20: new PVE story or CL 10

    It is about timing it so it creates engagement from the players, but right now new characters is still the biggest $$ for the game. What they don't realize is by adding new content and upgrading old content it will re-energize the player base. Everything does not have to be about a new shinny character.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    as the OP described... no, I do not want "new features" that no one has ever though of or mentioned. The things they sent out the survey on? No one had ever asked for those.

    But the things we have asked for? According to the OP, it says those are not what they mean by "new features". So... I want them to release features we are asking for. I do not want them to try to create wacky ideas with the thought process being "Sure, they want a way to not throw away duplicate covers, and they want MMR fixed... let's instead implement a way to send your characters on side missions while you are away!". Give the user base something they are asking for, stop giving us things we aren't asking for.

    note: this is not to say I wouldn't accept new features happily. I would just prefer they give us things we want.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    LordXberk wrote:
    Too bad, all you're getting is an endless stream of new* characters!!!!

    *New characters include lazy copies of existing characters at different levels and spawning multiple versions of the same character at release icon_lol.gif
  • LordXberk
    LordXberk Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    broll wrote:
    LordXberk wrote:
    Too bad, all you're getting is an endless stream of new* characters!!!!

    *New characters include lazy copies of existing characters at different levels and spawning multiple versions of the same character at release icon_lol.gif

    While I actually enjoy playing with Strang3 when he's boosted since I'm still building my 5trange and did enjoy baby Thanos3 while my Thano5 wasn't complete, I do think it's horseplop for them to do that. Maybe they can release the new 5BP with a lazy 4* variant and may as well include a 2* and 1* while they're at it. I'm totally fine spending HP (and then real $ to replace the HP) on roster slots for new characters (122 slots now), but I wish they'd give the new characters a rest. They even have found a way to make this a subscription type game, too, with the VIP system. As Wym said, they can easily spend SOME time working on other things beyond new characters (and lazy versions of new characters).

    Does ANYONE get excited about a new 4* these days? I mean, sure C4rol is pretty cool and I like Medusa, but let's be honest here. The people that are going to earn or whale the newest 4*s and be able to use them anytime in the next 6mos are the same players that already have multiple champed 5*s and don't really give a **** about the new 4*s. And, you know that the lower level players are never going to be able to cover those new 4*s, so who really cares about those new 4*s? No one!

    Now, like Wym said above, if they introduced some new gameplay or actual content, the playerbase COULD get more excited. I know that I typically spend more $ when I have positive feelings towards a game. I get those feelings when we get new content (new Boss modes, the new Strang3 event last year) and NOT when they're constant dumping new 4* characters every other week.

    Like I said above, sooooo much untapped potential with this game.