At which stage is MPQ the most fun?

rc35 Posts: 62 Match Maker
edited January 2017 in MPQ General Discussion
I'm curious as to which stage the more experienced players think this game is the most fun.
I've seen quite a few posts by 5-star people saying that it gets monotonous playing with the same few characters a lot of the time, that their scaling is screwed up in PvE, and they like limited-roster Heroic events because they partly address both of those things.
I'm in 3-star land (most champed), and on reflection I'd probably say now is the best time for me so far - but looking ahead, some of the 4-star power sets look really good.
What do people think - when was/is the best stage? (And thanks in advance for your thoughts.)


  • mega ghost
    mega ghost Posts: 1,156 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've got almost all of my 3-stars champed, and about half of those now over lvl 200. I have about 11 4-stars champed. When the PvE event is enjoyable and I'm actively participating, I can now finally feel just enough momentum in the game that my progress / development doesn't feel excruciating. It's still slow, but I can now see a tangible difference!
  • dokiy
    dokiy Posts: 238 Tile Toppler
    For me it was when I was going through the 2-3 star transition and joined up with my current alliance. It was fun raking in a bunch of 3 stars and being able to max them with reasonable ISO gains.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm enjoying myself a lot now with my half-way-there 4* characters. I've got 22 champed now and it's fun using them when they're boosted. I feel capable of taking on PvP up to 900 pretty consistently and PvE takes maybe 60-90 for an initial clear and then an hour maybe for the final clear. Way less time then when I was more in 3* land.

    Still got a few 4*s I really want to champ, so I don't feel my progress has stagnated. Heck, I just got my 12th Peggy Carter cover, so she might accellerate to the finish line soon...
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    Right now 3* players are having a heyday. Easy covers and easy Iso. If I was starting from scratch. I would max every 3* and open tokens in digestable chunks. Building and growing a 2*/3* farm from scratch with what I know now would be cake. as a day 950 player, I could easily cut 200 days off my progression if I had known all the things that I know now.

    4* tier is by far the funnest power tier. The recent new chars additions have really fleshed out the support side of 4* tier. its easily becoming the best balanced tier with respect to paper rock scissor decisions.

    5* tier is by far the most exciting and competitive tier. Players who compete there are all knowledgeable players who employ ALL tactics with skill and precision. The powers are fairly balanced with respect to pvp play and newer 5* almost invariably are top shelf best in class. However, even old chars like SS/OML/PHX are still very viable and competitive against modern 5*s. A 460 OML/PHX is very competitive against a 450 BB/NR

    On a pure fun basis, I'd rather have 4* roster to play 3* pvp. 5* in a 3* pvp event feels very mismatched and the chars don't always work well together.

    As a competitve player I'd rather have 5* pvp. The game is alot more fun when human players are in the mix. The 5* world is small and to be competitive, your inevitably going to have to take those points from another 5* competitor. Its your decision if you take the points directly or if you just out hop the person. But make no mistake, your taking a placement spot from another 5* roster who knows all the tactics to defend it.
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    I've found it most fun when I have a deep and usable roster. Like when I soft-capped for a while and had 30-ish 3*s (and a few usable 4*s) at 120. So many strategies available then.

    Transitions from one tier to the next are painful though.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    I think it might be around the time you are getting a few 4*s at around 10 covers. This game is fun, but the most rewarding parts are the long term meta. That meta is most fun when opening LTs are almost always useful. To me, the first 4* champ was the last big moment.

    As for gameplay fun, probably having a few 4* champs. When they are boosted, doing ridiculous amounts of damage is pretty fun. Their powers are more interesting than the 3* star, the 5* tier comes with scaling baggage
  • Fightmastermpq
    Fightmastermpq Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Diversity has always been the key to fun factor I think. Having a large array of usable characters for any given event really increases the fun factor. This is why so many hated Heroics for so long, and why they later became a joy for 5* players that were scaled out of the ability to use their diverse roster for all but Heroics.

    I still think the most fun for me was just before I leveled my OML/PHX over 390, and instead was using about 10 solid 4*s for each event. I could tailor my team based on who was boosted and who I was fighting against to be most effective. I'm getting close to that again, but 5* MMR and 5* scaling are both pretty big downers. Even if I now have a pretty diverse 5* roster (6 champed), seeing the same 5 or 6 targets over and over is annoying as hell.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    as long as i'm not using the same teams over and over for long periods i'm happy
    which is why i'll probably avoid leveling 5's past 270
    as my 3's get champ'ed i use them more (30 Champed with Hood on the way up)
    I rotate 2's and find my self using 4's slightly more (Better covers so more useful when powered up even if underleveled)
    as long as it's fun isn't that the best time?
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Different strokes for different folk. For me it was first discovering the game and playing to thru the prologue. I didn't even touch pve until I was finishing with it. Now it's being a 4 star player with great champed 4 stars and a full 3 star champed roster.
  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    For me, I think the most fun was when I had 50-75% of 3*s fully covered. I liked all the combinations I could try and there was still lots to chase. Unlocking a couple 3* covers per PVP was something I could actually manage.

    Now that I have 50% of the 4*s fully covered, I'm having more fun again, but it took a very long time to get from there to here (like years).
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    When my save file got wiped due to switching to a new device. (Facebook save wasn't working on old device). Happened on a Thursday couldn't play and CS restored my save on Tuesday.

    So, game was most fun from that particular Friday to Monday .
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    The 2*-3* transition during the implementation of DDQ is a fond memory. Beating the BE node with my 2* Daken, OBW and Ares was always a nice challenge and it felt so rewarding to win a 3* cover. Prior to the Vault, my 10 taco cycle would yield at least 3-3* covers and some HP/Iso. I softcapped my 3*s to 120-130. I was able to strategize who to level for tanking purposes (e.g. Lvl Daken higher than Loki to tank his colors). I even had dup's of my best 3*s to preserve health packs (e.g. SW)

    I had the game all figured out until Championing released. I knew I would have to have champed characters (mostly cause I hated wasted covered). I had about 4M iso saved and I champed about 13 of my best 3*s. CS was able to breakup my dup 3*s so I had a nice headstart. The game changed though, the scaling/MMR increased, no more dup's.. I got burned out quick and retired.

    I came back for SHIELD Rank, started with Lvl 50 which I thought was very generous (I'm 78 today). I started with a goal of champing all 3*s while hoarding CP/LT to start my path to 4* land. I champed all my 3*s about 2 months later. I started saving Iso until I reached nearly 2M and opened my CP hoard. I yeilded alot of great 4* covers and champed 4 top tier characters (e.g. Cyke, JG). I'm starting to hoard my iso and CP again for the next round of 4*s but I now have 8 4*s champed with two more on the way. Then I'll need to figure out my 5* plan, which I'm going to hoard my LTs.. hopefully the devs make 5*s slightly more viable soon as there releasing alot of them.

    Okay.... I just realized I basically wrote the Real Lifestory of Punisher lol.. I'm in the bathroom and I just started typing away! Well it's my fun times of MPQ without all the grinding in-between. Enjoy
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've found it most fun when I have a deep and usable roster. Like when I soft-capped for a while and had 30-ish 3*s (and a few usable 4*s) at 120. So many strategies available then.

    Transitions from one tier to the next are painful though.

    Seconding that transition despair.
    You start levelling something and you hit that cap of your previous best. So suddenly you have a 4* at 167 (before champing 3*s was a thing) and it feels like you're in no man's land. You're terrified because your 4* is weak at 167 but now ou're beginning to bump your scaling up because of your higher levels. And there are still 103 levels to go!

    By the time you finally have enough ISO to champ your first 4*, the game goes "Hey, well done, you have a champed 4*! Enjoy 4* land scaling! You can handle it, right?" and you're in a desperate race to get more 4*s up and ready to compliment your team. Once you start getting a rounded out roster, things feel more relaxed. I'm at the point now where every week I'll have at least one of the boosted 4*s champed. But some weeks I'd look at that list and think " one I have is level 200. This is going to be a painful grind."
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    I have 36 champed 4* with wasp almost there and a fully covered medusa waiting for iso as well. I have OML at 320, other 5* are still at 255. I really like where I'm at. Scaling is perfect and I can rip through the 4 time beginning grind and the end grinds in 45 minutes to an hour with the right boosted characters. I can even use all boosted 3* characters if I want to and still get through. It just takes a lot longer and requires a few more health packs. Having said that, I think I liked it better when I had a fully champed 3* roster with my 4* toons at lvl 200ish. I think I had much more roster diversity where I could blow through my grinds using almost any of my 3* teams (not just the boosted ones) and I could still hit 900 (actually it was 1000 back then) to get 4* covers in PVP. I think scaling for that time period was a little more forgiving.
  • Hendross
    Hendross Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    I've enjoyed 2 eras...
    1. Early 4-Star, when all 4 star covers earned are usable and there are no 5 star fights.
    2. Late 4-Star, 20+ champed gives you great diversity each week, having 2 buffed + featured in PvP
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've found it most fun when I have a deep and usable roster. Like when I soft-capped for a while and had 30-ish 3*s (and a few usable 4*s) at 120. So many strategies available then.

    Transitions from one tier to the next are painful though.

    That was probably my most enjoyable time on mpq too. No frustration with pvp (played last 30mins and even managed to snipe a few top 10s). Pve was a breeze, constantly hitting top 10 for months on end. No lack of ISO and just enough HP to keep up with roster slots.
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    Before realizing there is no goal... just infinite grind using same technique to get more and more covers you wont even use icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Mechahamster
    Mechahamster Posts: 237 Tile Toppler
    Gameplay wise, having a few strike tiles on the board, then getting a nice juicy cascade right in Bullseye's face. How are those protect tiles working out for you now, BOOM!

    Rewards wise, watching a heroic token go gold, then get a little swirly in the center as well is pretty much the best.

    I realise now this is not what you asked.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    I've found it most fun when I have a deep and usable roster. Like when I soft-capped for a while and had 30-ish 3*s (and a few usable 4*s) at 120. So many strategies available then.

    Transitions from one tier to the next are painful though.

    A lot of truth to this. Before champing, I had a soft cap at 114. I could mix 2* and 3* freely and it was fun. Every week meant different strategies with different boosts. Once champing came about and I made the jump to 3*land, it was all 3* all the time. Kind of got boring.

    Now, that I've entered the 4* tier it's starting to get a bit more fun, but that largely due to how much more power 4*s are when boosted (it really highlights just how badly the lower tiers got nerfed when champing came around). And they can still play well with my more developed and boosted 3*s.

    Hearing all the horror stories of the 5* tier make me have no desire to join it anytime soon.
  • bob554
    bob554 Posts: 169 Tile Toppler
    I've found it most fun when I have a deep and usable roster. Like when I soft-capped for a while and had 30-ish 3*s (and a few usable 4*s) at 120. So many strategies available then.

    Transitions from one tier to the next are painful though.

    Agreed. I'm a 4* player with 17 champed (no higher than lvl 284) and a couple more on the way, and having a usable roster with characters that synergise with each other makes the game most fun for me.

    as well as not wasting as many covers from token pulls.