Crash of the Titans Cycle 4: Moon Knight

jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
I only have 2 black covers. I'll still give it a shot.

No previous runs.


  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    My Moony (level 200) stands at 4/1/5. His Moonsilver Blades do more than 11k damage, so that crash should be doable for me.

    Moony's opponent could be 3* Bullseye since he's one of his enemies in the comics and has also the same color scheme.
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    Black Duke wrote:
    My Moony (level 200) stands at 4/1/5. His Moonsilver Blades do more than 11k damage, so that crash should be doable for me.

    Moony's opponent could be 3* Bullseye since he's one of his enemies in the comics and has also the same color scheme.

    Bullseye would be really easy to beat, though, with basically only one dependable offensive power (Green) that isn't that great, and one that's dependent on Moon Knight putting down special tiles, which he isn't guaranteed to do.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Given the random nature of his second power, an interesting opponent for Moon Knight would be Moon Knight.

    My Moon Knight only has a single green cover, so it doesn't matter who the opponent is....
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards
    ZootSax wrote:
    Given the random nature of his second power, an interesting opponent for Moon Knight would be Moon Knight.

    My Moon Knight only has a single green cover, so it doesn't matter who the opponent is....

    I absolutely love this idea. And it plays with the notion of his split personality. This would be amazing.
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    Black Duke wrote:
    My Moony (level 200) stands at 4/1/5. His Moonsilver Blades do more than 11k damage, so that crash should be doable for me.

    Moony's opponent could be 3* Bullseye since he's one of his enemies in the comics and has also the same color scheme.

    Bullseye would be really easy to beat, though, with basically only one dependable offensive power (Green) that isn't that great, and one that's dependent on Moon Knight putting down special tiles, which he isn't guaranteed to do.
    Well, that's true! Kingpin would also be a possible oppent (since he fits in the same story scheme and has a two color-overlap (Black & Purple) with Moon Knight).
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    I was going to suggest Jessica Drew, but I love the idea of him fighting himself too.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    My Moon Knight is level 94 1/1/2. So I'm basically screwed regardless of who it is.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Think I'm 1/3/2, level 131. Possible, but not a walk in the park.
  • ScrubJay
    ScrubJay Posts: 90 Match Maker
    I'm guessing Iceman is his opponent. With only one opponent Moon Knights Green is overpowered and he is going to need a strong opponent to offset that. Of course, another Moon Knight makes that pretty even and thematically fits.
  • Mr_Sinister
    Mr_Sinister Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    5/1/5 120, should be a breeze. I also love the idea he faces himself lol that would be great.
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Vs. two Moon Knights would be more appropriate, each at 1/2 health or something. Ha!
    But, but I'm guessing KingPin, Iceman, or SpiderWoman (or GwenPool?).
    I'm at 4/3/3 lvl 146, and prepared to go higher if needed. This one should be good.
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    My MK doesn't stand much of a chance in this one with 2/1/1
  • ZommyGD
    ZommyGD Posts: 79 Match Maker
    I'm guessing Deadpool, because they both have mental issues.
  • Reecoh
    Reecoh Posts: 210 Tile Toppler
    ZommyGD wrote:
    I'm guessing Deadpool, because they both have mental issues.

    You say that like it's a bad thing...
  • ZommyGD
    ZommyGD Posts: 79 Match Maker
    Reecoh wrote:
    ZommyGD wrote:
    I'm guessing Deadpool, because they both have mental issues.

    You say that like it's a bad thing...
    Ooh, I apologize.
    Sorry Deadpool. Please continue your work on the new movie.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    1/2/2 good enough? Currently at 70 but I can get him to 111.
  • cubnad
    cubnad Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    My 4/1/3 lvl 125 icon_moonknight.png beat icon_x23.png first try. Used +2 greenflag.png / blackflag.png ,+2 all +50% damage: greenflag: / blackflag.png . Saved enough blackflag.png to fire 3 times and 1 greenflag.png
    LT stocked until star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngicon_caroldanvers.png goes in next season.
  • KingDon
    KingDon Posts: 173 Tile Toppler
    Did it 2nd try with my 1/5/2 MK, saved up 30 black and 20 green and got lucky with some nice cascades

    The reward for my trouble yellowflag.pngicon_mrfantastic.png (now 3/4/5)
  • metallion
    metallion Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    So opponent this time was X23. This one was kinda irritating, but I did it first time with a 4/3/3 lvl120, no boosts, with 400HP left. Her healing kept returning her HP to max, so I prioritised black and green without much denying. Used 2 blacks and a green to bring her down to 1000HP, and from that point on it's all about denying her colours. She got one green off, thankfully it dealt less than 2000 damage, so I managed to survive
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards
    Managed first go with my L141, 4/2/5 MK. +2 G/B, +100% All damage, +100% Critical. Green dry board, so it took a while. Finally collected enough green, and literally one two puncher her with Blades & Fist.
