Health as Energy



  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    Dormammu wrote:
    Wonko33 wrote:
    What is up with all the outrage about having to pay to play great games? Do you guys understand the dynamic where companies have employees that need to be payed and that games shut down when no money is made from them?

    Do you guys think it is a fair expectation that you can play as much as you want and have all the advantages paying customers get for free?
    I don't have any outrage. I'm a paying customer. Many daily-deal character packs have eaten into my wallet. For as much entertainment this game has given me on and off over three years I'm happy to support the developers and have done so generously.

    I didn't intend for this post to sound like I was **** about the cost of health packs. I'm just wondering if they serve a purpose as a source of revenue anymore? If I wanted to complain about the cost of something, I'd complain about how much iso you get for $100.

    I probably misread your meaning then, read it with bias because there has been a few threads about why we have to pay for anything lately, my bad
  • Uninspired
    Uninspired Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    I think the biggest benefit of the healing regen mechanic is it creates a cost for players to retreat in PVE. If there were no cost, players could retreat after a particularly bad board or enemy cascade and just restart the fight. I'm sure plenty of players would decide that running IM40 and restarting any board not littered with yellow or match 5's is faster than playing it as it is. Plus, I suspect the server hits from chronic retreats/reenteries is something the devs want to avoid for cost/performance reasons.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    It is another way to incorporate the comics. Characters with healing factors heal faster in the game. Its kinda cool.
    I only have 10 health packs, I generally use one team for pvp, and of course a required character needs to be healed. Right now the pve node points are the real "energy" limiting the game time, and fear of getting hit on pvp is the "energy" that stops me from playing too much.
    It also encourages me to use my lower tier characters, letting them soak up damage while saving my heavy hitters for when I need them. I agree it is not as big of a factor as it use to be or could be for beginners, but I don't know if there's a viable replacement system.