Fast matches using Thanos triggering account sandboxing



  • Andre_Leca_89
    Andre_Leca_89 Posts: 92 Match Maker
    dsds wrote:
    WilsonFisk wrote:
    3 days after submitting my ticket, still boxed and still no response from D3 CS

    same, still waiting.
    Just enjoy being sandboxed and get as high as you can. You lose alliance rewards, but no one to attack you. Hopefully they will let you keep all the rewards you earned in progression when sandboxed.

    I've been trying to get sandboxed to get my 1200 in pvp. But no cigar. no matter what I do my 1 cover thanos just can't kill everyone in one match. I can kill everyone in one turn but it involves a cascade of more than one match 3.

    I was just thinking the same thing you would not get attacked in PVP witch is a good thing but when there is a boss rush event you can't have an alliance but you would get 4* covers fast by playing PVE and PVP not a bad thing really
  • Pinko_McFly
    Pinko_McFly Posts: 282 Mover and Shaker
    Thanos has been out for several weeks now and this is still happening.
    Devs, are you doing anything about this?
    How is it taking so long to fix?