Fast matches using Thanos triggering account sandboxing

spectator Posts: 395 Mover and Shaker
So is sandboxing automated? I think I've just been sandboxed and I suspect it's because I've been beating lightning round seed teams in one turn by match damaging the low health character and letting 5 star thanos court death finish the other two characters. I have contacted cs.


  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,411 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would assume so. You've probably met some obscure cheating parameters to be sandboxed. No such thing as innocent until proven guilty I'm afraid.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    spectator wrote:
    So is sandboxing automated? I think I've just been sandboxed and I suspect it's because I've been beating lightning round seed teams in one turn by match damaging the low health character and letting 5 star thanos court death finish the other two characters. I have contacted cs.
    Yes and no. There are a number of triggers which will automatically sandbox a player, but it can also be done manually.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    When I saw Thanos black power after my initial thought of "yuck" I then thought "OML, X23 and Thanos black for seed teams". I guess this might be the first time I've been lucky the game won't give me yellow covers for OML.
  • LordXberk
    LordXberk Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    Been doing this in LRs w/ loaner, champ OML, and 5/5/1 Thanos (level 325) and thus far no problems. Hopefully I won't get boxed.
  • spectator
    spectator Posts: 395 Mover and Shaker
    I guess the answer is don't be too quick and you should be safe.

    Still haven't heard back from d3 outside of the automated response
  • LordXberk
    LordXberk Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    Go slower is not a very helpful strategy (note that I'm not attacking your comment bcs it seems to be the right answer, but addressing the seemingly poorly designed auto-boxing for a reason that should be legitimate given the introduction of Thanos black power). In a game where you are asked to play ~30-60 PVE matches per day and ~20-30 PVP matches per day along plus DDQ and Sim, asking me to take my time in lightning rounds is flipping stupid (they're called LIGHTNING rounds for Pete's sake). I'm gonna max Thano5 soon and I'm sure I'll get boxed and then be stuck in CS limbo for a week bcs they're dealing with so many other tickets from constant bugs in every single release.
  • spectator
    spectator Posts: 395 Mover and Shaker
    It definitely needs to be addressed and sooner rather than later since I'm managing this with a base level 5 star thanos ( with 4 blacks however)
  • spectator
    spectator Posts: 395 Mover and Shaker

    I've now been unboxed and the sandboxing was due to thanos court death completing matches too quickly. The suggestion for now is to slow down since they are still working on a fix.
  • Dataspectre
    Dataspectre Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    I think I got myself sandboxed today but using Champed 3* Thanos, same tactics as spectator. I already sent a CS, waiting for a reply.
  • WilsonFisk
    WilsonFisk Posts: 365 Mover and Shaker
    Add me to the list. Just grabbed my 5th 5* Thanos cover today, used him in LRS to 1-shot all seeds and just a few hours later, I'm boxed
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Probably the best thing for the devs to do, IMO, is not to count extremely fast matches against seed teams in their cheat detection algorithms. If a player can legitimately get the same kind of consistent, repeatable speed against actual players, something is deeply wrong with either the power in question, the match-making that allowed it, or both.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    And here I was cheering that I can one-move seed teams with my 1/3/1 5* Thanos, Champed Phx and champed 3* in LRs. I guess I should know better.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    madsalad wrote:
    And here I was cheering that I can one-move seed teams with my 1/3/1 5* Thanos, Champed Phx and champed 3* in LRs. I guess I should know better.
    You still can, but maybe wait 30 seconds or something before making that one match, just until the devs figure out how to tweak the system.
  • spectator
    spectator Posts: 395 Mover and Shaker
    Now that 3 star thanos has become more viable, an announcement somewhere about this issue may not be a bad thing so that people can avoid being accidentally boxed
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker

    I saved up a ton of CP and splurged on Thanos 5* packs - Mine is sitting at 3/2/2 and may favorite move is OPs... X-23, loaner, and Thanos for one-shot the seed teams in LRs.

    I guess I haven't been sandboxed because I typically takes me 30+ minutes to do a round as I get easily... *THAT DOG HAS A PUFFY TAIL!!*
  • WilsonFisk
    WilsonFisk Posts: 365 Mover and Shaker
    3 days after submitting my ticket, still boxed and still no response from D3 CS
  • Dataspectre
    Dataspectre Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    WilsonFisk wrote:
    3 days after submitting my ticket, still boxed and still no response from D3 CS

    same, still waiting.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    WilsonFisk wrote:
    3 days after submitting my ticket, still boxed and still no response from D3 CS

    same, still waiting.
    Just enjoy being sandboxed and get as high as you can. You lose alliance rewards, but no one to attack you. Hopefully they will let you keep all the rewards you earned in progression when sandboxed.

    I've been trying to get sandboxed to get my 1200 in pvp. But no cigar. no matter what I do my 1 cover thanos just can't kill everyone in one match. I can kill everyone in one turn but it involves a cascade of more than one match 3.
  • Dataspectre
    Dataspectre Posts: 42 Just Dropped In
    dsds wrote:
    WilsonFisk wrote:
    3 days after submitting my ticket, still boxed and still no response from D3 CS

    same, still waiting.
    Just enjoy being sandboxed and get as high as you can. You lose alliance rewards, but no one to attack you. Hopefully they will let you keep all the rewards you earned in progression when sandboxed.

    I've been trying to get sandboxed to get my 1200 in pvp. But no cigar. no matter what I do my 1 cover thanos just can't kill everyone in one match. I can kill everyone in one turn but it involves a cascade of more than one match 3.

    Yeah I was doing a bit of pvp, yesterday while in sandbox, today I got unbox out of the sandbox and I get to keep the covers.
  • WilsonFisk
    WilsonFisk Posts: 365 Mover and Shaker
    I got out of the box also. I asked D3 to give me the alliance covers I would have received as rewards if they would not have boxed me and was denied.

    Great CS as always, they screw up, and then also punish you for there own screw up.