A Year of Champ



  • Slothkins
    Slothkins Posts: 58 Match Maker
    Even though I'm on day 938, I played sub-optimally for so long that I'm way behind most of you. It's pretty depressing when I think about how much further ahead I could be.

    Highest 3* is Thor at 193 and Iron man at 190. Have 10 more yet to champion.
    Have 0 4*s max covered. The closest is Thoress at 4/4/1.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    All 3*’s champed except Thanos so far (he’s not really a priority right now). Highest is Hulk at lvl 225. Only really finished up champing that level, I ignored about a dozen of them for a long time until these past few months.

    Started a 2* farm though I need to re-champ half of them again once I finish my current 4* project, Starlord, before his 14th cover expires.

    Once I champ him, I’ll have 21 champs in the 4* level. Teen Jean was first back in March. The current highest is Goddess Thor at lvl 292, with Cyclops behind her at 288. Got about 15 more 4* at max covers, just waiting on ISO (after Starlord, probably Kate Bishop or War Machine, then IW, etc etc)

    It will be a long time before I’m champing any 5*’s.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Champing was the best thing they did. I remember my excitement as it approached and when it finally happened. I opened up tokens like crazy and champed a bunch of 3*s that day. Now, I have all 3*s champed (even strange) except for thanos, who's at 10 covers. 2*s multiple champ-farmed, thirty+ four*s champed and.... no five-stars champed icon_cry.gif

    Maybe in 2018!
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Have all 3*s except thanos champed, expecting to finish him with the pvp progression covers but no pressing desire to champ. He can wait till next season when they give out his covers in shield sim. icon_e_smile.gif

    Other 3*s are trundling along, with Hulk and Mororo in the 260+ danger zone and several others past 250. Will have to give serious consideration to building dupes to rechamp soon. Lowest are Switch and Cyc at 219/218 and Strange at 176.

    Wow ok I have no idea how I got to 36 4* champs. Will champ one more in a couple days, not quite decided which of the 5 fully covered ones left it will be. Gwenpool, Agent Venom and Medusa still left lacking 1, 2, 6 covers respectively. I need to stop slacking and grab that last Medusa cover from shield sim before season end.

    The 4*s I have over level 30p are 4cyc, Bobby, HB, DPX, X23, MaxPun, Rhulk. I guess my stupid luck extends to 4*s as well.
  • westnyy2
    westnyy2 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    I love the champion mechanism that was added to this game. I would likely not be around if it hadn't been implemented. I like to think I have a nice roster and while I always play hard, I will admit I have participated in many a buy group along the way. I'm at that point where I am maxing some 3's and approaching that level on a couple of 4's. It will be interesting to see how the game yet again shifts as people start to sell covers again after maxing someone.

    My 4* Roster:
    350+ 3
    340-349 4
    330-339 5
    320-329 4
    310-319 5
    300-309 3
    290-299 10
    280-289 4
    270-279 4
    70 1 (344 Agent Venom)

    My 3* Roster:
    266 8
    260-265 3
    250-259 7
    240-249 12
    230-239 8
    220-229 2
    170-179 3 (2nd Storm included)

    I have decided to build secondary 3 stars, at least for the ones that correspond to a flippable 2.
  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,410 Chairperson of the Boards
    Had all 2* championed but due to farming, most are at various stages. I don't do duplicates (too much HP to have 12 more slots). Except for maybe bagman, currently 123. His covers are so rare that I'm bound to earn duplicates before able to max cover and rebuild.

    All 3* championed except thanos. Highest is gsbw at 229 (thanks to farming obw, bulleyes is a cover behind. Doom is third and he was one of my first max covered 3* along with Thor, who is way behind despite the farm) and lowest is strange at 173.

    23x 4* championed, first and highest is imhb at 297. Lowest is bucky, Peggy, nova and starlord at 272.
  • Lytes420
    Lytes420 Posts: 63 Match Maker
    All threes champed except thanos.four of them champ maxed.33 four stars.highest is cyclops at 328.also have 4 five stars champed as well.two stars are constantly being champed with farming.champing is still the best feature they've introduced in this game imo.
  • royalflush95
    royalflush95 Posts: 49 Just Dropped In
    Nice thread.

    As of now I've champed 30 3 star.png , highest is icon_thor.png 191. Captain Marvel and Spider-Man are about to be champions. Haven't champed top characters like icon_ironfist.pngicon_lukecage.png and icon_scarletwitch.png. Haven't recruited icon_bullseye.pngdrstrange_icon.png and :thanos: .
    Don't have any 4 star.png champed yet, not even covered.
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    One year ago, I had four 3*s at 166 (and several more close), and my two highest 4*s were 215. Now:

    41 3*s champed. Ten or so at 266 (most of whom now have dupes).
    33 4*s champed. Two have hit 370, both in the last week to ten days.
    10 5*s champed, with IM46 hopefully joining the list in 3-5 days, when I get the ISO.

    Better year than I would have guessed. icon_e_smile.gif
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    A year ago I hadn't started playing yet (my one year anniversary will be next Thursday) so I got champions as a feature from the start.

    I'm currently at all 2*s champed and farming.

    All 3*s champed with the exception of Thanos with my highest being IM40 212 and my lowest being Dr. Strange at 170.

    Only have seven 4* champs but as ISO comes in I have a few more cover maxed so that number should grow steadily. My highest level 4* star champ is Peggy Carter at 277 who was also my first champed.
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    All 3* champed except forThanos (1/5/1).
    Completed the champs just before the release of SCL.

    Highest: icon_captainamerica.png Steve Rogers (Super Soldier) @ 227
    Lowest: drstrange_icon.png Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange) @ 176

    12x 4* champed with 3 additional characters fully covered:

    Highest: icon_cyclops.png Cyclops (Classic) @ 276
    Lowest: icon_nickfury.png Nick Fury (Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.) & Iron Man (Hulkbuster) @ 270

    Fully covered 4*, and next candidates for champing:
    icon_iceman.png Iceman (All-New X-Men) @ 151 (5/5/3)
    icon_thing.png The Thing (Classic) @ 213 (5/3/5)
    icon_devildino.png Devil Dinosaur (Gigantic Reptile) @ 145 (4/5/4)

    All 5*s are still at 255, with icon_blackwidow.png Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) & icon_blackbolt.png Black Bolt (Inhuman King) @ 7 covers each.

    Started farming the 2*s a few weeks ago. Should've done that way sooner icon_e_smile.gif.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    3* are a steady source of income and reliable essential. I don't have Strange or Thanos covered yet, but all the rest are somewhere between 170 and 206.

    4* I had zero champs a year ago. The CL boost allowed me to champ my first two, and now I have 11. My highest is GR (my first) at 276.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    didn't complete the bottom half of the 3s until about july 2016, so mine are pretty spread out. all 3s champed except thanos (1 cover away, lvl 153) and 25 4s champed.

    3*S - highest are thor and hulk at 245 and 244
    4*s - highest are ice and hb, both at 307

    on the 3s, it is obvious that the cycled 2s eventually make a difference. 7 of my top 8 3s all have 2s feeding them. loki is the only other one in that top bunch. it is also obvious who they haven't run many rewards for. 3cyke and witch, who were champed day 1 of champing, are behind many that weren't champed until the summer. marvel, grocket, vision, patch and bullseye were not champed until the summertime (vision maybe a little earlier during his bug) and are all ahead of witch and cyke (at lvl 213).

    also, my 4s would be higher but I'm currently hoarding for a latests party coming in 2 months or less.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    What a difference a year makes. Last year at this time my highest level 3 was a 140 lazy Cap and my top 4 was a 5 cover Ant man.

    Today I have all 3 champed (except thanos) with Hulk at 207 in the top spot and lowest strange at 168. The biggest difference is 4 stars though. 18 max covered 4s with 8 of them champed. Thing is 277 my highest, while Spider Woman my lowest at 2 covers.
  • RogueZeroOne
    RogueZeroOne Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    All the threes are champed ranging from
    Thanos at bare minimum
    To icon_captainamerica.png at 232
    10 champed fours (Devil Dinosaur doesn't count)
    Farming two stars (highly recommended)
    Five stars, well...
    I started later, after OML and Phx were put into classics, so I don't have any of their covers.
    I have a fully covered BB and nearly full Strang5.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have all 3* champed except Thanos. The highest three are Beast (241), Rocket & Groot (238), and Kamala Khan (237).
    I have 35 champed 4*. The highest three are Wolverine (313), Cyclops (305), and Hulkbuster (303).
    I have 2 champed 5*, Logan and Phoenix, and Surfer is almost ready to go.

    Agreed with OP that championing is one of the best things that ever happened to the game. I feel it's topped only by Deadpool's Taco Thing, and that's kinda close now that power creep has made it mostly irrelevant for anyone playing above 3* level. Still, at it's core I think Taco Thing still is the ultimate improvement.
  • MikeG72
    MikeG72 Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    I've championed all of my 3*s save for Ragnorak, Dr. Strange, and Thanos. My progress among all of those that I've championed? Let's just say that it's going so slowly that a slug riding on a glacier told me to hurry up. My highest level is 192 - they are Hulk, Kamala Khan.

    I have one 4* champ - Nick Fury, with high-level Ant-Man, Elektra, Invisible Woman, Ghost Rider, X-Force Wolvie, and Kingpin in the wings.