Gone For The Holidays *Updated (1/2/17)



  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    DFiPL wrote:
    Moon Roach wrote:
    Smudge wrote:
    Moon Roach wrote:
    I just re-read this and realised, he didn't say that they're not in the office on 2nd January. We get 2 non-weekend days for New Year, I thought USA had at least one.
    It depends on the business. If one's line of work typically follows banking and federal government observed holidays, then they would be off work Monday the 2nd as observed New Year's Day. Many standard businesses do not; it depends on how management approaches it.

    I work in IT for a major US corporation, and our corporate unit shuts down for a week and a half to two weeks over the holidays. My department is 24x7x365 IT operations support, however, so we still staff even on Christmas Day (which I worked last year).

    My wife works in food/beverage insurance, and they follow banker holidays; her company will not be in the office on the 2nd.

    Wow, so businesses have a choice as to whether or not to give their staff Monday 2nd as a holiday? Not wanting to get too off-topic, it does seem unfair, unless there's some other recompense.

    Going completely off-topic... We have Waitangi Day (6th February) and ANZAC Day (25th April) as national holidays. Until a few years ago, if either was on a weekend, tough. Then they were "Mondayised", so if either falls on a weekend we get the following Monday as a day off instead. Most shops and cafes are still open, but often cafes will add a surcharge of up to 20%.

    Does any of that 20% go into the pockets of the employees working the cafe that day to compensate them for having to work when the white collar folk are off, or is it business owners taking advantage of people having the day off to charge them more?

    The justification is that staff costs are increased, so there's an expectation that the surcharge is passed on. I don't know anyone who works in that industry, so have no direct knowledge as to whether or not it is. I would guess that some do, some don't.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Moon Roach wrote:
    I just re-read this and realised, he didn't say that they're not in the office on 2nd January. We get 2 non-weekend days for New Year, I thought USA had at least one.
    Apologies everyone. That was my mistake. We are in fact not in the office today on January 2nd. (It was listed on our 2017 Holiday sheet, as opposed to the 2016, so that's why I missed it initially. icon_e_confused.gif )

    Smudge is correct, however, in that it is dependent on the business as to whether or not they choose to offer time off on New Year's Day Observed. From personal experience though, I've noticed a decent amount of retail / contract employees are still required to work on New Year's Day Observed.
  • mhorham
    mhorham Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Sorry , I'm afraid I'm going to have to call out brigby on this vacation thing. First of all i get that it's Christmas and new year and people like to be home with their families , I get it.however if you say your going to monitor the forums and then don't then your being dishonest with the people who are supporting your game.how do I know you did not monitor the forum ? Because if you did monitor the forum you would know what a serious issue the galactus bug was during the anniversary event and have a answer promptly on 1/2/17 rather than updating us to let us know that that your taking another day off. I know it's just a game and all but would really kill you to show some respect for the people who are supporting your product?
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    mhorham wrote:
    Sorry , I'm afraid I'm going to have to call out brigby on this vacation thing. First of all i get that it's Christmas and new year and people like to be home with their families , I get it.however if you say your going to monitor the forums and then don't then your being dishonest with the people who are supporting your game.how do I know you did not monitor the forum ? Because if you did monitor the forum you would know what a serious issue the galactus bug was during the anniversary event and have a answer promptly on 1/2/17 rather than updating us to let us know that that your taking another day off. I know it's just a game and all but would really kill you to show some respect for the people who are supporting your product?

    Honestly...if the dude's on holiday, he's not obligated to come here and work.
  • mhorham wrote:
    Sorry , I'm afraid I'm going to have to call out brigby on this vacation thing. First of all i get that it's Christmas and new year and people like to be home with their families , I get it.however if you say your going to monitor the forums and then don't then your being dishonest with the people who are supporting your game.how do I know you did not monitor the forum ? Because if you did monitor the forum you would know what a serious issue the galactus bug was during the anniversary event and have a answer promptly on 1/2/17 rather than updating us to let us know that that your taking another day off. I know it's just a game and all but would really kill you to show some respect for the people who are supporting your product?

    get. a. grip.
  • mhorham
    mhorham Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Really springgoat and dragonnexus my comments were neither irrational or extreme requiring me to get a grip. If you make commitments and then break them you lose credibility and brigby is to new to start squandering that valuable commodity .I've been playing this game for quite awhile and you can tell by the number of posts that I pretty much go with the flow. If you think my little bit of helpful criticism is to harsh maybe it is you that should "get a grip"
  • mhorham wrote:
    Really springgoat and dragonnexus my comments were neither irrational or extreme requiring me to get a grip. If you make commitments and then break them you lose credibility and brigby is to new to start squandering that valuable commodity .I've been playing this game for quite awhile and you can tell by the number of posts that I pretty much go with the flow. If you think my little bit of helpful criticism is to harsh maybe it is you that should "get a grip"

    Well it comes across as a massive snivel from where i'm standing.

    I'm not sure exactly what 'commitments' he's failed to adhere to... he essentially posted a 'gone on holidays' note - which equates to: unless the house is burning down, we'll deal with when we get back.

    I'm assuming the Galactus thing didn't equate to a burning house.... and i tend to agree.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    mhorham wrote:
    If you think my little bit of helpful criticism is to harsh maybe it is you that should "get a grip"

    Ahh, here's the issue. You think that was "critique". It wasn't, it was complaining. And rather unjust complaining too.

    Yeah, he said he'd pop on the forum to see if things were okay. And you know what? Things are okay. Yes, Galactus is bugged. What do you expect him to do about it? The devs are on holiday. There was no massive crash failure or any big disaster. The only problem was a known one, that Galactus was a bit buggy. And you know what, they'll probably get onto sorting that out when they get back from their holidays.

    The dude was on holiday. He has literally no obligation to sit on an internet forum and shoot the breeze with us, especially if he's not getting paid to do so. Hell, chances are he can't even find anything out since the offices will be closed. Just let the dude have some time off for goodness sake. Lord knows I'd have liked some more time off around Christmas without having to deal with the burden of work.
  • nyck1118
    nyck1118 Posts: 106 Tile Toppler
    mhorham wrote:
    Sorry , I'm afraid I'm going to have to call out brigby on this vacation thing. First of all i get that it's Christmas and new year and people like to be home with their families , I get it.however if you say your going to monitor the forums and then don't then your being dishonest with the people who are supporting your game.how do I know you did not monitor the forum ? Because if you did monitor the forum you would know what a serious issue the galactus bug was during the anniversary event and have a answer promptly on 1/2/17 rather than updating us to let us know that that your taking another day off. I know it's just a game and all but would really kill you to show some respect for the people who are supporting your product?

    Wow. Entitlement is strong in this one.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just Dropped In
    Hi everybody,

    seriously I have to support Dragon_Nexus' opinion here.

    What happended with galactus was not the end of the world.

    Complain less - enjoy more!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just Dropped In
    Ans now Brigby, bring us some updates!!! icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif
  • Philly484
    Philly484 Posts: 173 Tile Toppler
    As much as I would like an update as well, I agree that some are a little too entitled for their own britches. I am still aggravated over the Galactus thing, but we all knew they would be out for holidays, so when we get an actual update be happy. If we don't get an update as to what happened then by all means scream and shout from the rooftops.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hi everyone. I really do appreciate everyone's support. Having said that though, let's not argue any more. It's a New Year! Let's start it off with some friendliness icon_e_smile.gif
    mhorham wrote:
    Sorry , I'm afraid I'm going to have to call out brigby on this vacation thing. First of all i get that it's Christmas and new year and people like to be home with their families , I get it.however if you say your going to monitor the forums and then don't then your being dishonest with the people who are supporting your game.how do I know you did not monitor the forum ? Because if you did monitor the forum you would know what a serious issue the galactus bug was during the anniversary event and have a answer promptly on 1/2/17 rather than updating us to let us know that that your taking another day off. I know it's just a game and all but would really kill you to show some respect for the people who are supporting your product?
    I'm sorry to hear that you felt I was being dishonest. The Galactus bug was in fact an issue we were aware of, and we provided that information to the developers before going on break. I wasn't able to provide any update during the holidays though, because there was no new information to update with, not because we didn't care.

    Now that everyone is back in the office though, I'll be sure to follow up with this issue and inquire whether there is any news regarding that topic.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brigby wrote:
    I wasn't able to provide any update during the holidays though, because there was no new information to update with, not because we didn't care.

    I suppose that's the issue in general. Not that you didn't communicate, but forumites in general associate "No word" with "Something's being hidden" or "They don't care to talk to us".

    So unless you come on here every day and make a fresh post saying "We've got no news yet, I'll keep you informed" then people are going to assume one or the other.
    But then there are people who're generally more patient and give the benefit of the doubt and will simply wait until there *is* word about something.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    We are busy working on a few features in 2017, including one that should be coming very soon that will improve the overall player experience and hopefully makes everyone very happy.


    When will then be now?

    I know you can't give specifics, and that all timeframes are tentative, but is this something that we might hope to see this month? Next patch, maybe?

    EDIT: Meant to post this in the Patch Notes thread. Whoops?